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"What do you mean, there's no more ammo?"

Alice just shook her head in disbelief as Dick Winters talked to the ranking supply officer. She had accompanied him to get a handle on the situation. It had become apparent quite quickly that the 506th needed to get moving ASAP. The whole 101st had been ordered to the Ardennes. They'd hoped that by heading straight to Supply, they'd get a bit more than the other Battalions.

"I'm sorry, Captain, but we've not been resupplied." The dark haired, young Lieutenant, arms across his chest, seemed impatient. He reached up above his head to pull a box down. "Listen, I know it's not ideal, but you're just going to have to go with what you've got."

She felt herself bristling. "What we've got is nothing, Lieutenant."

The man huffed, dropping the box at his feet. "With all due respect, sirs, that's not my problem." He pointed to the boxes around them in the store room. "I ordered more ammo. They haven't sent it yet."

Dick stared at the young man for a few moments. Standing beside him, Alice could see him biting back a sharp retort. But finally he nodded. Together, they left the Supply building.

"Well this isn't going well," Alice muttered. "Any other options?"

Dick shook his head. "Not in terms of supplies. There aren't enough hats in all of Reims to supply the 2nd Battalion, and definitely no ammunition." He paused, turning to her. "Go find Nixon, see if he has any idea on potential resupplies."


She sped off towards the building used by Regimental. All around her, enlisted hurried through the dark, damp night. Temperatures hadn't improved. Any exposed skin on the pale faces around her turned a bright red. She knew her face probably didn't look any better. When she reached the door, a fierce gale hit her in the face. Coughs wrecked her body for a moment as she stood inside. 

When she had a hold of herself, Alice dashed up the closest set of stairs. She passed a few lieutenants on her way up, none sparing her more than a glance. She ran into Nixon at the top of the stairs.

"You're in a hurry," he commented. But he didn't leave her room for discussion as he started down the stairs. 

Alice rolled her eyes but turned and followed right back down next to him. Her feet hadn't even started to warm up yet. "Dick wanted to know if there's any chance at a resupply in the near future."

"No idea," he said. "It depends on the weather and the Germans."

They hit the bottom of the stairs. Everywhere in the building and where they continued outside echoed with shouts and loud boots against the ground. Alice felt her heart racing.

"Colonel Strayer's not back from England yet," Nixon added a moment later. "I'm going to find Sink. Tell Dick to find me when he's done talking to the Company Commanders."


Alice watched Nixon hurry off to a building next door. Camp de Châlons in the frigid night, filled with tense voices, didn't look anywhere near as appealing as usual.  Now she had to find Dick. Again.

It took nearly half an hour of Alice searching Camp de Châlons before she found him again. He stood around a flaming oil drum with what looked to be Peacock, Buck, and Dike. He looked to be dressing down the Company Commander. Alice hurried up to them and slipped in between Buck and Dick.

"Lieutenant Compton, Lieutenant Peacock, inform Lieutenant Shames of the situation. Get all your platoons as best equipped as you can. Then report back here to me, understood?"

Humanity of the Broken [ Band of Brothers ] 2Where stories live. Discover now