he's alive! and the kid

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May parker's point of view:I just saw the news I saw video that a man broadcasted to the world I saw a man with a beard he was wearing Peter's spiderman suit could peter be alive no he can't be he has been dead for 5 years I have to find out for myself so I go to avengers tower. Once I arrived at the tower I ring the doorbell the a female voice answered "you can come in" so I go inside I look around then I see statues of the fallen avengers that being quicksilver and iron man "no statue of spiderman" I say to myself "mrs. Parker" a girl says walking up yo me "how do you know who I am" I ask the girl "I'm wanda maxinoff and I'm a avenger I need to know who I meet" wanda says "I'm sorry about your brother but I'm here with a question about a missing person I thought was dead for years but turns out to not be dead" I say to Wanda who whistles and a man drops from the roof he has a beard the man smiled "I knew you would come looking for him" wanda says "hey aunt may" peter says then u stuttered "p-p-peter!" I shout hugging him tight "I thought you were dead" I say "never died thanks to my wife" peter says "w-wife!" I shout in suprise then Wanda shows her hand with the ring on it "oh my God my nephew is getting married!!" I shout in happiness this made wanda and peter giggle and cuddle each other then I pull out my phone and take a picture of them "i have to go print this out" i say "ok love you aunt may" peter says to me "love you both" i say leaving.

Wanda's point of view: me and Peter go to check on the kid we found who was covered in blood and cuts she hasn't left the tower or me or peter like she feels safe around us and I think she considers me and peter her parents as her real parents abandoned her the she was adopted by the man who kidnapped me and peter he beat her cut her until me and peter recused her and are now keeping her safe "hey there wanna tell me your name?" I ask the girl sweetly "Emma" the girl says "well I'm wanda that there is peter" I says pointing to peter who is asleep as he hasn't had a good night sleep since thanos ruined his life "can you two be my parents" emma asks "of course sweetie" I say as peter wakes up hearing the conversation "sure we can emma" peter says then Emma hugs me and peter tight and protectively this makes me and peter smile and hug her back then me peter and Emma go out to shop emma is on my shoulders.

wanda maxinoff and peter parker (a spiderwitch story)Where stories live. Discover now