Chapter 11

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  I looked up at the ceiling of stars. It was breathtaking all of the stars together shining on the ceiling. I can’t believe that happened today, the people are fighting back. This means that everything I planned is falling in line, I know that all the rebels now know my plan, that won’t stop me because I still have one more trick up my sleeve. I turn the lights back on and the stars off and go back down stairs. I take a deep breath and open the door to my father’s meeting room. This room is full of dark red curtains and a large chandelier hangs from the ceiling that lights up the whole room with a warm glow. The paint on the walls is white. I put on a fake smile for everyone. “Good evening my friends” The first lie of the evening, “So as you know sadly many doctors were killed in the bombing” I say and everyone nods their heads sadly. 
Someone takes a sip of of wine and looks up from the table mesmerized by it, “I must say this is a beautiful table” The woman says her black hair was full of gray, but it still looked pretty, and her eyes are a gold brown color, she is wearing red lipstick that is now encrusting the crystal wine glass I had customly made. 
She wipes her hands on the napkin on her lap she has on a black dress that makes her look younger than she really is and I’m sure the plastic surgery is a major contender. “Thank you, it is maybe from a water crystal” I say with a smile holding up my wine glass and drinking, ah the only time I don't smile. “I love your earrings” Which was a lie, the earrings were pure diamond and they hung low on her short neck. 
A man stood up; he was in a full army uniform with metals decorating his chest, his completely white hair standing out among everyones with hair dye nearly covering their heads. “We need to come up with a plan, the rebels are creeping up on us as we speak” He seems like a good person, I would hate to kill him. 
My bodyguard tells me his name, “So what is your plan Senator MacQuiod” I say to him, and take a drink of wine, “Well you stood up and made a statement” I say as the Senator stares at me fear in his eyes. “What is your idea? We are all here to hear it”. 
Senator MacQuiod finally speaks “I,I” He says, but he can’t finish his sentence, he along with everyone else begins coughing then blood falls from their noses and they die, each of them are dead. 
I wipe my hands on the napkin “Yes Senator” I say I turn to my assistant; like all my assistants they are required to wear white women wear white dresses that are plain and men wear white suits. She stands at the ready with a pencil in hand and a piece of paper, “I want an interview for a new senator” I say and the lady nods her head. She is not permitted to talk to me, simply because her status is lower than mine. “Oh and do put your hair up dear” I say with a smile, but my tone is threatening and she nods her head, tying her blond hair in a bun as she leaves through the dark cherry oak door. “Wonderful, I want all of these people out of my sight by the time I come back in here” I say and my bodyguard nods his head. I clap my hands together admiring my new nails. “Well I think I’m going to go to bed now Drake I’ll see you in the morning” I say standing up and walking out of the dining hall. I look at a picture of my father and smile, “Yes father I am killing all your friends” I say and walk to my room,as I walk up the stairs I look at them and think, marble stairs would be lovely. I change into my robe and I wait until my bath is ready then I shed the robe off of my pale skin and step into my rose gold bathtub. The bath water was perfect, I sink into the steaming bath water letting the water go over my head when I come up to the surface I have a pair of satin striped pajamas on the marble counter. I wash my hair and body. The soap is the smell of lavender and mint and it’s perfect for right before bed calming me from my stress. When I get changed I brush my teeth and when I spit I see blood in the sink, I look at it confused and partly confused. When I step out of my all white marble bathroom with my pink slippers I look in my room and see that my bed was already made with white sheets and a gold comforter, I take my slippers off and go to bed. Sleep came easy for me, only when I fell asleep I had that same dream from the girl, it is fading but it’s still there. I wake up screaming  and my bodyguard comes into my room with a look of concern on his face. “It’s alright Drake I’m fine” I say and he turns around and goes back to his room and to sleep, some bodyguard. I think to myself before falling back into an endless sleep with no nightmare. As I woke up my gold curtains were open once again and the sunshines through the window, only my window wasn’t open, but a fire was going in my marble fireplace. I look outside and I see the ground covered in white, I open my window and it was freezing so I shut the window quick, and I walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth once again and brush my hair, when I walk back out my makeup crew is waiting for my I roll my eyes and put my robe on and walk out. When I sit down they put the eyeshadow on my eyes. It is white of course, and then they give me a cat eye in black eyeliner.They hold up a white haired wig and I look at it, it still gave me short hair only it also gave me bangs. My stylist looks at me biting at his lip, I nod my head and the first put a netting on my head to hide my original hair then they put the white wig on my head then after they put on the wig they talk about what lipstick would be good then they finally settle on bright red. Then came the clothes. They dressed me first in a white sweater that was snug around me, then I had to put on a pair of white pants that nearly covered me ankles until I put on the heels that are white with a black strip on the bottom, I smiled at the shoes. After that they gave me a coat that was like a doctor's coat only it can be tied and buttoned up and then they put a huge fur coat over that, I felt the coat with the bottom of my cheek, it was so soft, it was like I was wearing a cloud. Then I’m escorted out of the house with my bodyguard. The snow was already shoveled up from the path. As I walk out the press comes running up to us but my guard manages to get me out of there and opens the door to the snow white car I sit down and as I sit there I was thinking about the meeting I was going to have.
My driver rolls down the window. “Miss foster,you look lovely” he says I look like I do everyday and everyday he compliments me, he’s complimented me since I was a child with the same “Miss Foster” and everyday I smile. “You are having brunch with the new senator your servant picked out” He says, this better be a good senator or she will be answering to me. I look through the window of the newly fallen snow, I smile at the crisp white snow on the ground. It was the twenty third already. “Can you believe this beautiful snow out here Miss Foster”. My driver says, When he looks back at me a look of concern was on his face. “What’s on your mind Miss. Foster” He says, as his green eyes look at me through the mirror. 
I usually tell him everything but this time I’m not saying anything, when I brushed my teeth and found blood in my sink I was concerned because for the first time I had to drink the wine that had the poison in it as well to avoid suspicion. “Nothing, I was just looking at the snow” I say and my driver looks at me. “It really is beautiful” I say and the driver smiles. “Where am I going for brunch?” I ask him because for some reason I don’t want this to be a silent car ride. 
My driver looks at me, “Look out the window Miss. Foster” He says and I do as he says and I see the place, The Une Viennoiserie, the best breakfast restaurant and one of the most expensive. I love this restaurant, they serve the best food. “Requested by the new senator” He says I nod my head and my bodyguard opens my door and the flood of people come rushing by me. 
We make it into the restaurant, “Ah Miss Foster, right this way” the waiter says with a thick french accent. I follow him and my bodyguard stands outside the door, we sit down at a table and that’s when I see him it’s Keanu staring right back at me. What kind of sick joke is this why would my servant request him. “Could I interest you two, a drink.” The waiter says looking at us. 
Keanu’s eyes sparkle. He's never been in a place like this before so decides to do the talking. “Yes we will have two momosias please” I say watching my tone the waiter nods his head and walks away. “What are you doing here?” I say to Keanu and he looks at me, his eyes still sparkling.  
I was happy to see him even if I didn’t want to admit it. “I’m here for the job of the senate” He says leaning back in his chair and I kick his shin and he sits back up. “Oh you wear heels now shorty” He says this time I wasn’t laughing, this joke was between friends and Keanu is not a friend. “I’m tired of the inefficient rebellion,”  He says and with this smile. I am happy to realize that Keanu has come to his senses.
The waiter comes back with our momosias and I realize he’s probably never had a momosias. “What would you like to eat?” the waiter asked. 
I look at the waiter with a smile, “We will have a croissant and jams please” I say and the watier nods his head and walks back to the kitchen. “So what are you really doing here?” I ask Keanu. 
I fake laughs, “Everything I just told you plus” Keanu takes my hand, “I missed you” at this I blush a little because the truth is I missed him too. I don’t want to trust anyone, but I don’t see a reason not to trust Keanu, I used to tell him everything about me when we were in the camps and he hasn’t said anything yet, but then I remember he was a spy, but of course it doesn’t look like anyone but him was here. The waiter comes back with our breakfast, “Merci” Keanu says and I’m amazed, then they start having a full conversation in french. When the waiter walks away I look at him. “Isn’t one of your main allies France?” He says, so that’s why he picked this place. “I like the hair by the way,” he says, taking a bit out of the croissant. I could tell he was trying to be professional, but the minute he ate the croissant he melted. 
I spread jam along my croissant. “I’m not giving this job to you because you're my friend. It's because I need a new senator. '' I say and he laughs. We shake hands and walk back out of the restaurant. After eating, we go out of the restaurant, and Keanu’s eyes fall on Drake. 
Keanu looks at him, “Well isn’t he a big guy” Drake looks at him in annoyance, I know Drake, but he is the best chance we have. I say in my head we go to the car and the two of us get in the car, “Yana Foster riding in a limousine” He says pouring a glass of scotch. “I thought you did drink,” He says, taking a swig and pouring my own glass. 
I look at him. “I thought you quit,” I say, taking a drink. “Besides there’s a lot of things you thought I didn’t do that I do” I say and Keanu smiles at me. “So where did you get the suit?” I ask him as my eyes trace Keanu’s lean muscular body with my eyes. 
He looks at his suit. “One of your stylists gave it to me” He says then he looks at my outfit,”So where did you get your outfit, a polar bear?” He asks with a chuckle. pouring another glass.
I look at him somewhat annoyed, “No the store” I say the rest of the car ride was silent just the way I like it. As we drive through to my house Keanu looks out the window in amazement. 
Then when we get out of the car Keanu looks at my house. “It’s cozy,” He says and I roll my eyes at him and walk in. I take off my coat and the servant takes it, they take Keanu’s coat too. “Thank you” He says the servant giggles at him,and that sets me off. 
I look at and control my breathing trying to stay calm, “We don’t say thank you to the servants” I say and the servant hurries away. I lead him up the stairs and to one of the empty rooms all that there is a bed and other furniture, but no sheets or blankets, a servant walks over to us. “Could you get some blankets in here and make the bed?" I ask and she nods her head. 
"Keanu walks into the room filled with marble. "So you like marble" Keanu says and he sits on the bed, but has to get back off of the bed when the servant comes back with the sheets. "And gold" He says looking at the sheets. 
I look at him and say simply "nothing says riches with gold" I say and Keanu nods his head.
 "And what's with always wearing white?" He asks. 
I shrug my shoulders and say "It's clean" I say and Keanu nods his head. When the bed is finished Keanu lays down and lets out a sigh of relaxation. I laugh at him because he has never slept on a comfortable bed. Then he looks at the bathroom and gasps at the shower and bathtub. 
He looks at me and I step out of the bathroom and I hear the water running. I walk out of his room and into the star gazing room This is the only place I can fully be myself. I play music and look up at the stars that I can see all the time. "Yana" I hear Keanu saying my name and then he comes up here. "So there is a secret room" He says before he looks at the stars "Wow" He says in a gasp. I smile at him. "So this is where you go after killing people I can see that" He says and fear consumes my face. How does he know that? "Relax why do you think the rebels hate you so much." He says laying down on the cold floor and looking up at the stars. "Keanu looks at me and for a split second he frowns. 
 I look at him "What?"I ask him, a smile on his face once again. Then I just ignore the frown and go back to looking at the stars. We both get up and go back downstairs. "We need to introduce you to the people" I say and my stylist was running up to him with piles upon piles of clothes they were all white. He is taken away and back into his room to be dressed, I put my jackets back on and wait by the door. When Keanu comes back he looks amazing. He was wearing a long white winter jacket with buttons on them and a pair of white pants, his hair is styled so that it sticks up a little. He was also wearing black dress shoes. "You ready to go," I said to him before walking outside. We walked to the back yard and every camera was pointed at us and every rich person was standing up ready to hear my announcement. I smile at the crowd, I have the world in the palm of my hands. "This is Keanu Lania" and they all cheer. Some girls I hear in the crowd are trying to get a better look at him.
Keanu steps up, "I am going to be your new Senator if you would let me, President Foster has already agreed to make me the senator so really you guys don't have a chose" that makes the crowd laughs at this, it was meant to be an insult for me, but the crowd doesn't realize this. A camera man walks up to him and asks him a question, I didn't hear it though "Why of course not, I mean of course I'm good looking. Wouldn't you think?" Keanu asks the crowd and the girls cheer. "But no that is not why I became senator" He says I roll my eyes at him. The crowd was eating him up which made it next to impossible to hurt him in any way and he knows this. "Well goodbye Oxitec and watch out for Crimson Heads" That would usually make them scared, but this time it made them laugh. 
I step back on the stage. "So what do you think of Mr. Lania?" I ask and the crowd cheers for me. No not for me for Keanu, I feel jealousy inside me, but I keep smiling until we are escorted off the balcony and back into my house. “You did that on purpose” I say, shout at him, and Keanu backs away to the door. “You're lucky the people like you otherwise some type of accident would have happened to you already” I say as a threat. 
A servant takes our coats and I walk away, “Thank you” I hear Keanu say and I ignore it. and walk up the stairs to my room. 
I stop at the stairs and turn to the remodeler that is remodeling the office. “I want these stairs to be marble by let’s say the thirtieth” I say cruelty at the remodeler before storming up the stairs, then I think about it. Why am I keeping that room with the stars? It was just for my father and everyone that has betrayed me has been up there. “And get rid of that attic up the stairs” I shout from up the stairs before slamming my door to my room and sitting on the cold marble floor my shoulders shake, but I don’t cry. I was angry, angry at Keanu. Then something swirls inside of me, it was sadness real sadness that I haven’t felt in a long time and I cry and my tears hit the cold floor. I listen to the crackling of the fire and it calms me, then I look at the fire and a smile twists on my face. I know how to get rid of the rebels for good, then someone knocks on the door, I hadn't realized it but I was standing right next to the fire feeling it burning on my face. “Who is it?” I say harshly and turn away from the fire. I looked at them and they were holding a note. It was just a measly servan, I snatched the letter out of there hand and turned back to the fire.
I open the letter unenthusiastically and I know who it’s from almost immediately. I read the letter from Axel. This time the letter wasn’t in his handwriting, but it was typed, “To Miss Foster, well I guess you don’t need any help out there. How is Keanu treating you? I will admit your betrayal hurt but this was the worst I’ve ever seen you, tell me are wearing all that makeup to cover your sunk in eyes from sleepless nights, or is it to cover up how pale you have been since you’ve been drinking the poison to avoid suspicion” The letter said and it infuriated me my hands shake in anger and I through the letter in the fire and smile, that will be you very soon, not just your letter. I think to myself as I chew the inside of my lip and as I do the taste of blood touches my tongue and I put a finger on my lip. A little dot of blood is on my finger, I really do need my nails a different color.
 Silver would be perfect, I call my nail stylist in. “Could you make my nails sharp and silver?” I say and my nail stylist nods her head. That way when I see Axel dead I can carve out his cruel heart. When we were younger he said he would love me forever, but then my stupid sister got in the way, with her perfect hair and teeth, well she’s not even my really sister after my first mother died, my father remarried only for a short time, but it was enough for Axel to fall in love my step sister. Then Axel left me for her and I hated him for it. I still do, I bet he’s never told anyone about it, I think to myself. Or about the dance lessons he used to have with my step sister. Everyone loved my step sister because she was charming and beautiful. Even my own father loved her more than me, he loved her like she was his own daughter. Look who’s laughing now, I look down at my nails, they are extremely long and cut to a sharp point. I smile at the knives on my fingers. I look dangerous and threatening. I love it. My servant looks up at me nervously and I smile at her putting my hand on the top of her head, she is shaking. “It looks beautiful '' I say, giving her a fake smile and I take my hand off her head and she walks out of my room, still shaking. I love it when people are scared of me. It means I am powerful. I get a piece of paper and start writing, “Axel, I am not saying your last name because you are unworthy of it, I want you to know that I know about your little plan, I will let this plan unfold, but it will be unsuccessful however if you come to live with me than none of this will happen. You will not have to bury a friend and your life will be fine. I may not be able to drown you but I can burn you.” I write and I fold up the letter and step back down the stairs. Keanu looks at me in fear, good he should be afraid of me. I hand the letter to the servant and they walk out the door, and this country shall bend to their Queen.         

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