capitulo diez

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"Melanie, wake up!" I slowly tried opening my eyes. "What time is it?" I internally recoiled at the taste now present in my mouth. "Your parents have been calling you," I heard my ring tone playing out, followed by something being dropped in my hand.

"Melanie Jordan! You better have a damn good excuse for ignoring our calls these past few days!" I jumped up, hearing my father's pissed off tone. "Dad! It was Nicolas. He threatened to kill me, you, mom, everyone. If I didn't give him the money, I didn't know what else to do!" I rushed out.

"Fuck!" He yelled.

I dropped the phone on the bed, making eye contact with Polo.

•Next Day•

"They're coming back today. We'll discuss everything after school," I told Rebe, writing some notes. "That's good. Hopefully, you'll be safer," she replied, casually chewing gum scrolling through her phone.
The bell rang. "To class, we go," I packed up my stuff.

"Good luck on your test, chica," she kissed my cheek.

"Thank you," I kissed her back.

I entered the class and saw Polo talking to Carla. I debated whether or not to sit there, but there's no reason for me to be petty. I went over and sat next to him. "Buenos dias, Carla. Querido" I gripped his chin. "Buenos dias querida" he leaned over to kiss me on the lips.

I took out my pen for the test, which is not much. "¡Buenos dias! Qué caritas de sueño. Espeno que sea porque habéis estudiado." I was slightly nervous at what she said cause I didn't really study. I said a silent prayer, and then I heard shouting. I whirled around to see Guzmán; why is he always yelling about something?

I shook my head and swirled around to focus.

"Gracias, profesora," I said, leaving class after the exam. Okay, I still have time; maybe Polo and I can spend some time together. "Oh, sorry, Melanie," Cayetanna muttered, stepping around me quickly. Polo following "Polo I-" he cut me off. "Mel, I really need to talk to her. I'll be right back," he walked around me.

I guess not.


"Hi, I'm home!" I called, taking off my shoes. "We're in the kitchen, hun," I walked in. My mom hugged me. "Sweetie, never scare us like that again," she peppered kisses on my face. I heard my dad clear his throat. "Melanie, I'm not upset with you. I understand, but next time, please say something. Don't not answer your phone. That scares us even more," he told me.

"I was going to tell you guys, honest. I would wait till he took a decent amount; that way, maybe an alarm would go off or something, and you would deal with it without you guys getting hurt or me," I explained. "Well, we did, that's why we called, but you wouldn't pick up silly girl!" my mom pinched my cheek in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"How much did he get?" I asked curiously. "Not much," my dad replied. "He was injured. Do you know why that is?" I asked again. They made eye contact. "Some of his gang members turned on him. What happens when you're a prick!"

"Hey!" My mom glared at him, "Melanie, you aren't in trouble, darling. Your dad has people looking for him. Everything is going to be okay." Mom tried to soothe the situation. "Wait, so he can still come and hurt me? What about Louis, can he?" I started hyperventilating. "Sweetie, calm down! No one's going to hurt you. Louis is dead."

"Are you sure?" She made me sit. "Yes. Louis is dead, Melanie. Leave it." Dad declared sternly, slamming his hand on the tabletop.

"Melanie, hun, come here, please!" My mom yelled. I sniffled and made my way to their room. "Yes?" I wiped my eyes. "Come sit, sweetie." She patted the bed. I sat, and she wrapped me in her arms. "Suzi is okay. It just fractured her tibia; she's going to be fine."
I gasped. "That's great, but everyone thinks I'm crazy now. No one talks to me or sits next to me." I started weeping. "Her family wants to sue us, but we're working on it. Your dad and I, we're going to make it go away, and the pain is going to stop." She kissed my forehead, "All the pain."

STILL THINKING ABOUT YOU ◆| POLO |◆ ELITE (BEING EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now