Chapter 18

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 My Christmas day was about as perfect as it could get. Matt had been there, awake as promised to say good morning and wish me a merry Christmas before drifting off to sleep himself. Watching Jake unwrap his own presents this year melted my heart as we all sat around the tree in our nightwear watching him grin and giggle at the sound of paper ripping. My parents where over the moon with their gifts from me, I'd been taking video's while I was over in the states and put them all on to a DVD for everyone to watch which included personal messages from everyone to them all. I'd also mum a new Kindle pre loaded with all kinds of books I knew she'd love, she was an avid reader and I'd got her a locket with a picture of all four of us when me and my sister where teens on one side, and a picture of us with Carl and Jake when he was a baby. I'd gotten my dad a personalized Maryland Terrapin's basketball Jersey and a watch with 'Love you forever, E x' engraved on the back.
I'd gotten Jake lots of different toys and made him his own DVD he can watch when he's older when I'm not around. I'd gotten Carl a personalized frame engraved with 'forever with us in our hearts' which held a photo of all of us at their wedding and he was big on collecting model car's, so I'd gotten him a couple of rare one's I found over in the states.
I loved my gifts from them too, more charms for my bracelet, mum and dad had done a big frame of little pictures of our family over the years. I'd gotten a few collectible Sword Art Online things from Carl and Jake, apparently he had to raid both my rooms here and at the apartment to make sure he didn't double anything. A lot's of little things that would come quite handy on the tour bus...the best one was ear plugs with a note saying 'so you can have yourself some peace and quite once in a while ;-).
All the crew and Zack, Jack and Rian had gotten me loads of Pokemon, Fairy Tail and Iron man things, they'd obviously had someone's help with what exactly to get me as I knew none of them knew exactly what I had. Alex had given me two charms, Buttercup and a Chipmunk, a framed photo of our first day over in Balitmore and, what I found confusing, things for a guitar, like strings, picks, a couple of pedals etc. But that one became clear when I opened the big one from Matt...the box was empty, aside from a picture, of a purple Jackson Kelly Pro saying 'it's at home waiting for you. M xoxo' I literally squealed in excitement when I saw it.

  "Ummm, I was just thinking..." I started as Miracle on 34th street finished on the TV. "How am I going to get this all back to the states? Because I got to take stuff from my flat too..."
"Oh, you don't need to worry about that sweetheart, I got that covered." My dad smiled.
"Well, you got room for the smaller bits in yours right?"
"Yeah." I nodded, still unsure what his point was.
"The going in mine..."
My eyes shot open wide. "What?"
"Well, as I missed out last time, I managed to book the time off work and the guys Christmas present to me was a ticket to come back with you. I'm only staying two days, but, I'm coming over with you sweetie."
"Oh my god, dad really?"
"Yes really." He laughed and I flung my arms around him.
"That's amazing!"
"I know right? As I'm only staying for a couple days, I'll only need to take a couple of bits, so I'll have my whole suit case for the rest of your stuff, if we need to pay extra for a second one, then we will." He smiled.
"Thank you Daddy."
"Not me you should be thanking sweetheart, it's Alex and his band, and Matt."
"I will when they call." I grinned.
"Now, who want's hot chocolate before we carry on watching films?" My mum stood up.
"ME!" Me and Carl chimed together.
"Juice!" Jake smiled waving his sippy cup around.
"Alright sweetheart." My mum smiled down at him, taking the cup and went into the kitchen.
"Ok, so it's your pick now Ellie, what will it be?" Carl looked at me.
"Umm...can we watch Mickey's Christmas Carol? I kind of miss Matt, and, you know...Mickey Mouse, Matty Mouse..."
"Sure." Carl laughed, getting up and going over to the shelves holding all the DVD's neatly, there was easily over three hundred DVD there, all alphabetical as my mum had a slight OCD about that kind of thing.

  The next week flew by way too fast, I hadn't spoken to the guys, or Matt much as they'd had shows to do leading up to new year. It sucked, but they called and skyped when they could, and I'd been busy spending time with my family and the others. I'd even shown my face down the venue a couple of nights to see Dave's band play and catch up with my old work friends.
  It was new years and Me, Hayley, Ben, Jay and Carl where heading out to the venue's New years fancy dress. And, of course, we all had to be coordinated, Ben was Ash Ketchum, Carl was Tracey, Jay was Brock, well, a white Brock, Hayley was Ivy and I went as Misty. We hadn't gone half asked on our costumes either, we all wore wigs if we needed, like me, Jay and Hayley did and had their exact costumes. After all, there was prizes too, we missed out last year when we went as Resident Evil characters, so we where determined to win something this year. Plus, it was Carl's first night out since forever, so, you know, if you're going to go it in style.  Thankfully for Jay tonight, they had DJ's in, so he didn't have to work, they where good though, they didn't play the typical generic club music. We had things like Sum 41, Blink 182, Piece the Veil, we even had some All Time Low, which of course, we all went mad over. We had some heavier stuff too, bands who played here regulary and some of the generic club music. But it was mostly pop punk as that's the best kind of music to dance around too without gigantic mosh pits starting.
"Fancy seeing you here..." A voice came from behind me as I stepped out side for some fresh air. My heart stopped as I turned around.
"S-Simon...I-I thought..."
"Yeah, got out yesterday, good behaviour and all."
"I have nothing to say to you Simon." I turned away.
"No, but I have something to say to you...what did you do with our son?" He grabbed my wrist roughly and swung me back around.
"Sent him somewhere he'd be safe from such a vile disgusting person like you" I spat.
"You had no right to do that." He growled.
"And you had no right to hit me, beat me, drug me...force yourself on me! So hey, I guess we both did stuff we had no right to do. But he was my child Simon, I had every right to do what I felt was best for him."
"I'm going to court to battle for him...and I want you to defend me."
I snorted. "Yeah bloody right, as if I'd do that!"
"You will, or I'll make you suffer just like I used too."
"Good luck with that, you can't touch me if I'm not here. Here isn't home anymore."
"Oh, I know, I spoke to a lovely lady, what was it...Kendall?"
"Kendra..." I breathed, my heart racing.
"Ahh yes, her, lovely lady, very pretty too, but she seemed too...strong for my liking. I like my ladies weak like you."
"I'm not that girl anymore Simon, after what you did to me, I found my strengh and now I take no shit from anyone, so really, I'd like to thank you for that. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be that girl, but I'm not, so yeah, thanks for that!"
He burst out laughing. "Ohh sweetheart you can give it the big talk, but we all know I'll have you back to your old self in seconds."
"Good really think Ben, Hayley, Carl won't notice I've been out here too long and come looking for me?"
"Oh, they're easily dealt with, I've got friends with me..." He yanked me towards him and held me to him, the scent of booze and weed had me gagging.
"You stink! Get off me!" I struggled but it was useless, he was stronger then before.
"Not a chance in hell, now, be a good girl, come with me, get our son back, and let's go back to playing happy families yeah?"
"Over my dead body!" I spat in his face.
"You bitch!" He wiped his face and raised his hand. I flinched in fear, waiting for the hit...but it never came.
"You take your filthy hands off my woman!" A man's voice growled angrily, I looked up and became completely bemused by the fact, Matt was standing in front of me, pinning Simon against the wall. "You really don't want to screw with her mate, because I'll make you regret the day you where born!"
"Yeah, what you going to do huh?" Simon snarled.
"You don't even want to know, mate! I'll protect that woman with my life and if I have to go to jail for it then so be it."
"Matt! No!" Tears fell from my eyes like a waterfall. "Please, just don't! Let him go, please."
"Ellie..." Matt looked over at me, rage flooding from his face when he saw me.
"Please Matt, let him go." I begged, Matt relaxed and let him go.
"Simon...leave..." I warned.
"This...this is..." Rage filled Matt's face again, clenching his fists into a tight ball and I nodded.
"Give me one damn good reason I shouldn't kill you!" Matt grabbed Simon by the collar of his shirt.
"You wouldn't stand a chance...I'd have you down before you could even throw the first punch!"
"Want to bet?"
"Matt, don't please, you don't know him like I do!"
"No Ellie, this good for nothing pathetic scum bag needs to pay for what he did to you!"
"Matt, and if you get locked up, what do I do then huh?!"
"You're lucky I love that woman too much to do that to her! Walk" Matt warned letting go, but before I could even blink, Simon's fist came down on Matt's face.
"NO! Get off him!" I tried to restrain Simon from hitting Matt, but it was hopeless, he pushed me back, slamming me hard against the brick wall behind. Matt tried to land hits, but all but two of them missed.
"What the...Ohhhh no you don't!" Ben appeared and jumped on Simon, knocking him to the floor. "I've kicked your ass to the curb before matey, you really want me to do that again?! Ellie, go get Carl and Hayley now!"
"NOW Ellie!"
I nodded and ran inside trying to find Carl and Hayley. "Carl..."
"Ellie...woah, what the fuck? Ellie what's wrong?" Carl rested his hands on my shoulders.
"S-Simon...Matt...Ben..." I sobbed.
"Hayley's at the bar, we'll call Jimmy, I'm going to need back up. Let's go." He grabbed my hand, dragging me through the crowd, dialing Jimmy's number as we found Hayley.
"Fucking asshole's gonna pay!" Hayley growled as we fought back through the crowd and got out side.
"Ben off him!" Carl demanded, seeing Ben and Simon scrap on the floor, ripping off the headband he wore around his head. Ben jumped off him and Carl quickly moved on him, forcing him on his front. "Arms behind your back NOW!"
My eyes fell on an unconscious Matt on the floor, nose bleeding, face swiftly coming up in bruises. "MATT!" I screamed and ran to his side. "Baby, wake up, come on, open your eyes."
Hayley dashed to Matt's side with me and checked his pulse. "Ellie, move!"
"No..." I shook my head as I fell back and watch Hayley start CPR on Matt. I felt my whole world coming crashing down on me, suddenly I was suffocating, like there was no oxygen. I was no longer outside in the cold winter air, I was in a black box, crushing me, no way out. I could hear everything around me, but it was like it was happening far away, rather then right next to me,
"Get bent piggy!" Simon growled.
"Ben, get his arms!" And Ben did as he was told, gripping  his arms and holding them together while Carl tied the headband the best he could around his wrists.
Seconds late sirens wailed quitely, although, in reality, they where right there, loud as anything, but, to me, they sounded miles away.
"Scott Burrow's, you're under arrest, I got this Carl." Jimmy said, cuffing Scott and pulling him us as he read him his rights.
"Ellie?" Ben came to my side. "Ellie? An ambulance is on its way ok?"
Suddenly, the sweet sound of Matt coughing came, dragging me out of my box for a moment.
"Ok, he's breathing, and has a pulse, but it's weak, we need that ambulance!" Hayley was crying as she put Matt into the recovery position.
"Looks like he hit his head pretty bad, and those punches did some damage." Carl checked him over.
"Please Carl, I need him ok." I cried.
"I know honey, he'll be ok. Jesus Ben your face! Are you ok?"
"I'm fine, just a black eye and cut lip, I'll live."
"Right, I'm taking this ass down the station, Tony is going with you guys to the hospital ok? He'll need to talk to each one of you, get statements."
"Alright, thanks." Carl nodded, just then the ambulance came dashing around the corner.
I had even notice pretty much the entire crowd of people from inside where now by the door, being kept back by security and staff.
"Let Jay out man!" Ben pleaded with one of the bouncers refusing to let Jay pass. "He's with us!"
The bouncer nodded and let Jay pass. "What the hell happened?!"
"Simon." Ben growled.
"How the hell..."
"I don't know."
"Miss...Miss...we need to take your boyfriend to the hospital, only one person can come in the ambulance."
"I'll call us a cab Ellie, go with him." Carl threw his arms around me, and I sobbed, nodding into his shoulder.
"C-Can you call...Lex?"
"We'll sort it, just go Ellie." Haley pulled me from Carl to hug me herself. "Go on."
"Miss, we need to go now." The paramedic urged, I nodded and hopped in, sitting next to Matt, taking his hand as he laid there, breathing, barely, but not moving.
"Miss, can you tell me what happened?" The paramedic asked. I tried my best to explain through the tears and shock. "Ok, he may have some internal bleeding."
"No..." I shook my head, tears coming full flow again.
"He'll get the best care possible, I promise." The paramedic tried to comfort me, but it wasn't working. The only thing that could comfort me right now was knowing Matt was going to be ok. I felt those walls closing in again, slowly, but surely. Oxygen wearing thin, light becoming dim, voices near by fading, I couldn't live with out him. Is this how Carl felt? could he have surivied this? I couldn't live without Matt. But Carl did make it, I tried to focus on that, but it just seemed hopeless as I stared aimlessly at Matt's motionless body.
  Why was Matt even there? He wasn't supposed to be, he was supposed to be back home, where he would of been safe, where he could of picked me up from the air port tomorrow and everything would of been ok. I could of handle Simon on my own, why did he have to come?

  "We need to get him into surgery." I faintly heard a doctor speak. No, no, no...My breathing became short, rugged, struggling to in take oxygen. "Miss, he'll be ok, Nurse Harris can you please take her to the waiting room."
"Of course, hello dear, what your name?" The nurse looked at me, but I could barely make her out through the tears.
"E-Ellie." I choked.
"Ok Ellie, come with me sweetheart, he's in perfectly capable hands, it'll be ok." She took my hand, trying hard to comfort me. "Would you like a drink?" I shook my head. "Alright sweet, come on."
"I-I can't..."
"Nurse I need too..." Tony, the officer went to speak but the nurse stopped him.
"You can do you're statements later Office Hammonds, surly you can tell this poor girl is in no state! Go get yourself a coffee and I will let you know when she's in a better state to speak."
"I need to do my job..."
"And I need to do mine, you can speak to her when she's ready!"
"Very well." He sighed and walked off.
"Oh honey, do you have anyone on their way to meet you?" I nodded my head. "Alright, come on, I'll sit with you until they get here, but we need to get you into the waiting room, come on." She gently tugged my hand, leading me into a small waiting room near the operating theater, sitting me on one of the chairs as she sat next to me. "Are you sure you don't want some water?"
"N-no, thank you."
Minutes later, Hayley came dashing in with my parents behind. "Oh Ellie sweetheart." My mum threw her arms around me.
"Are you family?" The nurse asked.
"Yes, we're her parents, this is her best friend, and she's Matt Flyzik's girlfriend."
"Very well, can I get anyone a drink?"
"No we're fine thank you." My mum shook her head, wrapping her arms around me tighter as I sobbed harder into her shoulder.
"Thank you for looking after her." Hayley gave the nurse a small, polite smile.
"It was the least I could do, please, if you need anything let me know, I'll be at the desk."
"Of course, thank you." My dad nodded and joined the hug between me and my mum.
"They're down the station doing their statements, we've called Alex and they're getting on the next flight over." My mum mumbled into the top of my head, pressing her lips against it over and over.
"Wh-Why d-did h-he c-come?"
"Because he wanted to see the new year in with you, he'll be ok girl." Hayley placed her hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

  We all just stayed there like that, the only words spoken where the words from my mum, dad and Hayley trying their best to comfort me. But it was hopeless, the only thing that could comfort me right now was knowing Matt was going to be ok. It had been nearly two hours since he was taken in and we hadn't heard anything, no news was good news right? Not that it felt like that right now.
"Err, are you all here for Matt Flyzik?" A doctor in green scrubs walked in. My mum pulled away from me, and I nodded my head.
"I-is he..." I couldn't finish the sentence, scared of the answer that was about to come from the doctors mouth.

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