The attack at the mall and a old friend and a new face

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(Out of story:just so ya know this is young steve and peggy)

Peter's point of view: me wanda and emma are in the mall shopping emma is having the best time of her life then wanda sees pepper potts and morgen stark so wanda and peter go to them with emma holding wanda and Peter's hands peter taps pepper's shoulder making her and morgen turn around "peter wanda its good to see you both again" pepper says hugging them "you too pepper" Wanda and peter say as emma shyly hides behind Wanda peter chuckled "come on out its ok they wont hurt you" peter says to emma but she doesn't move morgen runs tackling peter hugging him tight as she hasn't seen her big brother figure since her dad's funeral wanda emma and pepper giggle peter chuckled as morgen hugs peter tight then tackles wanda who is like her big sister figure peter chuckled as pepper helps peter up picking up morgen so wanda gets up once she is up she picks up emma "who is this beautiful girl" pepper asks "h hi im emma" emma says shyly hiding her face in wanda's hair then they hear a gunshot "pepper take morgen and emma and hide" wanda says as emma pepper and morgen hide peter taps his chest and wanda taps her belt "Averagers!!" A man shouts as him and his friends aim their guns at peter and wanda "lesson one: never intrude on a woman's shopping" wanda says "lesson two: never steal someone's stuff" peter says webbing the captain America shield that the man stole from sam and bucky but a few men bring pepper morgen and emma peter spots bucky who nods to him so peter throws to bucky who catches it then hope and scott grow to normal size "averagers assemble" peter says as the men run at the team but three men are holding pepper emma and morgen hostage pepper stabs the man holding her making him shoot her in the shoulder hope and scott take down the men holding the hostages and hope tends to the wound on pepper morgen crying not wanting to loss her mom two arrows fly in hitting two men that are about to hit wanda and peter wanda turns around seeing clint and his daughter lila. Wanda nods then takes down the last man emma running and jumping into wanda's arms scared a bullet flys at wanda but peter uses his powers that he shares with wanda to stop the bullet Peter's hands have a scarlet mist around them then morgen jumps into Peter's arms crying into his shoulder then news reporters cops and medics come in a civilian had a hidden camera recording to whole fight and how the averagers worked together then the averagers leave the mall wanda emma peter and morgen go to averagers tower once they enter the tower to see steve rogers "well well well look who finally decided to come back from the past" wanda says making steve chuckle "wanda parker good to see you again" steve says "uncle steve!" Morgen yells hugging him "hey kiddo" steve says as emma gets excited and about to go fangirl until the news comes on showing what happened at the man "morgen look away" wanda says morgen does so then the video stops "mr. parker mrs. parker" friday says "yes friday" peter and wanda say at the same time "i found a video of a girl named khamla khan in a crash near here it seems she is alright but then a unknown man injected something into her system" Friday says "alraight where is miss khan now" wanda asks "the hospital ma'am" Friday says as a woman walks into the room peter and wanda smiled knowing exactly who she is "steve who are these four" peggy asks "this is peter parker then we have wanda maximoff then morgen stark and i just met the other little one" steve says "im emma emma maximoff parker" emma says and steve's eyes widened in shook and happness "peg can you watch the girls?" Steve asks "yeah i can" peggy says as peter opens a cabinet pressing a button a wall slides up revealing caps old sheild but its been remade with vibranom "here cap you might need this" peter says grabbing the shield out of a glass case "where did you get that" peggy asks "i have my ways mrs. Carter" peter says handing cap the shield "you had T'chaila cover it in vibranom and repaint it didn't you peter" steve says "it wasn't just my idea" peter says "who else's idea was it" steve asks "mine" wanda says "well you both have my thanks" steve says as wanda taps her belt and peter his chest "we will visit miss khan and steve you can see pepper she could use someone who was close to tony besides me and morgen" peter says "sounds like a plan" steve says as he goes to his motorcycle while peter and wanda go outside and start swinging.

The hospital (3 AM)

Peter knocks on khmala's hospital room door "come in" khmala says so wanda and peter walk in no longer in the suits until a man gun to Peter's head but khmala knocks the man out using her new powers that she got when injected with something "i im scared i dont know what to do miss maximoff" khmala says "sh sh sh its ok miss khan" wanda says placing a hand on khmala's arm as peter holds wanda's hand now showing khmala what happened to peter when she was dusted and he was in space as the two knew each other from school.

A few minutes later

Peter and wanda wake up after khmala who is hugging peter tight as she missed him so much this make him and Wanda smile "can we move you to a more secure place so you can control your abilities and rest?" Wanda asks "yeah we just gotta tell my mom dad and uncle" khmala says "we can do that for you" peter says As he gets out his phone to see a message from Friday saying that tony left a message for him and wanda peter plays the message as a hologram of tony appears tears forming in Peter's eyes "hello pete wanda if you get this message it means that you are the only leaders of the averagers left that i trust to lead the team and future averagers two future averagers i saw in a vision before i passed were khmala khan and lila barton but it is up to them if they join or not but the is besides the point i am also leaving this message to say that i am leaving you peter with my suits that were being made before my passing as for you wanda someone i never got along with but cared for like you were my own kid i left you with something i had repaired in secret as i knew nat and clint would kill me i left your brother's suit to you along with a mansion for you and peter friday is yours to command i also had hope make a suit for miss khan good bye my family" tony's hologram says as it powers off peter and wanda with tears rolling down their faces then khmala hugs wanda and peter they hug her back until there is a knock on the door seeing bucky "am i intruding on something" bucky asks "na man ya fine anyways what brings you here" peter asks and says "well i heard about this little girl so I decided to stop by" bucky says then khmala starts to go all fan girl as she see bucky "oh not again" bucky mumbles then steve walks in with pepper holding onto him pepper noticed the tears on Wanda and Peter's faces khmala sits up "can we go?" Khmala asks "yes please i need out of here" pepper says as her Wanda peter steve bucky and khmala go to averagers tower.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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