Chapter 15

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I didn't sleep,I couldn't and now the butterflies swirl in my stomach as I am handed a gun. Arya stands by me and she gives my hand a squeeze before letting go. Every rebel marches up the steel stair, but all I hear is the sound of my heart beating in my ears. When we reach the top of the stairs and open the storm drain the light blinds my eyes and the cold of the winter smacks me in the face. None of us are wearing armor, just long sleeve shirts and pants. The guns are around our chest. As we walk through we see mothers crying over their children that have just been sent to war to battle us. I shake off the sight and continue walking, many people watch us as we walk to the mansion shocked by the sight of us, I wouldn't blame them if they thought we were here to kill them. Within days the wall is already being built from a glass that you can see through to the otherside. It's so that when the less rich people living here look at the city they can see what they don't have. I look at the wall in disgust, "Axel" I hear someone say I turn and see Catayla, "Remember what I ask you, please" She says and I nod my head at her unable to speak as we walk through guards already start coming up to us, but we shoot them down then more guards. They are still outnumbered so it's no use coming up to us. Until out of nowhere a shot was fired from the other side it pierced through someone's heart, more shots were fired killing more of our soldiers. I see many of the people running into their homes, there are snipers shooting at us from above. "Take cover!" Catayla shuts and we all start running. I hear a bullet buzz past my ear and hit the person behind me, the sound of metal hitting flesh makes my stomach turn, Arya was behind me. I turned around and found someone different who was hit by the bullet and just in their shoulder. I keep running and find that Arya is way ahead of me, Sallow isn't far behind Catayla is aiming her gun at buildings up in high windows. I hide behind a brick building, but not long after I do an explosion hits and I'm blown away by the impact. I'm lucky no shrapnel hit me, but my ear instantly starts ringing and I can't hear anything. Someone runs up to me and grabs my shoulders, they are saying something, but I don't hear them. Then they are shot multiple times, blood splatters on my clothes and face, I run not even bothering to look at who it is. The shots ring out around me and I keep running, more explosions go off and I am thrown backwards by the impact only this time a piece of shrapnel hits my arm slicing it open.
I grab my arm then I see Arya she puts her one hand under my arm and attempts to pick me up, "We need to get to the mansion" She shouts in my ear so I can hear her, the screams of people and explosions nearly drowned her out completely not to mention my left ear sounds like I'm underwater. I nod my head and stand up. We run to the mansion and I hear Arya fire a shot at someone. I don't want to shoot my gun, but I will have to in order to protect not Arya, but myself. Someone comes running up to us they are just eighteen one of the draftees, but they are trying to kill me so I fire my gun killing him instantly, Arya looks at him for a split second before running to the mansion I follow her we reach the doors and guards are everywhere covering every inch of the white marble building. We run to the Mansion and more people shoot at us, Arya and I shoot at people until someone shoots Arya in the stomach. She looks at me before falling to the ground, I slide next to her and put her head in my hands. A thick coat of ash covers the ground and I don't want her hair to be covered in ash. Even though her lip is bloody and her nose looks like it is broken. A guard walks up to us, but I realize his eyes are black, he is one of the genetic modified people. I stand up and hold me gun up at him, but he is too quick and snatches the gun away from me. I put my hands up and protect my face,he throws the first punch right in my stomach, it makes me gasp and it feels like I just got hit by a car. Then I punch him in the mouth and his mouth starts to bleed getting rid of his sick grin. He punches me again in my eye, a sharp pain hits my left eye and everything goes dark.
The grin comes back onto the soldier's face. "Now try seeing with only one eye" I put a hand to my eye and notice that it is gone, then the guard tries to stab me with the knife in the chest killing me, I notice that his eyes go back to normal; they are a dark brown,now is my chance. I grab his hand and sink my thumbs into his wrist making him drop his knife, I punch the guard in the chest and that makes him fall to the floor gasping for air. Then I walk behind him, fear is in his eyes, I put my hand under his chin and one on the back of his head and snap his neck. He falls to the ground instantly dead, I go back to Arya but not before grabbing my gun, I stand by her and more guards come up to us.
I look at them each of them holding a gun, "There's only one way out of this so who is it going to be? '' I say, and I will be the one to walk away from this. They all look at me and I shoot my gun protecting Arya at all costs, I only kill two out of the seven people standing by us I throw my gun to the side and put my hands up by my face once again the other guards come after me like a pact of wolves, one of them punches my chest, but even though it knocks the air from my chest I do not fall. I can't, I need to keep Arya safe, I can't give up. I punch that one and feel bones crack under my knuckle and he falls to the ground holding his side by his rib struggling to breath, the other five circle closer to me one punches me in the nose and I feel my nose crack and a trickle of blood go down my to my lip, I wipe the blood off of my face and punch the other one in the eye, more bone cracks under my knuckles and the guy grabs his eye, at least the are courteous enough to not use guns. I need to protect Arya, I remember the promise I made to Sallow; who is somewhere fighting in the battle. One of them has a gun and they try to shoot me but I take the gun out of his hand and shoot him with it. Of course there is only one bullet in the gun, but there is also only one person left. I raise my hands once again. Only this guard doesn't punch me, she kicks my feet from underneath me and I fall to the ground. Then I feel a bullet go into my skin, only it wasn't an ordinary gun, a current of electricity hits my chest and I tense up, I'm reminded of a jellyfish sting. She then raises me back up to my feet, I feel so weak at this moment like I can't do anything. She takes a knife from her pocket and puts it to my throat, I look down at Arya. She is still breathing, I see Sallow and Catayla and know that Arya is safe. I close my eyes that are already almost swollen awaiting my death, maybe this is a good thing that I die, maybe I won't have to see the horror that will come. I hear a gunshot and some fall to the ground, it was the woman she lays on the ground, a pool of blood coming from her head. I open my eye and see Sallow and Catayla, I slump to the ground but I am housted back up by Sallow. "Go!" He shouts at me and adrenaline wakes me up. I nod my head and pick up Arya's limp body and start running, I almost reach the exit when the doors to the glass doors to the gate close, leaving everyone inside trapped; or is it the other way around is everyone outside trapped if so then we are already too late.
I had not realized it, but Sallow and Catayla followed me, giving me cover. We are at the glass wall when we see it, the sky turns black with smoke, no not smoke, bugs.The blood sucking insects fly above the great dome ceiling. I see Juniper, a look of fear in her eyes. She puts her hand on the glass and Sallow does the same to calm her down. Then the Crimson Heads come in and take out everyone. Then JUniper does something, something unthinkable. She mouths the words thank you to the three of us then she straps bombs all over her. Even though the glass is thick I hear what she says. "We will never be drowned!" Juniper runs out into the the center of the battle where people shoot at her a bullet hits her in the back and she falls to the ground where the crimson heads attack her. Then the explosion hits killing all the crimson heads around her and by others as well. I put Arya down feeling numb. Sallow turns around his jaw clenched. Catayla holds her stomach looking like she is going to be sick. Then we see her, Yana. Hatred cascades over me. She is wearing silver armour and her betrothed stands next to her with the same armour on, nothing shines in the dark sky and Yana looks slightly disappointed. I lung myself at the two of them wanting to tear them to shreds a guard holds me back. I see Yana holding a chain and who is on it, Keanu. A silver collar around his neck, his neck is way too skinny making it look like the wait of his will make his neck snap. I'm reminded of a disobedient dog on a leash. Yana holds up a hand and the guard up a hand and the guard pushes me to the ground causing me to fall to the ground on my knees. I feel my arms being forced behind my back. Sallow puts up more of a fight then I did and ends up flat on the ground and a guard holds him down. He picks up his head to look at Yana, the person he once called a friend. At the sight of Keanu, Catayla does not fight, she just stands there as a guard puts her hands behind her back so she can't reach for her gun. Yana smiles, "So this is what has come of you" she says walking over to me with a cruel smile, "The person who would hurt a fly would never hurt a fly just killed some of my best guards" she says.
I look at her with the same cruel smile. "To be far one of them did take out my eye, that might make me hold a grudge to them" I say and she looks at me.
Then her eyes find Arya "Oh and who's this another woman for you to get attention from" She says walking over to her, she's jealous but what about.
Yana brushes a piece of hair out of Arya's eyes. "Get away from her you bitch" Sallow spits at Yana.
Yana walks back over to Swallow and Kneels down by him, "Tisk, tisk Lucas" Yana says to him, "And the boy so afraid of fire now has his own spark of revenge in him" Sallow jerks at the guard trying to get him to fall, but guard doesn't falter weighing so much more then Sallow "And as for the nobel woman" Yana says standing up slowly and walking over to Catayla. "You are nothing more then someone who is far too easy to read" She looks Catayla up and down, fear flashes in her eyes and Yana smiles, "Does he know?" Yana asks looking at Sallow who looks at Catayla, "He does" I become confused, know what. What are the two of them hiding? "It really is a shame that things have to be this way" Yana says lifting her hand at the guard holding Sallow down, the guard puts a gun to his head. Catalya looks at Yana then to Sallow.
Sallow looks at Catayla, "It's Okay" He says The safety clicks off, "I will be free" He says and Catayla nods her head, I struggle my way out of the guards grasp and manage to punch him. Catayla turns her head unable to watch Sallow die, but he's not going to die. I push the guard off of Sallow and the gun goes off. I brace myself to feel the pain of the bullet but that pain never comes. Instead I look up and see Arya standing up, she is still holding her stomach from where she was shot before. Her other hand is outstretched and a bright red light falls from her hand crushing bullet and the gun crushes as well, Arya's eyes flutter shut and she falls to the ground. I catch her before she falls. Sallow looks at his sister in shock.
She was an unintentional destruction, but Catayla sees what is happening, the guard holds the gun to Sallow's head. "Stop!" Catayla shouts and Yana holds up her hand at the guard. "I'll do anything, just don't hurt him" She says falling to her knees begging, Catayla never begs she is too proud, but Yana got her to beg.
Yana knows this and she smiles, "You will do anything?" Yana asks looking down at her, Sallow shakes his head as he tells her not to say it.
Catayla looks up at Yana ash on her face and in her silver hair. "Anything," She says in a hushed voice and Yana smiles at her and the guards force Catayla up.
Sallow runs up to Catayla, "I can't watch you do this" Sallow says brushing a piece of hair from her face, Sallows eyes are covered in tears he tries not to blink as to not cry in front of anyone.
Catayla takes in a shaky breath not crying, "And I can't watch you die" She looks at everyone else then turns back to Sallow, "Not when I can do something about it" She says and kisses Sallow lightly before she is forced to go. A guard holds Sallow back and Yana raises her hand at the guards and I feel a gun on my head when I look around Sallow and Keanu both have guns on their heads. No please don't kill them, without us Arya will be left to die and Keanu the person that this whole battle was for will be dead, and it will be my fault. Just when I think I am going to die for the fourth time today I hear a metal crush. I look over at Keanu who somehow was free from his chains and has his hands down by his sides. The chain wraps around the guard by me and the guard gasps for breaths before dying. Then Keanu makes sharp knives out of the metal and they fly through the air and into the other two guard's skulls. They fall to the ground Keanu killed them using the metal scraps, after that he falls to the ground. Sallow picks up Keanu and puts him over his shoulders. I pick up Arya and Sallow looks at her in shock, we walk through the silent and dead battlefield, I hear a crunch under my foot and when I lift up my foot I pray that it is just rock, but it wasn't it was a finger. I look over and see who the owner of the finger is and I almost jump back in shock, why she was too young and too kind, it's Kya's younger sister.
I look over at Sallow and he looks at me then down at Sage,"We need to get Arya to the infirmary" Sallow says pulling me away from Sage's body, I nod my head unable to talk. Why was she up here, she was only thirteen she should have been in the tunnels she should have been safe. next to her lays a bag that is full of medical supplies, I shake my head. "Well come back for her" Sallow says as we walk more. I can tell he is upset about Catayla, but he is focusing on his sister now wanting to save her. The rest of the walk is in silence, not like we were talking much before. Finally we reach the tunnels and when we get to the infirmary I set Arya down and sit in a chair. Kya walks in. She is one of the nurses that was staying behind and waiting for everyone that was going to be injured.
When Kya sees Keanu she puts her hands on her mouth and rushes over to him. Kya puts an I.V in his arm, another nurse takes me away from Arya to look at my eye or rather my missing eye. She cleans around my eye and just shakes her head, she mumbles something that I don't hear clearly. She puts an eye patch on my eye and I can go out of the room and back to everyone else. "I'm fine" I hear Sallow say as someone tries to take him away. "I really don't need anything" The nurse shakes his head and walks away. He sees me, "She is doing fine but she is still sleeping" He says nodding his head towards a different door, he doesn't sound like Sallow he sounds like someone new. I walk in and see Arya laying on a bed asleep, I walk over to her and take her hand in mine, her eyes flutter but do not open. Keanu is in the other bed across from her, Kya and him are talking. When the two of them see me they look at me.
Keanu has his arm in a sling, he sits up in the bed, "We can get Catayla back" Keanu says and Kya stands up to get Sallow, he comes in the room and his eyes are red. "When Yana Freed me she might have given you the biggest weapon" He says and all four of us look at him, "Me and Arya are the best chance you have of getting her back" He says with a little smile, a little glimmer of hope sparks in Sallow's light brown eyes.
Kya stand at a wall with her arms crossed, "When Keanu was captured Yana did something to his DNA" She says looking at all of us, "He can Attract metal and shape it to anything he wants" She says simply, that would explain how he did all the things that he did with the metal back at Oxitec. "And Arya is something that none of us have seen before" At the Sallow looks at Arya and I think, "She has never been to Oxitec except for today" My mind goes back to the red lights coming from her hands and stopping a speeding bullet in its tracks.
Then crushing the bullet. "In the battlefield she used those same powers to lift rocks" Sallow says biting his thumb nail. Everyone of us turned to Arya who was just waking up.
She looks at us, the corner of her lip still has a little dry blood on it, "I guess I have some explaining to do" She says and everyone looks at her as if saying, you think. "The cure that they gave everyone as kids worked for most and it worked for me as well" She says trying to sit up, but she grabs her side and hisses in pain, I rush over to her and help her sit up. "But I had an allergic reaction to it, Sallow knows this" she says.
Sallow walks over to her and brushes a piece of hair out of her face, "You nearly died, mom and dad took you to the emergency room" He says looking a little sad at the thought that he almost lost his little sister.
Arya nods her head, "When they took me to the emergency room I'm guessing this has happened to a lot of kids because they gave me a different cure" She says I see Kya's eyes flicker with rage for a split second a little blue flashes in them I look at her in confusion and she just shakes her head at me. "I don't remember anything after that, but I remember waking up with this" She says holding up her two fingers, a red light dances between her index finger and middle finger. Sallow looks at Arya outstanded and so do I.
Then Kya steps up, "So you're telling us you've had this power and we could have used to kill Yana" She says walking up to Arya her voice is full of anger and her eyes turn blue, Sallow looks at her and fear flashes in his eyes.
Sallow stands up slowly and almost stairs Kya down, "Easy Kya" He says holding his hands up, he doesn't break eye contact with her, I'm reminded of two animals watching each other before a fight. One of them protects and the other just wants to kill.
Kya growls, "Easy, you want me to be easy, my sister is dead and you want me to be easy" She says her eyes are completely blue, like snow leopards. Her hair becomes white and the air is chilled. "And she could have prevented that '' She says, Sallow keeps staring her down, his eyes usually become almost black, but this time they are almost yellow.
Sallow paces around the two of us not bothering to protect Keanu, or not able to protect him, "Kya, I know your hurting, and you're angry" Sallow says still staring at Kya, She stares back at him, it's like a contest the first to look away loses. "Just calm down" Sallow says looking at her, "I don't want to hurt you" He says.
Kya laughs and I notice her eyes change again to a gold like a lion. She is a hybrid, but how Oxitec only knew how to give one animal's DNA to a human when I was there so how did they get the DNA of two different animals that fast. If she attacks Sallow will be no match to her. "Hurt me?" Kya says growling. "You can't hurt me" She says her voice changes and I can see the fear in Sallow's eyes.
She is Lionast protecting a cub that is no longer alive. Arya grabs Sallow's wrist and Sallow looks at the two of us and he realized what he did, his eyes widen and he looks just at me his eyes turn to slits, "Run" He says and at that Kya attacks Sallow,I swoop Arya up and get her out of the room and I lock the door, there is no stopping to predators from protecting the ones they love.
Arya runs to the door and I grab her wrist tight and I don't let go, "I can help him Axel" She says to me I look at her and her eyes become red,"Please". She says to me.
I hesitated for a moment then I let go of her wrist. "Go," I say quietly knowing that Arya can help Swallow more than he can. Arya moves her hand and opens the door with the red light from her hands. With a glimpse I can see Sallow protecting Keanu while he holds his arm blood seeping through his hand Kya is about to go in for the kill when Arya hits Kya with a blast of red light knocking her off of her feet. I run in the room and help Sallow wrap his arm in a cloth. Arya stands in front of us and knocks Kya out, she will be the one to stop Yana. She has to be the most powerful one here. Just then Sallow looks at me and I feel lightning go through me, but it was energising not bad or hurtful. My fingers spark gold and Sallow keeps looking at me confused and I was confused too, I had lightning as a power.

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