Chapter 4

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The caterpillar led her under a white arch. A small, black creature that looked like a weasel hissed in her face. His purple spittle burned her face. His red eyes seemed to stare right through her gray eyes. She quickened her pace. Alice heard a loud pig squeal in the distance. She jerked around in the direction of the sound and saw nothing but two strange birds flying overheard. They looked like mockingjays. When she turned back around, the the yellow eyes was standing in front of her.

That grin. "Hello, Alice." She thought she could hear him purr.

"I thought I killed you," she wondered aloud.

"But Alice, I've been expecting you. And you see, cats have nine lives," he said reassuringly.

"I killed you once. I could easily do it eight more times.

"Just call me Ches," he replied with a grin. He took a step closer to her.

"Stay. BACK!" Alice yelled.

Suddenly, Alice was on the ground. She tried to move her arms, but it's like they were glued to the ground. In fact, her whole body was glued. The blue grass that grew everywhere in Wonderland tickled her face. Ches was coming closer. He then shrunk down to the size and shape of a regular cat. He jumped on top of Alice and sat on her stomach. He stared at her with massive, yellow eyes. He then stood up and rubbed against her cheeks. Alice watched as he transformed back into his old self. He continued to rub against Alice and licked the top of his hand a few times. He bent down and grabbed the bottom of Alice's skirt with both hands.

"Are you ready, Alice?"

Her tongue grew the length of a rope and wrapped around Ches' neck. As a result, he choked and died. His last word was "eight". His body turned to ash and was whirled away by the wind.

Curiosity Killed The Cat (a twisted Alice In Wonderland fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now