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When she finally reached the road heading up, Alice slowed a bit. The inevitable scolding she'd receive from the other officers lay in wait for her. She sighed. She knew it was at least a bit warranted she supposed. The war had ended; she needed to accept that and forgive the Germans, the people she had defended so long as being victims like the rest of Europe.

She found Ron and Talbert chatting at the base of the resort, both leaning against a wall, arms crossed. Not too far, Gene and Spina sat at a table with Lipton. A few other men of both Easy and Dog wandered around. When Ron caught sight of her, he shook his head and pushed off the wall. He met Alice a ways away from the enlisted.

"You pulled a hell of a stunt, Alice," he snapped, lighting a cigarette. "Are you insane? Ordering Liebgott to take out that Nazi?"

"He's a fucking Nazi," she argued back. "I'm an officer like all the rest of you! I have a right to give them orders."

Ron scoffed in disbelief, shaking his head. "Jesus christ, this isn't about your fucking rank, Alice. This is about you giving orders to execute a man who hadn't been officially ID'd as the enemy."

"Listen, I'm sorry about that," she muttered. "I am, genuinely-"

Shouts and the roar of a jeep engine filled the area as a pair of young enlisted men swerved into the parking zone. Ron and Alice jumped back. They shouted desperately for a medic. As they leapt from the jeep, she, Ron, Gene, and Spina converged on the jeep.

"What happened?" Ron demanded. He grabbed one of the enlisted men and shook him. "Private White!"

"Sir, it's Sergeant Grant," he said. The young man tried to catch his breath. As Ron and Alice moved from him to the back of the truck, he attempted to explain, rambling about an American soldier shooting him and several other men.

Alice reached the back at the same time as Gene and Spina. Grant had been laid across the back seats, unconscious but breathing. They couldn't see anything. Gene cursed. Flipping out her lighter, she handed it to the medic.

The small flame did a poor but manageable jump of illuminating Grant's still body. A hasty bandage had been wrapped around his skull. Gene ordered Spina to go find medical supplies while he inspected the wound. Ron tore himself from the medic and Alice to interrogate the frightened replacements of Easy who had been with him. She could see Ron trembling in anger.

"We gotta get him to the aid station, now!" Gene snapped. He handed the lighter back to Alice. "He's still breathing, but I don't got a clue how long he'll stay that way. Captain!"

Ron turned from them at his call. He hurried over to them. As Gene explained the situation, he nodded, staying quiet. When Gene finished, Ron turned to Alice. "Take those two, get them back to Easy's HQ, calm them down. I want you to get Easy prepped. I'll send Talbert with further instructions."


With a last look at Grant's fair, still face in the dark, she turned away. Spina rushed over, handing what he could to Gene as Ron and Talbert barreled into the front and the medic took the back with Grant. They sped off with a roar.

Once the jeep had faded in the darkness, Alice turned her attention to the privates. Privates Derek White and Jack Crosby, if she remembered correctly. They'd only arrived upon the capture of Berchtesgaden. Both stood, shocked. She walked over to them.

"You boys did a good job," she said. Alice tried to smile at them. "Really. I'm sure if someone hadn't reacted as quickly, he wouldn't have half the chance he's got now."

White glanced up at her. He nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

"Come on. Easy needs a report," she told them.

Humanity of the Broken [ Band of Brothers ] 2Where stories live. Discover now