Chapter 5

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I walk around the hallway of the stairs and a gun in my hands, I find some security in the gun Catayla walks over to me and puts her gun behind her back. “Did you find anything yet?” She says quietly and I’m taken back to a time when I was little, my memory was coming back full force. This was a time when I was really little, but not too much , maybe just five, like in every other memory.
I was climbing a crate to get to a window. “Did you find it” Says a little voice. My little hands reach to the window until I feel the white baseball. I come down from the crate and a little boy with red hair, a little Sallow. He’s my childhood friend. The joy in his face was so nice. “You found it '' He  says, jumping up in the air, we run back to the field with baseball gloves and bats. 
I come back to reality with Catayla saying my name, “Yana, did you find anything” She looks in my eyes and I shake my head, she looks at me curiously, but then she just shakes it off. “We should keep going,” She says, nodding my head. We climb the stairs until we reach the fifth level and flys, flying around the room buzzing in our ears. Catayla swads the flys away annoyed, “I hate bugs” She says and I smack my arm to get rid of a bug, it wasn’t a mosquito. Thankfully, I opened one of the doors and the smell of death was too much, Catayla walked in the room and turned up her nose at the smell. There was so much death in just two days' time, Catayla keeps walking in and I grab onto her wrist not wanting her to go any further. She just looks at me for a second then walks in. I followed her gun close to me, making me feel safe, we kept walking until we heard someone crying, we stopped and looked at the person, she was lying on the floor and even through her shirt you could see her ribs she was barely living. Catayla sits down next to her and the girl just backs away until she figures out we are okay. Her light blue eyes are sunken in and we have to help her to her feet, she lets us take her away from this place and when I look around I can see why she wants to leave. She was shaking in our arms the whole way down the stairs. Her dark skin loses it color and she looks almost sick.  Her hair is curled, but instead of it being untangled her hair has tangles all in it, we walk in the apartment and Sallow looks at us then at the girl. Who even though looked light she was getting heavy Sallow comes over, swoops her up and sits her in a chair in the dining room where it looks like he set up camp. Keanu and Axel both walk in and to the dining room, they both look at the girl in shock. 
Keanu sits down next to her and he was shockingly kind, more kind than he was to me when I first came to the camp. “What’s your name?” He asks and Catayla comes back with water and the girl takes it gladly. She drinks the whole glass and when Sallow came back with a bowl of soup the girl nearly was finished. 
She looks around at everyone before speaking. “My name is Nova” She says, her voice was nice, it was like a hushed sound, that was beautiful. She had dark skin, it was almost black but her eyes were breathtaking. She has light blue eyes and I’m reminded of the blue crisp morning sky. “Is there a working shower here” she says her voice still is nice. 
Keanu nods his head. “Yeah I’ll show you” He says and she looks at him. “Not like that, just walking you to the door” he was stambering and Nova laughed at him. They walk to the bathroom and when Keanu comes back he just looks nervus. “Did that really go as bad as I thought it did?” He says ready for us to say yes.
    We all shake our heads, but Axel starts laughing. “That was the worst thing I have ever seen.” He laughed through every word and Keanu looked at him and his face was grim. Axel was still laughing and I nudged him in the side with my elbow, but he ignored me and kept laughing. “You sounded like you wanted to take a shower with her” his laugh was so loud I’m pretty sure anyone could hear us. 
    Keanu just rolls his eyes. “No really dipshit” Keanu says and Axel keeps laughing. Then Keanu starts laughing because he can’t help it anymore. Axel's laugh is too contagious to not laugh.
    Nova comes back out of the bathroom and looks at everyone. “What are we laughing about?” She says, laughing a little.She was wearing one of Keanu’s tee shirts that she was swimming in and a pair of his jeans that she had to tie. 
Keanu stops laughing and says. “Me” He says and everyone stops laughing when Nova walks in. 
Catayla walks up to her and looks at the clothes. “Do you want to wear different clothes?” Catayla says and Nova nods her head, and Catayla leads her to one of the rooms. When Catyala comes back she looks around at everyone and they all look shocked. “What, I can be kind?” She says crossing her arms and sitting down in a chair Sallow looks at her and chuckles, I look at him and he gets the message. 
It’s a good thing too because he was about to say something. “So the girl's name is Nova, now we have one more,” Sallow says, making sure the subject is changed. 
Catayla stops messaging her forehead and she thinks of something. “Yes good job you did simple math”. She says and everyone does a quick laugh. 
Keanu walks up to her and pats her shoulder. “There's Catayla we all know” he says and Catayla gives him a sarcastic smile and Keanu just returns the smile. We all laugh at their brother, sister rivalry. 
Sallow just looks at her even though they play the part of hating each other. Sallow can’t do it, Nova walks into the room and she is wearing a hoodie that Catayla had and a pair of my jeans however the bottom of the jeans go to the top of her ankles she was tall and her hair had no more tangles in it and her hair puffed up on the top of her head, after all the dirt washes away from her you can see a burn mark on the side of her neck. She notices my eyes looking at the burn mark and she makes her hood cover it up. I look away and all of us sit down at the large table, the table is made from oak wood, I remember my mom telling me because I think I did something to make her say that. “So Nova, is there anyone else in this apartment?” Sallow says only she doesn’t answer him. 
Nova turns to Keanu who was chewing on his finger nail, he takes his finger out of his mouth and looks at her. “There are, but they are bad people” Keanu tilts his head, he is obviously uncomfortable but he tries to not show it. “They kept me in the apartment your friends here found me in” She says and Catayla and I both look at each other in shock because now we know where we were. Sallow looks at Catayla and mouths something that I couldn’t make out, but Catayla nods her head. “Most of my friends tried to escape, but they were killed” She says that’s why it smelled like death, not because of Crimson Heads but people. Nova looks and sounds like she is on the verge of tears. Catayla and I were lucky that nobody was there, “That place the two of you were in was an evil place especially for people like you” Nova points to the two of us. This place was a place where women were used for entertainment. I think to myself with such discussion, Axel looks shocked and starts packing again. I look at him and shake my head. He understands and stops packing , the more people in one place the more protected we are. So even though these are bad people, they can still be a protective barrier, a human shield if you will. Catayla was listening to every word, but something else was on her mind as well I could see it. 
Keanu leans in his chair wanting to know more, I can tell this subject made him mad, besides the fact that he picks on us, Keanu is actually very chivalrous. “Are there any others” he asks and Nova shakes her head and Keanu leans back in his chair disappointed he can’t save anyone.  “How old are you?” He asks, hoping she doesn’t say a young age, because of what she’s been through. 
She looks all around the room, each one of us hoping she isn’t a teenager. “I’m twenty three” She says and we all let out a sigh of relief that was still young, but then again all of us are too young for some of the things we’ve seen. 
Catayla gets up  in a hurry and goes to my father's old office. She takes a map and puts it on the dining room table. Everyone gathers around the map and Catayla takes a pen from the desk as well. She crosses out our street that we were in now, and the street we were in. It looks like we are in Albany, New York City, the capital. So many people should be here then just a few people here. Sallow must have been thinking the same thing. “So where is everyone exactly” He asks and Nova just shakes her head. “You don’t know,” Sallow says quietly, slightly disappointed, he looks over at Catayla who seems to understand his disappointment. 
Axel looks at Nova with kind, but scarred eyes, "those people, the evil ones" Axel keeps his eyes on Nova desperate to know answers. "How many are there?" He asked, fear was in his not only his blue-green eyes but also in his voice. Catayla shakes her head like she won't tell him, I can somewhat understand that. "Nova please, I know you have zero reason to trust anyone here, but if you tell us we can help you" Axel says desperation and fear mix inside of him. 
Nova looks at me and whispers something in Axel's ear. I hear it though I wasn't meant to. " It's to protect her isn't it" Axel nods his head and Nova crosses her arms. "There's maybe ten" She says and Axel stands up startled with the number. Maybe, I think to myself that means she doesn't know for sure, there could be more or there could be less. "The majority of them escaped", Nova says looking down at her shoes. 
Axel's attention was focused on Nova once again. "Escape, from where?" He says, sitting down once again only this time I think he knows the answer, but he hopes it's the wrong one. Catayla walks to a chair staring at Nova as well hoping for a different answer to. 
Nova looks at two of them and she bites her lip, not wanting to tell them. " Prison" I felt my heart drop and my stomach swirl with nerves. I look at Catayla and Axel. They both look like they will do anything to protect any of us. Keanu lets out a fake laugh, it's the type of laugh you make when you're scared or angry, or even both. Nova opens her mouth again there's more I think to myself. "Most of them were on death row" she finishes. 
Axel's face is full of fear and Catayla's is full of anger. Keanu throws up his arms "That is much better" he says sarcastically and I can hear him trying to mask the fear in his voice. Sallow doesn't say a word. Now that I think about it he hasn't said a word since he found out nobody else is here. While everyone else was talking about a way out, Sallow and I both sat in silence. Keanu yells at Catayla. "I don't care we are not going anywhere" He says stomping his foot as if to say he's not going anywhere. 
Axel nods his head. "I agree with Keanu, we need to stay here. It's safer with these people than with Crimson Heads" Axel says calmly trying to get the two to stop yelling. 
I looked over at Sallow with my eyebrow arched and both of us knew what was coming. "Oh that's bullshit, the only reason you're agreeing with Keanu is because that's what Yana would have said" Catayla says shaking with anger, Sallow was trying not to laugh and so was I even though it was a fight it is funny watching them fight,because Sallow and I know there each fight for the same reason. 
Axel looks at Catayla with anger now he is going to yell "Okay then the only reason you want to go is because Sallow wants to" at this Keanu backs away now he knows what is about to come. 
Sallow says something for the first time. "Actually I wouldn't mind either one" he says I nod my head agreeing with him Keanu moves Nova away from them. 
Both Catayla and Axel say at the same time. "Shut up" and Sallow sits back in his chair, and I feel like I am a child that just got yelled at. Keanu snickers at the two of us, we both shoot him a dirty look. Sallow, Keanu, Nova and I all pack our things and stand by the door while Catayla and Axel yell at each other, now they are just having a screaming match, but then Axel says something quietly and makes Catayla very quiet nobody hears what he says however they both look at the three of us packed up and Axel storms off and so does Catayla, but Catayla even though she is mad looks like she has a look of victory on her face. Axel comes back muttering something under his breath, and Catayla walks back with a bag. 
She leads the way and Sallow walks next to her. "What did he say to you?" he whispers to her.
Catayla just shrugs her shoulders "It's nothing important" She says and Sallow just shrugged it off. We keep walking. Keanu and Nova talk the whole way. Axel stay’s silent the whole way, looking at Catayla. 
I nudge his side and he looks at me. “What did you say to her?” I ask him Whispering and I can see why Sallow and I are friends and have been friends for so long. 
I can also see why Catayla and Axel don’t like each other. “What when we were yelling” Axel says laughing, “I think anyone could hear us” He says looking at Catayla again. 
I shake my head, he knows what I’m talking about. “No when you whisper” I say, giving him a confused and curious look.
He just looked at me, now he was confused, “Yana we never whispered anything” I shook my head. I was very confused then why did Catayla get so quiet? “Just let it go, Yana , it's nothing important,” Axel says. “It’s just about the General job”. He says and I nod my head, why didn’t he just say that before. I drop the conversation leaving it at that. I hear Nova laugh at something Keanu says her laugh is quiet, but it is still audible. It’s good that she trusts Keanu, because right now that is the only person worth trusting. She really shouldn’t even trust me, I wish I could tell her that, but if I do then nobody will trust me. It’s important that they do trust me though, because I can help them, “We should check in this building” Axel says stopping and Catayla and Sallow both turn around looking at him. Catayla nods her head agreeing and I just look at the building so does Sallow except Sallow looks at the build the same way I looked at the other one. This was his home. “Sallow you should stay out of there for now” Axel says walking, but when he turns around to talk to us he finds that none of us move. 
I shake my head at Axel. “If he’s not going in then none of us are” I say and Axel looks annoyed, but he nods his head and keeps walking. I know why Axel wanted Sallow to stay away, because he’s afraid that Sallow will turn again. 
I wonder why Sallow doesn’t like his last name. Sallow stay in the back a little and I stay back with him. “Hey Sallow can I ask you a personal question” I ask him and he nods his head. “Why don’t you like to be called Lucas any more?” I ask, biting my lip, he really doesn’t have to answer, but I am just wondering.
Sallow takes a deep breath and he simply says. “The name brings back many memories” he says and he looks up at the building. Once we stood by the door I craned my neck to look up at the top building. “I used to live up there,” Sallow says, pointing to the top building, we walk in and when we look up a tall crystal chandelier hangs in the huge lobby. Sallow gives a little smile when we walk in the lobby, “You know I had my first kiss in this very lobby” He says and Catayla overhears him. She smiles a little, it was her.  Axel has his gun in his hands only the gun was more focused on Sallow than anyone else. Sallow realises this too, but he just ignores it and keeps walking along. “Come on Axel stay alert” Sallow says and walks up the stairs. 
Axel follows him up the stairs even though Sallow was already up the first flight of stairs and was in the hallway Axel was still scared of Sallow for some reason, none of us know why. “I am staying Alert” Axel mutters under his breath, not meaning for anyone to hear, but I hear him and give him a look of disapproval. Catayla’s owl-like eyes watch Axel as she walks up the stairs as well, meeting Sallow at the top of the stairs. I follow Catayla and Axel looks confused, really Axel you don’t know what you did wrong. I think to myself Keanu pats Axels back and gives him a sad smile before going up the stairs. Nova looks down at the stairs as she passes Axel and keeps her head down. Axel mumbles things coming up the stairs. No one hears him though, but Catayla’s eyes keep flashing to him nervously, and he stops talking, there hiding something I know they are and it’s not about the general job that Catayla has. I will find out though, we walked in every door on the first floor, only nobody was there, then the second floor, but that was a different story. We found three people and like Nova they look close to death only they have the option to leave, but fear has consumed them to never go outside to even find food. I go by them and give the three of them water. The two men look at us for a second untrustworthy, they try to reach for a gun, but they were too far away and way too shaky. The three of them would have died in a day. 
Nova’s eyes light up when she sees them “Mateo, Nash” The two boys look at her, a smile on their faces. She gives them hugs and they laugh then her eyes fall on the girl. “Juniper” She says weekly the two boys look at Nova with true sadness.
One of the boys speaks up, it was Nash, “We tried everything, a knife skimmed her leg, the cut was too deep and even though we cleaned it, it’s infected” I look at them and remember something, I walk by the girl. “Don’t come any closer” Nash says his voice is deep and intimidating. 
Nova puts her hand on Nash’s shoulder gently “It’s okay” Nova says, but Nash doesn’t move his brown eyes follow me. He looks a lot like Nova and so does the other boy Mateo, they are siblings. “She saved me, they all did.” She says and Nash looks at our group and lets me through. I look at the girl and put my hand on her forehead, it was hot with a fever then I look at her leg a red irritated spot is almost around her small thigh and right by the cut it is swelled, and has yellow-white puss, The girl is shaking and sleeping, I look at Axel and Sallow one person can not pick her up or else the wound will be exposed to human contact without clean sanitation, which is hard to find. They both look at me and know what to do. “No, not him,” Nova says, pointing at Axel. Axel steps back, “Him” Nova says pointing to Keanu and Keanu walks up taking Juniper's other arm, I can tell she is light, but when Sallow and Keanu pick her up she wakes up and screams in pain. We go down the stairs and out of the dirty apartment building, Catayla hands Nash and Mateo, they take the water gladly, Mateo’s lips are so chapped you can see how chapped they are from a good distance the same could go for Nash. Their dark skin has the same sickly look that Nova had when we first found them, Mateo hands the stainless steel canteen back to Catayla she then fills it with more water and hands it to Nash. Nash looks at Catayla for a second almost excaming her then he takes the canteen.
 Catayla comes over by me and Juniper, Nova walks over to her brothers and they talk for hours. “How bad is it” Catayla asks me and I look at her with a look of pity towards Juniper. “That,bad,” Catayla says, stunned. “Well” Catayla takes a breath, “What do we need to do?” She asks and I look at her as if to say “are you sure you want to do this?” But then I remember, am I sure I want to do this? I'm the one afraid of blood. “You want me to get Axel don’t you” Catayla asks, but I know it’s more of a statement. I nod my head and she gets up to get Axel walks over and without saying a word sits down next to Juniper.
Axel looks at me and says “Are you sure you want to be over here” He asks me and I shake my head, I walk away and it pains me to give up on her, but I can’t be around blood without having a panic attack. “Catayla” Axel begins to ask. 
Juniper grabs Catayla’s arm “Please don’t go” fear was in Juniper's eyes as she looked at Catayla.
Catayla shakes her head. “I’m not going anywhere” She says smiling at her. Axel cuts the cut open again and yellow-white puss comes oozing out of the cut. I could smell the infection from here, Catayla turns up her nose when she smells it, Axel doesn’t make any face he’s concentrating. I could tell Catayla wanted to leave, but she doesn’t. Axel looks at Catayla for a second, but then gets back to work. He remembers everything from being a doctor, I do too but I just can’t look at blood. I don’t know how I managed to be a surgeon, “Sallow” Axel calls and Sallow goes over to him and I can tell that by the way his face looks that all he wants to do is leave. “Hand me that cloth” Axel commands and Sallow does as he says. 
When Sallow comes back he is in utmost terror. “I saw her bone,” Sallow says, sitting down next to me staring off. “And her veins weren't even blue, the little veins were red”. That is a blood infection and it won’t go away without antibiotics, and without the antibiotics she will die from infection. 
I stand up as fast as I can and go over to Axel. I see Juniper’s leg and quickly look away when at least the puss is gone. “You can’t close up the wound” I say I know Axel doesn’t know what a blood infection is, that wasn’t his department he was the immediate trauma center. 
Axel shakes his head. “What, Yana if I don’t close the wound she will bleed out and die” I know Axel is confused so I step in I feel dizzy when I look at the wound, but I take a deep breath and I only wrap the wound up with the cloth making sure that the cut stays open the blood instantly covers the cloth, Axel hands me another cloth because he knows what I’m trying to do I tie the cloth at the top of her leg stopping the blood flow, but not enough to cut off circulation. We need to get her antibiotics if she is going to live. 

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