Chapter 13 *!* TW!

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A/N; Ok, I wasn't planning on having any major big drama in this story but uh, this idea came to me randomly as I wanted to play on the whole Kendra story a little more. So, yeah this chaper comes with a trigger warning, so read with caution xo

  "We're finally HOMEEEEEEEEE!" Alex cried as we walked into his house, or well, our house now.
The rest of the tour was a huge success, sold out shows, loads of joking around, acting like idiots, they'd even convinced me to join the parties they threw on the bus and dragged me out drinking. As much as I'd never enjoyed that sort of thing before, they made it fun. Alex had always said they never saw their crew as their crew, they where family, and it was amazing to be apart of it.
"Well for a couple of weeks anyway." Zack laughed. "And we got studio time booked as well."
"Alright party pooper! Oh my god Ellie, we need to sort out your room!" Alex gasped.
"Why? The spare room has a bed and wardrobe does it not?"
"Yeah buttt if your living here now, you got to make it your room!" Zack nudged me.
"Yeah tomorrow we can like, go get some paint and decorate it and stuff. And you can get some things to put in there to make it feel more...homey."
"You do realize, when I got back to England for Christmas, I'm going to be bringing back all my gaming, Anime and comic book stuff right? So I don't think I'm going to need to buy more." I laughed.
"Oh yeah, all those wall scroll things and figures you got, I remember."
"Mmmmhmmm." I nodded.
"So, with us being hauled up in the studio a lot the next couple weeks, what you going to do? Aside from going to Matt's to screw his brains out at every given opportunity." Zack laughed.
"DUDE! Did you have to go there?" Alex moaned.
"Excuse me I'll have you know, that's not all me and Matt do when you lot aren't around and no, actually, he has work to do too. So, I don't know, I was in the middle of replaying the Resident Evil series back home so carry on doing that I guess...though, I need to re buy the games."
"Ahhh we can do that tomorrow, so basically, you're going to be a bum?"
"Pretty much." I nodded. "Though Keith said I can come help out at the studio too."
"Awesome! Ahhhh, feels soooo good to be home and have you here Buttercup." He hugged me.
"Alright Chipmunk, calmmm yourself." I laughed, just then my phone went off.
Matt; Umm, can you come over mine please? Need to talk to you
Me; Uh yeah, just got in, I'll get Lex to drop me off in a bit
Matt; Ok

"What's the face for Ellie?" Zack looked at me confused,
"Matt wants me to go over to his, needs to talk to me apparently."
"More like he needs too..."
"Don't...say it Zack or I will kick your ass to high heaven! I'll drop you round there in a bit, let me just sort my stuff out." Alex kissed the top of my head and ran upstairs.
"You ok El? You look a little...worried."
"Huh? Yeah, I dunno, just seems weird, I saw him like an hour ago and I wasn't supposed to go see him until tomorrow evening so I don't know. The text seemed a little off too."
"I'm sure it's nothing Ellie, maybe he's planned a surprise and just wants to throw you off the scent. You know what Matt's like by now surly."
"Yeah, your probably right." I chuckled as I remembered on of our last hotel nights. He sappy sod had paid a small little restaurant to close for a couple of hours so we could have a romantic dinner, just us too. I'd wondered all day that day why he'd been acting so weird, he'd been avoiding me and when he was around me acting all suspicious. So I guessed Zack was right and relaxed.

  Within an hour Lex was pulling up to Matt's front door. "Let me know if you need picking up yeah? Oh, and it might be wise if you apply for your driving permit or something while your here, just in case I'm not around and you want to go some where."
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Thanks Chipmunk." I smiled, leaning over to kiss his cheeks.
"Laters Buttercup." He smiled and I got out and walked up to Matts door, knocking as Alex drove away. "Hey." I smiled as he opened the door, but my face dropped when I suddenly realized he'd been crying. "Matt?"
"Come in." He muttered and moved out the way.
"Matt? What's wrong?" I looked worried as I walked in, I tried to hug him but he dodged it and walked into his living room. "Ok Matt, you're scaring me now, what's wrong?"
"Wh-When where you going to tell me you where married?"
My heart stopped, the blood drained from my face, I felt like I'd been kicked, hard in the guts. "H-how did you..."
"I found this." He held up a marriage certificate, and sure enough, there was my name...and his. "It had come in the post at some point while we where...when where you going to tell me Ellie?"
"I-Matt please..."
"WHEN ELLIE? How could you keep something like this from me?! You're fucking MARRIED!"
"No actually Matt, I'm divorced.."
"That's NOT the point! I-I thought...I thought I-I could trust you! I-How...I don't even know what to think right now. I-I can't even LOOK at you right now, tell me WHY Ellie please! I'm dying here! I-I need an explanation o-or I can't-I can't be with you...n-not if you could keep this from me."
"You can trust me Matt, please, let me explain!" Tears filled my eyes, his words cut me deeper then any. Someone sent that...someone wanted to destroy us, and it was working.
"Then do it Ellie, because my heart can't take this! I-If you could keep this from me...what else are you hiding? So please Ellie, make me understand!"
This was the first time this had been mentioned since I signed the divorce papers, myself and my family swore never to speak of it again. I swore never to think about it, say anything about it or relieve those days, but now, I was going to have too. "Wh-When I was seventeen, I-I met this guy, Simon." I slumped down on the sofa, my whole body shaking. "H-he seemed sweet, genuine, w-we got to know each other a-and we hit it off. F-for four months he'd been t-this really s-sweet guy, treated me like a princess, and on my changed." Tears where flowing uncontrollably out of me.
"What happened?"
"I-I told him I wanted to go to Manchester...he didn't like that. He started screaming...a-and yelling...saying how he wouldn't allow it...I-I had to stay i-in Essex with him. I-I argued back, refusing to let h-him control me, next thing I-I know I'm w-waking up with a black eye and cut lip. H-he did it for days, k-kept beating me u-until I agreed to stay...b-but that wasn't enough for him...he-he...He said if I didn't marry him he'd...he'd hurt my family...he-he'd kill Amanda...he-he'd kill B-Ben and everyone u-until I said yes."
"Oh my god, Ellie, I-I'm so sorry." Tears fell from Matt's eyes as he flew his arms around me.
"I-I had to Matt...I-I had to protect them..."
"No, no, baby I'm so sorry, you don't need to explain." He pressed his lips against my temple.
"N-no, y-you deserve t-to know everything because there's m-more." I shook my head. "S-So I said yes...I-I waited for all my cuts and b-bruises to heal and told my family. T-they weren't happy at first, but eventually, a-after a few months of p-playing happy families, they w-warmed up to the idea. Three months later, w-we where married. A-Amanda t-though, she-she wasn't convinced, n-nor was Ben, they w-wouldn't stop the phone calls, t-the texts. A-at uni, he would d-drop me off a-and pick me up. W-When he realized t-they where suspicious h-he started beating me again...and o-one night...he-he-he forced me t-to have s-sex. He-He left the flat to-to go to the store...I g-grabbed t-the phone and called B-Ben. The next thing I-I knew, S-simon came home, B-Ben, beat him bad...a-and t-they where both arrested. B-Ben got let off on p-probation and he-he got locked up, for ten years. B-but it-it didn't end there..."
"What happened baby, tell me." He held me tight as I cried into his t-shirt.
"Th-the night h-he f-forced me to...I-I fell pregnant. M-my mum forced me to-to move back home, b-but I-I insisted on staying at uni-I-I had to-I needed the-the distraction. E-Every time I-I was alone, a-all I'd do was c-cry. F-Four months in I moved in w-with Hayley, in-into her apartment, i-it was actually h-how she met Jimmy, h-he was the one w-who arrested B-Ben and S-Simon. A-Anyway, I c-carried on a-at uni, a-and nine months later-I-I had-Ash. B-but I-I couldn't be a mum to him...m-my PTSD w-was too sever, I-I tried but I-I ended up giving him up for a-adoption. T-That summer, h-he was sent to a family in L-Leeds, I t-transferred Universities t-to be closer t-to everyone and I-I put it all behind me...sw-swearing to never look back and I-I haven't...until now. N-Not even L-Lex knows, I-I never told him, I-I wanted to protect him, s-so I felt it best h-he didn't know."
"Oh god, baby I am, so, so, so sorry. I-how could anyone do that to you?"
"I-I don't know." I sobbed.
"I am so sorry baby, please forgive me."
"You didn't do anything." I shook my head.
"I-I shouldn't have flipped out at you like I did, I'm so sorry."
"I-It's ok, I-I should have told you."
"N-No baby, oh god I feel awful, god I love you so much." He kissed the top of my head over and over.
"I love you too, please, don't feel bad." I looked up at him. "I-I would have reacted the same way."
"Doesn't make it ok." He shook his head. "B-But Ellie, y-you need to tell Lex, if whoever it was could send it to me, they might send it to him too."
"He's going to be so angry." I hung my head, he was going to flip that I never told him, that I kept something like that from him.
"He'll be fine...I can be there when you tell him if you like?"
I nodded my head. "Please. Do you know who..."
"I don't...but I got a damn good idea who did." His face turned angry.
"Kendra." I breathed and he nodded, fresh tears came pouring out. Why couldn't she just leave us alone.
"It's ok baby, I'll deal with her, I'm going to have to give Keith a heads up if she's on the war path, but I won't tell him anything about...that. I'll just tell him Kendra's being a spiteful bitch and trying to cause shit, at least he'll know what's going on if anything comes his way, or the bands way. I'll let you deal with Lex and the guys how you want, ok?"
"Ok." I nodded.
"Shall we go tell Lex now? Get it out of the way? Then..." He looked at his watch. "I'm going to take you out, we're going to get you a stunning dress and I'm going to take you out tonight, sound good?"
"Yeah." I nodded. "Thank you Matt."
"For what?"
"Everything, a-and being so understanding and not judging me and, just...just for being you."
"Oh stop it, I love you Ellie ok? I am not going to let anything come between us ok?"
"Ok, I love you too." I gave him a small, albeit weak smile and he kissed me.
"Just one thing before we there any other psychopathic exes I should know about?"
I gave a little chuckle. "No, just him, there was only one other after him, well two technically but we didn't make it past the third date because I realized what a douche bag he was."
"Right, good, no more mental head exes, got it...any mental cases of any sorts?"
"No, only the one's you've already met and you know, they're alright I guess."
"Yeah, they're alright." He gave a small laugh. "Come on, let's go get this over with hey?"
"Yeah." I sighed and we headed back to mine.

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