Chapter 9

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    I am standing in a rainstorm for a funeral for the person I murdered nobody knows I killed him though otherwise I would be dead, people are comforting me left and right and I have to put on a fake sad smile, this is absolutely disgusting, I am wearing a black romper and a pair of black heels, I cut my hair in a bob and I wear a big black hat with a dark silver sash in the middle. My brown hair is straightened, and through the whole funeral I keep my head down, then the preacher announces my name and I walk over to the coffin. I put my fake sad voice and the sad look on my face and almost instantly people start saying things about me, like poor girl, or I wonder if the person that killed him is dead, I stifle a smile at the person who says that because the person who killed him is right in front of her, I put my hand on the shining black coffin that was covered in rain water. “My father was a great man” I say in a shaky voice, “He tried very hard to find a cure while raising a daughter” I say, I add a light smile on my face. “I remember one time when I was ten he brought me into the hospital and instead of him doing work we played board games” I say letting a laugh escape my lips, it was fake of course same with the story but I had to say something. “My father was not just a great doctor, but an amazing father” Oh please Yana the most half decent thing your father ever did for you was stay away from you, I think to myself, then I let the tears fall from my eyes they were fake as well, but nobody else knows that. “He, he was” I tried to say something, but I couldn’t think of any other words. “Excuse me” I say and the preacher lets me go. The water sounds like a canopy on my head, “Goodbye dad” I say and I walk away. What's wrong with me? Am I actually sad for this man, am I regretting killing him? was there love for the father I had that never raised me. 
Someone leans over the chair and whispers in my ear that voice. I know that voice, “I missed you Yana.” I turned around wanting to see the owner of the voice, but he was never there, nobody was behind, Keanu wasn’t there. I ignore this and stay focused on the casket being lowered into the ground, six feet under where he belongs. As I walked back I noticed that the rain wasn’t falling on my head anymore and a black umbrella was above me, but who was holding Nash it was just Nash. 
He was wearing a dark blue suit and he put his arm around me pulling me close to him “Trust me Yana do you want everyone to think someone like you is not dating someone?” He says in my ear so nobody can hear this. 
When we go out into the parking lot someone walks up to us for a quick second I think it is Keanu and I feel my heart skip a beat when I see the man’s green eyes, but no it was just one of my dad’s old friends. “Hello Yana, my name is Elijah, I’m here to talk to you about the ownership of Oxitec,” He says, holding out his wrinkled hand for me to shake. I take it “And who is this” Elijah says his interest suddenly peaked. 
I go to answer for Nash, but he introduces himself holding out his hand dark skinned hand from under the umbrella, I like this side of Nash it was more him, “Nash Villin” He says with a smile and Elijah eagerly shakes his hand, “Nice to meet you” Nash says through his fake smile, “Please we can talk about this back at the house where it’s dry” this makes Elijah laugh on of those irksome proper laughs. Nash laughs along with him, but I could tell he hated the laugh just as much as I did. We go our separate ways, “The joke wasn’t even that funny” Nash says in an exasperating voice as we get in the car. 
I look at Nash and smile “You know I like this side of you” I say and he smiles back as the limo drives away, I take out a bottle of champagne and poor two glasses. “Cheers to an everlasting rule” I say and the two of us smile and clang the glasses together and take a sip of the champagne then the two of us laugh.
Then Nash looks at me “and to a new leadership” I smile and sit back in the leather car seat, rubbing my fingers along my jaw that began to itch, I look at my false nails they are simple with just some white nail polish on the ends of them, I am also wearing a silver ring on my lean fingers with a diamond on it. “I like what you did with your hair by the way,” Nash says after swallowing another sip of champagne. I hadn’t realized it, but he was staring at me, I blush a little and push a piece of hair behind my ear and my hand hits the black jewel earring that hangs and almost reaches the bottom of my neck, substituting for the hair I had cut off. I don’t miss having long hair. 
I look at him as I begin to talk. I feel the creases of my lips sticking from the skin toned lipstick I have on. “Thank you, this is my real hair color” I say and he nods his head, “I had to change it to look like that girl” I say and Nash understands. “I like your suit” I say trying to find something to compliment him on, because nothing about him really changed. He was still the attractive Nash that any girl would kill the other to have. With his deep brown eyes and black curls of hair, and his dark skin that is so dark if you painted stars on his face it would look like the night sky. My eyes fall on his light brown lips and I find myself leaning into kissing him, but I back away. I can’t fall in love with someone, because love is cruel and vicious. Nash clears his throat and the car stops. We get out to go to the house, well mansion really. It was an extravagant place with the front of it looked like an old small place with many bay windows and roof that goes to a point at the top, the front yard is also amazing with hand cut green bushes and a water fountain by the door. I smile at my house and walk inside. Inside was a huge staircase leading up to the many bedrooms however only two are being used and sometimes I will even go into Nash’s room to sleep. There are sky windows up on the ceiling, and when Nash and I walked into the lounge it was so quiet I hated it, but Nash and I talked all the time and somehow servants always had music playing. As we walked into the lounge to sit down Elijah was waiting there. Seriously we just buried my father and you want to talk business. Not that I care anyway, but I wish these sharks would have a little decency. 
Nash takes my hand in his and I act as if I were sad. Nash does all the talking for me. “So what I’m saying Mister Villin is that your girlfriend will be unable to run a business without a partner” Elijah’s voice was low and raspy when he is serious. “Preferably the company would like someone with the expertise of something along business not just medication” His voice made me tired. 
I yawned and stood up. “Would you like something to drink Mister Relish” I say with a smile on my face, as I walk to the kitchen. 
Elijah takes my hand, “Why yes dear could I maybe have a tea” He says letting go of my hand. 
Before going to the kitchen I ask “Nash sweety would you something to drink” and Nash gives me a quick smile because he knows what I’m doing.
He looks at me, “Just a waters fine thank you” He says and I nod my head and go to the kitchen, I make the tea for Elijah and I and just get Nash a water. However I make sure to put Paraquat in Elijah’s tea. One sip can kill you in almost an instant. I hand Nash the water and I make sure my hand was on Elijah’s tea. 
Elijah takes the tea in his hands and mixes sugar with it, a vile concoction in my opinion. “So Mister Relish you are saying that I need someone else to help me” I say taking a sip of my tea and not taking my eyes off of him, I set my tea down slowly and just when I do Elijah falls from the chair he was dead before he could say another word, I move the tea cup away from him. “Oh Mister Relish, that was a big mistake” I say as I clean up the spilt tea, then one of the servants walks in and takes one look at him and she takes one looks at him and she knows he is dead. The tea cup was beautiful, but the only problem was it is now polluted with poison. I threw the tea cup with the orange flowers into the garbage and it shatters as it falls. By the time I come back from the kitchen Elijah is gone, I sit down on the couch next to Nash. 
Nash takes his hand in mine “Now was that really necessary to kill him” He says rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. “We could have” Nash looks at me and smiles, “Persuaded him”. 
I look at Nash, “Even if we persuaded him he still would have said no” I say pulling my hand away from him and standing up. “Nash this isn’t the FBI, you can’t interrogate everyone” I say getting angry at him. 
He grabs onto my wrist and pulls me back onto the couch, “You’re right” He says and I look at him arching my plucked eyebrow. “You know what would be nice?” He asks and I look at him. I can’t be mad at a person that thinks the same as me. “If we get away,” He says and I think about it. “Just left this place you and I” He says his eyes are full of ambition of wanting to leave. 
I look at him and take his hand in mine, “We can’t leave not now” I say to him and he nods his head sadly, “But we can make our own get away here” I say and he looks at me confused, “There’s a few room we haven’t been in what do you say we go exploring” I say and Nash looks at me, but then he thinks about it and nods his head. We go up stairs and I look around and see a door, I open it and Nash and I look up at a flight of stairs, how have I never noticed this before, we walk up one stair and the floor creaks under our feets as we go further up the air gets cold, when we reach the space it was a attic but it was beautiful the sunlight comes in through a window that makes dust particles float in the air, the ceiling was like a dome I go to turn on a light because the room was dark no lights turn on so I look up and when I do I see stars across the whole ceiling, it was breathtaking I can’t believe my father never showed this to me, but why would he we barely talked, and when we did talk it was about the medican. He did make me his partner and I guess that was the most love he could ever show, I looked up at the stars on the ceiling and crossed my arms over my body just staring up.
 Nash comes over to me and wraps a blanket around me. I just keep looking up. “So the bad girl does have a soft spot” He says and I stop looking at the stars tears stinging my eyes as I look at the beauty of nature in my own home, “It really is beautiful” he says looking back up at the stars, Just then the thought of my mom popped in my head, I don’t know why, but for some reason her smiling at me as I played in the backyard. I try to get the image out of my head but I can’t, I wonder if I would have been different if my mother was still alive. Just then Nash kisses me “Sorry” he says quickly I look at him in his eyes all I see is pure innocence all he wanted was a kiss,I return the kiss and go back to looking at the stars but I know he is looking at me and I smile feeling a happy feeling that I didn’t know I could feel. No I can’t fall in love I can’t not right now, not ever. Why did I do that? Then again I like that feeling. “What else is there?” He asks and I take his hand in mine and I lead him to another room it was the movie theater. “What movie do you want to watch?” He asks and I shrug my shoulders and he smiles at me and puts a movie in. He sits down nexts to me in one of the big recliners that could fit two people. I go over to him and sit next him and curl up in a ball in the recliner next to him with a blanket. 
The movie started and I looked at him. It was It Chapter 2, “Nash you know I’m afraid of clowns” I say to him then I think about it. “And blood” I say, wanting to cover my eyes. 
He wraps his arm around. “It’s okay because I’ll protect you, the first red balloon we see in this very room or any other room I will protect you from” He says and that makes me melt, “Now let’s watch this movie I was always too afraid to watch as a kid” I laugh at him. 
Then I listened to his heartbeat and for once I was happy. “So the bad boy does have a soft spot” I say to him then the movie starts even more and at the first sight of the clown and the blood Nash was there I squeeze him tight when I get scared. Sometimes Nash would jump a little, but it wasn’t nearly as many times as when I got scared. Finally the move was over and I looked up and saw Nash asleep. How the hell can he be sleeping? I looked over at the door and into the dark. Eventually I feel my eyes get heavy and that feeling of dizziness before falling asleep and I fall asleep listening to Nash’s heartbeat and breathing. When I wake up I wake up in my room the familiar white comforter and white sheets I look over hoping to see Nash by me, but he wasn’t a frown falls on my face I get up the sun shining through the window and the window letting in a nice chill of a breeze. I stretch out my arms and legs feeling my tendon in the back of my leg stretch from when I broke it. I yawn a silent yawn as I get out of bed, brush my hair and teeth and go back downstairs to the smell of coffee from the servants no doubt. Nash loves to sleep in until ten o’clock always. I went into the kitchen and found, not a servant in the kitchen, but Nash the smell of burnt crepes was a lot, but I didn’t care. I sneak up to Nash and give him a backwards hug from under his arms. “Morning” He says. Yawning a loud yawn as he sets a coffee down. 
I take a sip of the coffee and I let the coffee burn in my throat. “You didn’t put anything in this coffee did you?” I ask in a nice voice because I know he didn’t.
He walks over to me and kisses my head “Now why would I do that” He says, and something deep down tells me not to take another sip of the coffee, but I do and I when I do I begin to feel dizzy. My head droops and I hit my head on the table falling into a poisoned sleep, when I woke up I was still at the kitchen table, I can’t believe Nash did that he tricked me. I thought he really did care about me, servants were swarming me making sure I was alive. I swat them away like flies, then fear goes through me. Nash knew where all my plans were. I rush to my dad’s old Office, it’s not the same as the one in the hospital. It is smaller and is lighter with white walls and the sunlight coming through the windows. I remember this office, it’s the office I grew up in. I swallow and suddenly become very aware of my pink satin robe dragging on the dark wood floor. I look at the dark shiny wood desk and see all the papers are missing, I sit in the spindle chair well more like lounge in the chair. I was shocked that someone outsmarted me, then I looked up at a picture of my father and it felt like he was staring me down in disappointment. It was a huge picture of him on a wall over a fireplace. He was wearing a red suit and had me sitting by him, I stood up straight in my chair and I heard the birds chirping, well more like crows. It’s probably going to snow soon. I go back outside of the office in a irate march. I get changed into a white suit the jacket has a collar that goes down to my chest and a pair of black heeled shoes, they are different shoes from the ones I wore at the funeral with a strap on my ankle, I fix the undershirt I was wearing as I put on a simple necklace that was a silver spindly thing. I straighten my hair and put on makeup then I go down stairs and walk outside and almost instantly the poparazzi's rush up to me that was also Nash no doubt. 
The only question that they were asking was “Who was that dashing young man leaving your house this morning?” I roll my eyes, well two can play at this game Nash. 
I look into the camera of the woman who asked the question.”He is my fiance” I say it’s a simple lie, but makes them go crazy. Then I begin walking again to the car the poparazzi’s chase me, I smile at them, “If you have any questions you can ask him I say taking off my big black glasses and rolling up the window to the car, I smile. 
The driver rolls down the car window. “No Nash today Miss. Foster” He says and I shake my head and he smiles. “Good,” He says and  smiles and sits back in my chair, “Would you like a mimosa Miss. Foster”. the driver asks getting ready to press a button in the driver seat. I shake my head and he nods his, with his eyes focused on the road. “where are we going today?” He asks smiling, “Another day of clothes shopping” He says sarcastically. 
I laugh at him “No just to the hospital” I say and he nods his head, the rest of the way to the hospital was silent and that was fine with me. I let my mind wander a little. What lie am I going to make up this time. I have to make something up about Nash and of course I will have to have him killed, I smile at the thought. When the car stops I put my sunglasses on and get back out of the car and paparazzis follow me around and my bodyguard walks up to the car and shields me from the blood sucking parasites. I make it into the hospital and I see the people carrying buckets of paint to my father’s old office and to my new office. I go over to one of the head doctors, “How is the Crimson head holding up?” I ask nicely, but I really am disgusted at the Crimson head. That’s the first thing I’m doing there is no cure just death. Of course I will save a few of them like this one in front of me as soldiers. I take off my white jacket exposing my arms to the cold of the hospital then I put on my other white jacket that was strictly for the hospital.
The doctor looks at the Crimson Head. “He is still the same” I lean in close to the Crimson Head, whose skin has zero color and his hands with long fingernails are chained down. “It really is a shame all your father was trying to do was fix what he broke” The doctor says watching me to make sure my mood would change to sad. 
“Fascinating” I whisper. Yes it really is a shame” I say with zero intrest in my voice. 
The doctor still looks at me as I begin to unlatch the chains he knows it’s me. “I wonder if Mr. Sallow is dead '' He says, “If he was even the one who killed him” The doctor says his voice became more suspicious. He knew Sallow a little more than anyone else in the hospital; actually he knew Sallow before he was even born. 
I look over at the head doctor, his red hair curls in with grey hairs, “Mr.Sallow, even if your son didn’t kill my father and if that person isn’t dead I'm sure they are living with guilt” I say about to unlatch the hand chains. 
I was considering not killing him until he said this. “And you're sure that this person had red hair and brown eyes” I looked at him listening to him. “And your sure that this person was a guy” He says and I was listening even more fear going through me and Mr. Sallow takes one look in my eyes and I know he knows. “My dear Miss, Foster did you really kill him?” He asks pity in his voice. 
I look inside his brown eyes and say “Yes Mr. Sallow I did kill my father, and rest assured you won't have to tell anyone” I stop by the door and look at the Crimson Heads. “Because you will be dead” I say and I open the door and walk out and close it, I change back into my white blazer and walk away. I smile a little at the sound of his screams before walking into the camera room. “Good afternoon” I say and I take the tape that was recorded moments before Mr.Sallow’s death. When people see what is happening on the security screen they stand up and run to the room I walk out of the security room and throw the tape away simply. I walk to the office and notice that the office was painted white. Perfect I smile at the all white office and the gold trim around the doors.  

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