Chapter 7

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  Ellie's POV

"Oh my god do you have to be such a douche bag Benjamin!" I growled down the phone, walking in to the front lounge of the bus. "No, seriously! How is that my fault?...Gahhhhhh! You're so damn frustrating even when I'm thousand miles away!...Yeah? Oh really? uh huh...and how would you manage that one?...Whatever, you're such a dick!...Since when?...Look Benjamin, I called you thinking it would be nice to speak to one of my best friends who I miss, but no, your in a foul mood and of course I just have to be your verbal punching bag...Urgh, call me when you've calmed your shit!" I hung up.
"What's up his arse now?" Hayley moaned, obviously hung over.
"Fook if I know, he was bitching about work, and then apparently my landlord bitched about something or other, I didn't even catch what he said and yeah, well you know Ben."
"Sounds like he needs a slap." Matt laughed.
"Oh god yes!" Just then my phone rang again. "What do you want now Benjamin?...urgh you're so will be, just wait till I get home!...Yeah it's like that, I'll go all Erza on you...scary huh? Look we're nearly at the hotel, I'll talk to you later ok? Yeah, hate you too, bye."
"The apology phone call?" Alex walked in, thankfully dressed.
"Yup." I popped the P. "Typical Ben."
"Yeah but you'd be lost without your arguments with each other." Hayley laughed. "Owwwww laughing hurts my head."
"Shhhhhhh so loud!" Jack moaned flopping down on the sofa next to me.
"Hung over are we Jack?" I asked
"I doubt I'm as bad as the crazy ass bitch over there but yup." He waved his hand in Hayley's direction.
"Well, we'll be at the hotel in five, Alex you're in with Jack, Rian with Zack, Vinny with Danny, Evan with Grecio, Nano with Keith and I'm alllllllll alone, peace and quite." Matt sighed dreamily, "Ellie with Hayley of course.!
"Woah, hey, why do you get to be on your tod?" Zack frowned.
"Because I have a shed load of paper work to do, calls to make, things to organize and I'd like to get it done in peace, if you don't mind."
"Fineeeee!" Zack pouted.

  I'd spent my day just as planned, me and Hayley laid in bed all day watching Anime. We had the occasional visit from the guys and Evan had come in to go through some bits with me that I needed to know for the next few shows. We'd all met up to go out to some random Chinese place near by for dinner, but other then that, I think everyone else was pretty much too hungover to do anything other then sleep and stay in bed. I'd also managed to get some quality Skype time with my parents, and with Carl and Jake. I missed them like hell, and I couldn't lie, I was starting to feel a little home sick.
I looked at my phone for the time, ten at night, then looked to Hayley who was snoring away. I got out of bed, changed into my PJ shorts and Ben's Bleach t-shirt and headed off to Alex's room. "Alex? Jack?" No answer, dammit, they must be asleep. "Allllleeeexxx?" nope, lazy asses! I sighed and went to head back into my room.
Just as I was about to head into my door, Matt appeared out of his room just down the hall. "You alright Ellie?"
"Well, I was hoping Lex was awake but he's not."
"Why, what's up?"
"Feeling a little home sick, Skyping with everyone earlier, it just kind of hit me like a freight train and Hayley's sparko'ed too."
"Awww sweetie, want to come watch some more Disney film? Or, well, doesn't have to be Disney, we can find something on Netflix."
"Yeah sounds good, actually, can we watch a film called The Covenant? It's like my favorite film and I love watching it when I'm feeling a bit crappy."
"Of course, you got it with you?"
"Yeah it's in my case, I'll go grab it." I nodded.
"Alright, I just got to run downstairs a second, but I'll leave my room door open so just let yourself in and make yourself comfortable." He gave me a small smile.
"Okay." I gave him a small smile back and headed into my room.

  "So come on, tell me about your parents." Matt asked as we laid on the bed on our sides facing each other, our heads propped up on one hand while our other hands laid close to each others, but not touching.
"Well, what you want to know?"
"Anything, everything, names, how they met, what they do, all that." He shrugged.
"Ok, well my mums called Marie and my Dad's called George, they met when they where seventeen in college. They where friends at first, but after they finished college they decided to take a gap year together travelling, before going to university. One night, they where in Paris actually, my dad took my mum to this beautiful French restaurant after climbing the Eiffel tower...well actually, mum only made it half way up before getting really bad vertigo. But anyway, after the meal, my dad confessed his feelings for her, he admitted he loved her the moment he saw her but he was too scared to tell her. It was all so romantic, I've seen the pictures, they tell it like it came out of a movie, but it was real. And yeah, four years later they got married, two years after that they had Amanda, then a me a little over a year later. They where the perfect parents, sure of course there was times I didn't like them so much because I was being a brat and they told me off. They could be strict when they wanted too, but every day they would tell us how much they loved us, they'd show it too. We had this tradition, every Sunday we'd do a roast dinner and during the week we'd of written a letter, or made something for each other and we'd give them to each other. We still do it now. Obviously I'm not home at the moment, so it's just been over text or email. But yeah, I'm really lucky to have them, I don't know what I'd do without them. My mum, she's a nurse and my dad's a managing director of a soft wear company. Everything Tuesday my mum goes out with her girl friends, for dinner, or too a movie, or, well whatever they fancy doing and every year, during season, my dad will go watch our local Basketball team. I usually went along with him and a couple of his work friends. All the other times they spent time together doing something they both loved."
"Wow, they sound...amazing!"
"They are, they're not perfect, they've had their troubles, but they fight, together, side by side and after thirty years you'd think they'd met yesterday."
"Explains where you get your feelings on things like that from."
"Yeah, it was like that for Carl and Amanda too, if I ever have anything even close to what my parents have, or what Carl and Amanda had, I'd never let it go, no matter what it cost."
", where did you come from?" Matt stared at me in amazement.

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