The Beginning

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I told Amy of the days events as we walked through the lower school playground as we headed out from our lockers. As I listened to her tell me of Veronica's tales of woe, I remembered that I had detention. Crap. She sniggered as I relayed the events from English.

"Emily, you are the world's biggest fool and the luckiest girl in the universe!" she said, laughing. I rolled my eyes at her typical Amy joke. A joke that really wasn't funny at all.

"Do you have netball training today?" Amy was the best sportswoman in the school but she got no recognition for it.

"No, Miss Massey is away today," she replied happily. "Want to come over?"

"I would but I have that detention with Miss Ugly-But," I replied crossly.

"Bye then Emily!" I waved to her as I headed into detention.

Miss Reeman sat in her office with Veronica. Veronica had been set some lines. I breathed a sigh of relief, I was good at writing - 100 lines only took me twenty minutes.

"Miss Gallerfrey, I want you to write, 'I must not fight' five hundred times," she said handing me some paper. Five hundred times! That's ridiculous. I sat down and began to write in my neat, curly script, sighing. Several times I glanced, horrified, at the clock.

Two hours later I stood up and handed in my sheet. Miss Reeman nodded sourly and I headed to Dr Alley's lab. I knocked swiftly.

"Come in!" she called in her deep, clear voice. I pushed open the door and walked into the sweet smelling lab.

"Emily, Miss Reeman informed me of this mornings events. I was most unsurprised at Veronica's behaviour," she said smiling. I nodded and told her the truth of what had happened. She laughed and said, "Well I can't disobey a teachers direct request of a detention but I can make you help me with these dissection examples for the year sevens, just do those three then you can go."

"Thank you, Dr Alley."

I strode over to the table and began cutting open three lambs hearts, three different ways. It took me about ten minutes. I washed my hands and the tools and left he hearts on the front bench.

As I passed Miss Reeman's office I saw Veronica, still in there laughing and chatting, lines forgotten on her desk. I laughed to myself as I walked out of the gates.

"Boo!" I spun around and saw Jake. "Hello, pretty," he said. He put his arm on my waist gently. "Fancy a drink?"

"No, Jake, unlike you I care about my grades so I have projects to finish," I replied, smiling at his enthusiasm.

"Ok, how about a weekend? You know?" he asked hopefully. I sighed,

"Fine Jake, let's have a weekend. See you!" I called removing his arm from around my waist.

I climbed into my small Ford and turned the engine on. It chugged into life and I fasted my belt with a click. As I drove through town, I saw Jake, trudging home in the rain. I rolled down my window.

"Hey Jake! Jake!" I yelled through the hammering rain. He turned his head towards me and strode over to my car. I flung open the passenger door and he sunk into the seat, shivering.

"I didn't know you lived this way!" I exclaimed.

"I never used to, my parents split up last year, my dad just left, he was a drunk, and my mum said I had to move out. So she lent me half of the money for a flat, my Saturday job pays the rest," he said sighing.

"Stay the week with us," I prompted. "Come on! It's not like we don't have the space!"

"Are you sure your parents won't mind?" he asked uncertainly.

"Pretty damm sure, my dad is away for work and my mum definitely won't care!" I relied happily.

My dad was always away for work. I hardly ever saw him. Once upon a time, we'd moved out to Australia for a few years with him in an attempt to see him more often, but it didn't really work out. We still didn't see him much, and he still had to fly out to America often. I did, however, meet a boy named Matthew Williams, whom I had become great friends with. I hadn't seen him since we moved back to England...

"Sure then! Come over to my flat for the weekend though, I don't want to intrude." We both laughed at his comment. I turned down my street and pulled up in the drive. I opened the boot and slung my swimming kit and school bag over my shoulder. I crunched up the gravel drive and then unlocked the door.

"I'm home, Mum!" I yelled in the general direction of the kitchen as I dumped my bag in my 'study'. It was more like a converted shed with a desk, lamp and bookshelf. My mum poked her head around the kitchen door, wearing a flowery apron with her brunette hair in a simple ponytail.

"Who have you bought with you, Sweetheart?" she asked looking at Jake.

"Mum this is Jake, Jake, my mum, Jake is, um, well, he's my boyfriend?" I posed my statement like a question, but Jake inclined his head and smiled. Clearly he didn't mind the label I had out on us.

"Boyfriend hmm? It's about time you grew up and got one. You'll be good for her, Jake. Emily, be good and show him up for me? Thank you, Hun."

I submitted to my mum's quick embrace before showing Jake upstairs.

"Your room is this one, I'm just opposite if you need anything," I said showing him into the plain, white themed bedroom.

"Thanks Emily," he replied brushing his lips against mine. My body froze at the gesture before relaxing slightly and gently returning it.

"Dinner is at six, I'll be in the study by the front door if you need me, bathroom is an en suite," I said breaking our moment. He nodded in reply and I walked back down the stairs.

I sat down at my desk and opened my books. I began to write out my essay on A Midsummer Nights Dream. A long, dull topic that my vivid imagination had to make interesting, yippe. Lucky me. I turned on my radio, it had the desired effect. I began to write my essay, writing it in short story format, in Lysander's perspective. Once finished I layed down my fountain pen and re-read my essay. It would do.

"Dinner guys!" my mum called. I put my books away and walked out, clicking the light switch and closing the door.

When I reached the table, Jake was already seated, piling mashed potato onto his plate. I smiled and sat down opposite him. He handed me the mashed potato and we sat down to eat.

After dinner, Jake offered to clear up. I skulked back to my room and sat down reading. There was a knock. I sighed heavily. "Come in!" I called sharply. Jake opened the door and closed it with a clunk. I stood up, waiting for some speech.

"Emily, thank you for letting me stay here, with you. You and your mother are being very hospitable," he began. I scoffed.

"I don't need a great long speech Jake, I'm not that kind of girl, a simple thanks would do just fine - better actually," I said flatly. He blushed slightly and I imeadiately felt guilty.

"I'm sorry Jake, it's just," I said but he stopped me by putting a finger to my lips.

"Ssh Emily, it's the first day back and you're already overworking," he said massaging my temples gently. I rested my forehead in his chest, I felt safe there. He took my arms and placed them around his waist. Slowly, he put his face down to mine. His lips brushed mine momentarily. He waited to see my reaction. I put my lips to his and he kissed me slowly. He stroked inbetween my shoulder blades and I grabbed a handful of his hair, loving the feeling. He ran his tongue over my lip. To his surprise and my own I let him inside. Our tongues explored each others mouths. Finally I broke the kiss, gasping for breath. My first kiss. I'd loved it.

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