Chapter 10

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It took me a second to register what he had said. How the shuck did he know it was Thomas and I. Jake had drug me through the crowd of cranks jumping up and down to the music. The place reeked of alcohol and vomit. Music was pounding through my skull. It was dark besides flashing lights everywhere and people kept elbowing me in the face. Jake pulled me through the crowd until we stopped with the three cranks behind us. The one with the gun leaned over to Thomas and said something to him. I put my bow over my shoulder again.

What is he saying Tom? I asked. Then something hit me... I could talk to Thomas and Aris in my head. I COULD TALK TO THOMAS IN ARIS IN MY HEAD! Aris is with Newt and the others, hopefully. Thomas started talking to me but I ignored him.

Aris? I asked. I closed my eyes and concentrated really hard.

Zoe? Is that you? I heard him ask. I sighed in relief.

Yes! You're still alive! Are the others ok? Are you ok? Where are you guys? Is Jorge with you? I asked immediately.

Whoa, calm down. We're all fine we're somewhere in the city. Minho thought he saw you guys go with some cranks, is that true?

Yes we did. We're fine I guess but three cranks lead us down into a weird place that has a huge party and one of them had a- I get cut off by the woman handing me a drink.

"Drink up little lady!" She giggled. I stared down at the brownish liquid frowning.

"What is it exactly?" I ask not trusting this strange liquid.

"Don't worry it's fine." The one with the gun said.

"No thanks I'm not thirsty (HA!), I just drank a hold jug of water." I said patting my belly.

"I offered you a drink, now drink." He demanded now pulling the gun showing the handle out of his pocket. I glared at him.

"One." He said. I brought the drink to my lips and tilted it just a little, tasting the new substance. It spread across my tongue, burning and tasting absolutely horrible. I pushed it away and gagged. Some cranks laughed.

"Drink it all." He warned again. I looked over to Brenda, Thomas and Jake. They tilt back their cups drinking the last drop. I look back to the crank. He has his gun completely out pointing at my abdomen.

"Drink it now." He warned yet again. I snarled and brought the disgusting liquid back to my lips.

"Two." He said. I tilted it back just a little and he smiled. The liquid went down my throat burning even more. I was about to bring the cup back down when he pushed it up making the liquid pour down my throat. Once he knew it was all gone he let go of the cup and smiled.

"Now go have some fun and dance!" He said and walked off. I ran over to the corner and vomited all the drink up. It burnt even more coming up but I couldn't have that in my system. Once I was all done puking and rinsing my mouth of the horrid liquid I walked back to Brenda, Thomas and Jake are standing. Well Thomas and Brenda are dancing, Brenda has her arms wrapped around Thomas's neck and Thomas has his wrapped around her waist swaying to the music that has now slowed down. I stood next to Jake. The woman crank came back holding her screwdriver threatening towards us.

"Dance now." She demanded. Jake instantly pulled me into his arms, wrapping them around my waist. I hesitated then wrapped my arms around his neck. I shivered as we swayed. He brought me closer so that my chin rested on his shoulder and his rested on mine.

"I've missed you." He whispered. My heart ached; I don't have feelings for him...

"I'm sorry but-" He cut me off.

"I know you don't love me anymore, I get it you've moved on." I could hear the hurt in his voice.

"My memory was taken from me, I'm so sorry really."

"I know but could you just do something for me?" He asked and pulled me to look at him.

"What?" I asked. He didn't hesitate and pressed his lips against mine. I was so in shock that I didn't move. After a minuet he pulled back his face red.

"I'm sorry it's just... I love you Zoe and I haven't seen you in forever and now you're here but with someone else and." I see a tear roll down his cheek. My heart ached so much but I... just... Everything is so confusing.

"I feel so sorry for you. I don't remember that much about you or us or even myself and now I'm with Newt and. I'm sorry but I can't do this Jake." I say breaking apart from him. He looks hurt but doesn't stop me. Brenda and Thomas are now just standing near each other talking. I take Thomas's hand and bring him into a hug. He hugs me back and I start to sob.

"What's wrong?" He whispers.

"My life's a wreck Thomas." I silently sob.

"No it's not." He reassures me.

"Yes it is, I barely have any memories, was stuck in a shuckin maze, apparently tortured, stuck here with my old 'boyfriend' while my actual boyfriend is off somewhere probably flipping out trying to find me and you." I say. He rocks me back and forth slowly. Suddenly Thomas's eyes flutter close and he falls to the ground. I catch him before his head gets the ground. He is out cold. What? I look over and see Jake and Brenda on the ground. What's happening? Suddenly everything gets dizzy and the last thing I see is the three cranks laughing walking towards us. Then everything goes black. I opened my eyes; well I think I did because all I see is darkness. I swelled in panic. Everything hurt in my head, throbbing like someone was pounding the inside of my head with a metal spoon. I felt something on my wrists and ankles and immediately panicked more. I was tied to something. My heart raced so much it drowned out the throbbing in my head, and that's saying something.

"Thomas? Brenda? Jake?" I asked into the darkness. Nothing. Someone turned on a light making me blind. I blinked a few times and finally my vision came back to normal and I couldn't believe my eyes. The three cranks that led us to the party and someone I was definitely not expecting. Jake.

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