capítulo dos

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I was applying my lip gloss when I heard a knock on my door.

"Are you decent?" my dad asked.

"Yeah, come in" I turned to the door. "How do I look?" I asked him.

"Way too short," he said, eyeing my pants. "Oh, I'm not wearing this. I'm wearing something way shorter don't worry" I laughed as he rolled his eyes.

"Are you meeting your new friends there?" He asked me. "Yes I am", I answered, looking for shoes. "Are they good or bad?" He asked. "Mm two of them are good the next one still questionable" I shrugged, looking at a pair of sneakers. "Questionable how?" He asked. "I don't know she's just different dad."

"Have you heard from your brothers recently?" I sat next to him. "No, why?"

"No reason just curious. Be safe. Home before seven" I looked at him. "It's six," I said. "I know" he kissed my forehead and left my room. It's been a long time since I've heard from them. I hope they're okay.

At The Club•

I arrived at the same time as Rebe.

"Look at you! You look sexy chica!" she intertwined our arms. "So do you", I replied, laughing at the compliment. 

"Check out the outfit. Do you know that you look like a pharaoh?" She looked at Nadia, who just gave a half-smile. "Let's go!" Samuel and Nadia followed behind us. "Enjoy the queue guys" She threw up peace signs. "Good night, gentleman. We're on the list of... What was his name?" She asked. "Valerio", Nadia replied. They opened the door, and we walked in.

Everyone danced around to the music without a care in the world.

"Come on, let's get a drink now!"

I think Rebe and I would be great friends. She's spunky and takes no shit. We walked toward the bar, but I looked back and saw Samuel still standing on the stairs staring, Guzmán walking towards him. "Rebe", I tapped her shoulder. She looked, then took my hand and made me sit. "Not our fight chica." I let out a breath. She's right; I don't know anything about the situation at hand besides what could I do.

"Let him order downstairs, where I can't see him!" Guzmán yelled, pushing Samuel hard. "Guzmán!" Nadia ran and held him back.  

"Do you think I want to look at your face?" Samuel replied. "What was that? I must have misheard you," Guzmán growled. He looked like a mad man.

"So let's see if you hear this right. I'm not to blame for Marina's death! My brother did not kill her," Samuel said. I'm always astonished by how he keeps his cool. "Really? So who did? Blow our minds, champ! Who killed her?" Guzmán yelled. 

"I don't know! I'm not a detective, but at least I'm trying to find out!" Samuel yelled, entirely losing his cool and shoved Guzmán. Valerio was holding him back, Nadia still holding Guzmán back. By now, Lucrecia, who's always around Guzmán, has appeared.

"You know who are detectives? The ones who put your brother in prison, where he'll rot for the rest of his life" Guzmán started his face getting red again, jawline guy and the curly-haired boy showed up. "I hope they crack his head open, so he knows what it feels like." he lunged at Samuel, looking crazy.

I felt Rebe squeeze my hand.

"Guzmán", the curly-haired boy yelled, running towards the scuffle and helped pull Guzmán away from Samuel.

"That's enough!" Lucrecia yelled.

"Fucking hell, Ander!" Guzmán yelled, fighting against his grip as he pulled him off. Oh, he has a cute name. Lucrecia told Valerio to deal with Samuel.

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