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"I found two of these." He showed her the second one.

Shruti took it from him and unwrapped the brush. She threw the plastic cover in a corner, as there was nowhere to throw it.

The toothbrush was made of metal, but the bristles were like any other toothbrush's bristles. There were a few buttons on the toothbrush too. Hanuman too unwrapped the toothbrush like Shruti did, and stared at the brush for a while, just like Shruti. Shruti got up, went to a corner, and stretched her hand. She then pressed the first button on the toothbrush. The bristles became wet and a few drops of water fell to the metal floor. Then, there were a few traces of a white substance on the tip of the bristles. Shruti looked at them closely.

Toothpaste! That's toothpaste!

She wanted to put the brush in her mouth and brush her teeth, but she controlled herself and pressed the second button. The bristles moved on their own. She pressed the third button and the toothpaste on the tips went back in. The bristles too went in a bit, and the thing became a vacuum.

Shruti understood how to use it and brushed her teeth. She then told Hanuman what she understood. He was surprised to hear her explanation. He later said that he wouldn't use it. He would use what he used to brush his teeth. Shruti smiled and let it go. She then spent time in the room, walking, talking to Hanuman and thinking. Soon, the whole day went by. When the man had come to deliver the plastic box in the afternoon, Shruti asked him when they could meet their leader, but he went away without answering.

How long more? When will we see the leader?... By the way, I was right. We'll get food only once a day.

She sat analysing her plans and her routine, almost the whole night. The rest of the time, she spent convincing Hanuman to be a little more patient.

The second night went by. The next morning, Shruti brushed her teeth the same way as the previous day. She removed the knots in her hair with her fingers, and combed her hair in her usual style with her fingers itself. Then, she ran her palm down her hair, to make it look presentable. She then spent the morning and afternoon in the room. Now, even she was starting to get impatient. How long more could she wait? Then finally, at around 4 pm, five men in the same uniform, led by the same lady with short hair, along with a boy arrived. Shruti looked at them hoping that they could finally meet the leader. The boy wore a black leather jacket, and a red t-shirt, with a chain around his neck. He wore black jeans and black shoes. His black belt was a little difficult to spot. He was fair, with thick black hair, and brown eyes. He too wore a watch like Shruti's. But his watch was totally black, unlike Shruti's, whose watch's belt was black, but the main circular structure of the watch was pale white.

The boy was an inch taller than Shruti but he looked as if he were her age. He was quite good-looking. He did not seem to be interested in whatever was going on. He kept looking at the walls of the cave. The lady turned to the men. "Let the girl out."

One of them said, "But Zora ma'am..."

"Didn't you hear me? Let the girl out."

The man came near the buttons and pressed one of them. A part of the glass in the left corner slid upwards. Shruti slowly walked to the narrow exit, and Hanuman followed her. Zora said to Hanuman, "Not you. Only the girl."

"But why?"

"Because she's aware of all this."

Hanuman could not understand why all this was happening, and kept quiet. Meanwhile, Shruti got out of the room reluctantly, while constantly looking at Hanuman and stood a little distance away from the people. Hanuman could tell that she didn't want to go without him. The boy suddenly turned to her and stared at her.

THE MINI ADVENTURES OF SHRUTIWhere stories live. Discover now