in the memory

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(Out of story:hey there sorry for the short part but it's just a remembrance of someone)

Peter's point of view: I remember when he started as a nobody before I had my powers before thanos before the avengers were a thing before wanda and I met he started out in a cave making his first suit then a few years later he was called in by nick fury who recruited him to form the avengers tony was one of the leaders then after that he accidentally created Ultron the whole team got out alive but with a price of Wanda's brother petro who gave his life for clint and a kid then after that he recruited me to help him fight the other avengers that's when I met wanda but steve beat tony down then a few years later tony met doctor strange and the guardians of the galaxy I became a official avenger and we fought thanos and lost we got stuck in space for 5 years once we got back to earth tony left to be with his wife and daughter in the woods but then steve and the remaining avengers who were steve Bruce nat scott went to see tony and tell him about the time travel idea Scott came up with tony said it was to risky which it is but in the end came the second and final part of the war against thanos the team brought everyone back with the help of clint rocket and nebula who got stuck in the past but ended up escaping with the help of her sister gamora who saved clint then once tony got the gantlet he snapped his fingers turning thanos and his army to dust but losing his life in the process then at his funeral the avengers the gardens doctor strange nick fury and many others showed up he will be remembered by many a hero but me he is a legend the legendary iron man.

May parker's point of view: I've been gone for 5 years and to hear your nephew and the man he looked at like a father both sacrificed themselves for earth's survival peter he was a sweet boy when I found out he was spiderman I knew that I couldn't stop him from saving people but him going to space I didn't expect that once I was brought back to life from dust somehow I miss my nephew so much.

wanda maxinoff and peter parker (a spiderwitch story)Where stories live. Discover now