Chapter 1

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I groaned as my mother placed another kiss on my cheek. "Okay mother stop it." I mumbled, pushing her away from me. "Be safe in school, darling and remember to write okay?" She said. Just as I was about to answer her an irritating laugh reached my ears. One I knew all too well.

I looked in the direction the laugh came from and my eyes landed on Kaitlynn. Her blue eyes sparkled with joy and her long raven hair fell behind her, cloaking her like a veil. I felt my fingers itch to run through her soft hair.

That is, until I saw who she was laughing with. Potter. I glared at them as they walked towards the train together. His arm was lovingly encircling her waist. "I missed you so much." Harry said placing a soft kiss on her forehead. I felt myself get nauseous. "I missed you too." She said sweetly.

"Keep your grades up, son. And keep out of trouble. I dont want a repeat of last year." Father said, snapping my gaze towards him. I smirked as the memories of me and Kaitlynn lying next to each other in the infirmary last year danced around in my mind.

She was angry at me for something I don't even remember and we ended up sending each other to Madam Pomphrey, where we stayed for a week, silently glaring at each other.

"Of course father." I said respectfully as my eyes involuntarily landed on Kaitlynn again.

She looked different this year. Her hair was longer and her body was fuller. She had a more defined jawline and her cheekbones where sharper. Her blue eyes had lost their naïve look and was replaced by one of maturity and confidence.

"Are you going to sit with us on the train?" Harry asked her.

She shook her head and smiled at him. "No. I promised Pansy I'd sit with them." She said. I don't know why, but I felt a little relieved at the thought that they would not be sharing a compartment. Even though I did hate her, I still didnt want Slytherin house to be disgraced by her relationship with a Gryffindor. Regardless of my feelings towards Potter.

"What a shame. She would have made a promising Slytherin." Father said glaring at the same couple I was. "She'll realise her mistake soon enough." Mother said. I sighed as I decided it was time to get on the train. "Goodbye mother. Father." I greeted with a curt nod and made my way on the train to find Crabbe and Goyle.


I made my way through the tables in the great hall with Pansy at my side. We plopped down on the Slytherin table across from Draco and Blaze.

"So I told him that it was never going to happen. Of course, because hes a Hufflepuff. I don't do Hufflepuffs." Pansy continued her story.

"Nice to know there's a type of male you wouldn't do, Parkinson." Blaze retorted, earning a hateful glare from Pansy. I chuckled and pilled food onto my plate. "I swear, Katy. You dating that Potter opened a new way of thinking around here. Now everyone thinks they stand a chance with us Slytherins." Pansy said.

"Well you dated a Ravenclaw last year." I defended myself. "Yeah but he wasn't classified as the boy who lived." Pansy said narrowing her eyes at me. I sighed as I took a bite of the yummy mashed potatoes.

Harry and I knew it would be hard being in a relationship together. Everyone would be glaring at us in the halls and whispering about us in their common rooms. But we didn't care. We had strong feelings for each other and we wanted to see where it could go.

"Speaking of Saint Potter. Did he break any laws this time?" Draco spat and my eyes landed on him for the first time since we arrived. "Not that it's any of your business Malfoy, but no. He didn't." I said. "Well even if he did, wouldn't make much of a difference. He could get away with anything!" Draco scoffed. "Stop it, Malfoy." I warned.

"Are the roomers true? Does he wake up screaming at night crying for his dead mother?" Draco continued and I felt anger bubbling inside me. "I'm warning you-" He cut me off. "You would know right? I mean you are with him at night spreading your legs to him like a worthless little thing." He said, glaring at me. I jumped up from my seat and lunged at him from across the table. He jumped back, creating enough space for me to just miss him.

"I swear Malfoy when I get my hands on you!" I threatened.

"I'm just surprised you had to lower your standards to Potter! Where you that desperate for acceptance? You could have just told me and I would have given you 5 seconds of attention." He growled.

"At least Harry is an honest person unlike you Malfoy, who lies and cheats his way through life." I gritted through my teeth. "Never compare me to the likes of him!" Malfoy spat. I narrowed my eyes. "I won't. Wanna know why?" I urged. "Because you couldn't hold up a candle to him, Malfoy. Youre not half the man he is!" I yelled.

I could see rage flashing across his silver eyes.

"Okay I think thats enough you two." Pansy said, taking my hand in hers and pulled me away from the table. I blinked and looked around at the shocked faces staring at us.

"Katy? Are you okay?" his voice reached my ears. I turned to look at Harry standing next to me with concern. I scoffed and glared at Malfoy again. "Oh look. Potter to the rescue as always." Draco spat. "Don't worry your little girlfriend can handle herself you can go away now."

Harry glared at him. "Leave her alone, Malfoy. Your problem is with me." He said, defending me. "My problem is with anyone associated to you." Malfoy spat. "You're unwelcome at this table Potter." Crabbe spat standing defensively behind Draco.

"Shut up Crabbe!" I yelled, which made him take a step back in alarm. I felt Harry taking my hand in his, pulling me back against him. "Come on." He whispered as he led me away from the table. I glanced over my shoulder back at Draco.

Our eyes met in a last hateful glare, before I was pulled out of the great hall.


I watched in disgust as Kaitlynn was lead out of the great hall by Potters hand wrapped around hers like he was pulling a dog by its leash. Didnt he know she could walk on her own?! Pathetic.

Our eyes met a last time as she glanced behind her, sending me a hateful look through her thick lashes, letting me know that we'll continue this little spat in the common room later tonight.

I huffed angrily and sat back down next to Blaze.

"Calm down would ya?" Blaze said softly.

"She's a disgrace to our house." I spat angrily, shoving my full plate of food away from me. Not in the mood to eat anymore. "Oh get over it, Malfoy. It's not like she's sharing our secrets with the bloke." Pansy defended, earning a glare from me.

I don't care what the reason is behind her loony decision to date Potter for the better half of last year. She still chose a relationship with him rather than a friendship with me. And it's time she pays for it.

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