The First Boy

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I never thought it would happen, not me. The nerd with braces and a single friend. But it shows that appearence does count, because how did it start? Oh yeah...

Well I suppose it all started after the summer holidays. I was just starting the upper sixth form (age 17/18, the last year of school in England), over the summer I had had my ugly braces removed but also I had stopped dying my hair. For the past three years I had dyed my hair dark brown, but over the summer I decided enough was enough, I went back to my natural dark blond appearence.

That morning I pulled on my skirt and blouse, I applied no make up and tied my hair back in a ponytail. What was the point of looking glam? Nobody took a second glance at me. I met up with Amy, my only friend and walked to school.

"How's summer been, Emily? You look much nicer now!" Amy commented. Her dark brown hair fell below her shoulders, framing her dark skin tone. Amy was beautiful, slender, and downright brilliant. I, on the other hand... I was not. Academically, I got good grades, but I was no sportswoman, I couldn't paint to save my life, and I'd given up playing the violin after three weeks.

"It's been the usual, swatting over books for exams," I replied ignoring her last comment. I could already tell I was going to get stick for my new appearence.

As we neared the gates a flock of new year sevens scuttled past me.

"I suppose they think there are no problems when you get to our age," I said laughing.

"Little do they known we're no more than bigger versions of them," Amy said in a pathetic voice. We both burst out laughing.

My happy face fell as I saw the Big Bully. Aaron. Aaron was well-built, amd a star footballer. He had a mop of dark hair, and a menacing stare. His eyes showed every emotion he felt, and these were usually negative. While he couldn't pass an exam without revising for hours and hours beforehand, he was most certainly one of the most popular boys in the school. He wolf whistled as I passed.

"And who are you pretty?" he asked meanly. I spun round annoyed. "Oh! It's Emily! Boys, come take a look a what's happened to our ugly dog," he called to his posse. They all laughed and poked me around. Amy took my hand and dragged me away.

"I really need to punch that idiot. Remind me how long he's been making my very existence a misery?" I asked, fuming.

"Emily shut up, Veronica!" Amy hissed in my ear urgently. I sobered up immediately. Veronica was Aaron's doting girlfriend, and she hated me as much as I hated him. And as much as I hated her. Veronica dyed her hair a different colour every week, but her natural colour was a mousy brown. Her green eyes were calculating and cruel. The two were the perfect match.

"Who's an idiot Dog? Oh yes, Aaron. Yes, I remember how he ridiculed you last year. But he's not an idiot!" she screeched. I raised one eyebrow carelessly. She slapped my cheek and raised her fist to punch my face. Seriously?

"Emily Gallerfrey! Veronica Snipsnout! What's going on here girls?" Miss Reeman, the young history teacher, asked. She had a large soft spot for Veronica, unfortunately. Amy opened her mouth to speak but Veronica got there first.

"Emily deeply offended me on a subject close to my heart, very openly for all to see," she sniffed pathetically. Amy gawped at her. Even Veronica didn't usually stoop to such obvious lying. Not that I should have been surprised at all.

"Dentention. Both of you. In my office after school. Emily, I'll be sending you to Dr Alley afterwards. I don't have enough authority to punish you properly," she sneered. She turned around. Amy handed me a post-it note saying, 'Kick my butt' in curly writing. I laughed silently and crept up behind Miss Reeman. I stuck it on her sick-green cardigan and dashed back to Amy, giggling.

Aaron walked up to Veronica, took her waist and kissed her pock-marked cheek. That's what make-up does to you! When they noticed Amy and I staring at the couple, one of Aaron's large posse threw a stone at us.

I thought over the mornings events. On the downside, I was back on everyone's bad side and had an unfair detention. Already. On the upside, I could see Dr Alley, by biology teacher. She was fair and would believe me. Well, she would if it was the truth, which it was.

Amy and I hurried inside and went our separate ways. I had biology, chemistry, English and art. I forced my way through chemistry and perked up in art. I was, however, caught writing in my diary in English.

"That's an interesting edition of A Midsummer Nights Dream, Miss Gallerfrey. Could you tell me what we learnt about Titania just now?" Mr Attkins asked. I thought for a moment then frowned.

"Sir, we haven't reached that part yet," I replied.

"Excellent Emily!" he said smiling, "It would have been foolish to make something up on the spot. Carry on Jake!" he called.

I busted Jake staring at me, and I blushed, looking down at my book. I'd had a crush on Jake for God-knows how long. He was muscular, a footballer, charming, and seriously hot. He had this gorgeous head of blond hair that he was always runnung his fingers through, and these deep blue eyes that seemed to see beyond your exterior. I knew he was way out of my league - so far in fact, it wasn't even funny - but a girl could hope, couldn't she?

After English Jake approached me, and I found myself standing stock-still as he shoved his hands deep in his pockets and looked at me, grinning sheepishly. I bit my lower lip, a nervous habit I'd had for many years, and forced myself to look into his eyes.

"Hey, Emily! I thought it was really great how you handled Attkins back there." I nodded, not replying. I was more than a little confused about where this conversation was going. He ran his hand through his short, blond hair and locked his sapphire eyes with mine. "Um, Emily? Do you, uh, um, do you maybewannagoout?" he asked at a hundred miles an hour.

I stared at him for a moment, totally shocked. Jake raised an eyebrow at me as he waited for my reply, and it didn't escape my notice that my lack of response didn't seem to concern. Had I had my wits about me, and not been totally befuddled by his hair, I'd have thought about that. He was so sure of himself, and despite the fact that I had a major crush on him that should have clued me in.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'd like that," I said, blushing deep red.

"Great! Cool!"

Inside, I was doing a happy-dance.

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