An angel.

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Daryl and michonne has finally arrived at hilltop and were greeted by Alden who opened the gates for them. As soon as the gates opened Daryl began scanning the area for Connie. He still wasn't sure what he was going to say but after listening to michonne he knew he had to say something and soon. He couldn't see her though. Michonne looked over and saw the disappointment on his face before turning to Alden and asking "is Connie here? I need to ask her about something she mentioned a few weeks ago". Daryl looked to her and gave a slight smile. He appreciated michonne asking about her so he didn't have to, and how subtly she had done so. "Not right now, she went out to a little patch she likes just outside the walls. She's been doing that a lot lately. Think she finds it a bit overwhelming in here sometimes. It's about a quarter mile through the trees over there if you want to go and find her. She could be out there for hours." Alden replied. Michonne looked to Daryl before saying "do you think you could go grab her for me? I need to get things here sorted first". Michonne was smart and Daryl was thankful they had the chat in the wagon now. This was perfect. He could finally talk to Connie, alone and without prying eyes on him. "Yeah sure, be back in a bit" he said before turning to leave. Michonne just shot him a supportive smile and nod. As if to say "you got this".

Walking through the trees outside of hilltop Daryl could feel his stomach tying in knots. He was so nervous which was very new to him. He still hadn't figured out what to say but he knew whatever it was had to be good. He didn't want to mess up again. Finally he approached a small clearing with the brightest green grass and scattered with daisies. The snow from the storm had finally almost melted, only remaining in shaded areas. The opening in the tree line meant this tiny area had the sun beaming right down onto it almost like a something from a fairy tail. As he got closer he noticed Connie leaning against a tree, eyes closed with the sun shining onto her face. Daryl couldn't help but stop and stare for a moment. Oh how beautiful she was. He skin almost glittered in the light. She looked like an angel. He just stood there for a moment trying to think what to say to her. Should he just go over and say hello? Should he just jump straight in and apologise? She looked so peaceful he almost wanted to just stay and watch her. But he knew he had to do this. This was the perfect opportunity and he had to take it.

Daryl finally plucked up the courage to approach her. Connie was sat with her hands on the ground so she could feel for vibrations and she must of felt his footsteps approaching because she suddenly sat upright and reached for her slingshot laying on the ground. She noticed Daryl and moved her hand away from her weapon. Without making any kind of facial expression she leaned back up against the tree and just stared at the floor. Daryl didn't know how to take the lack of expression. She wasn't disappointed or angry to see him, but she wasn't happy either he thought. He continued and sat next to her. He sat in silence for a few minutes again trying to figure out what to say or do now.

Finally Daryl tapped Connie on the shoulder to get her to look at him. She did and he signed "what you doing out here alone?". Connie just shrugged. Daryl felt at a loss. He was no good at this sort of stuff and had no idea how to handle the situation. He had gotten better at signing but still wasn't great so instead of embarrassing himself he decided to ask Connie for her notepad and pen. She handed it to him and he started writing. He wrote for a few minutes. Huffing, rubbing his head and scribbling words out in the process. Connie looked up at him a few times sneakily and she could see his frustration. She felt slightly guilty but she was just confused and hurt. She didn't know what to say or do either.

Finally Daryl sat the pen down on the floor in front of him before reading through what he wrote. He hid the pad in between his palms and looked out to the trees for a moment. He wrote what he needed to say, but was hesitant. Daryl wasn't a very emotional man, which is why Connie was so shocked when she saw his eyes start to well up. She reached out her hand and placed it on his. Daryl looked at her and she nodded slightly as if to say "it's okay" before removing the notepad from his hands and taking it between hers. Connie was hesitant too. She was scared she'd read something that would break her heart. But was also nervous as to how she would react if she read what she wanted to hear for so long. Finally, she took the notepad from between her palms and looked down at the page...

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