Chapter 2

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I was sitting in the library with Harry and Ron, working on our potions essay. Harry and I didn't get to spend much time together with us being in different houses, so we took the little time we got together.

"Ron, do you know why a Phoenix feather is used in a revitalizing potion?" I asked thoughtfully as I looked at the question for the essay. Ron shrugged and continued to write. I frowned and looked at Harry who just gave me an apologetic smile. Ron wasn't the most accepting person of Harry and I's relationship. But at least he didn't take it the way Malfoy does.

"Kate, why dont you take a break from the essay? Me and Ron have something to talk about. In private." Harry said, squeezing my thigh. I gave him a tight smile. "Sure. I have to catch up with Pansy anyway." I mumbled, gathering my things and standing up. Harry also stood up and cupped my cheek in his hand. "I'll see you tonight in Myrtle's bathroom, yeah?" He whispered.

I nodded. "Sure." I said. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine in a tender kiss. My heart fluttered softly at the sweet gesture. "Bye." I said. "See you later darling." He said and sat back down. I turned around and walked away, glancing back at the heated conversation they seemed to be having.


Later that night I was lying on the couch in the common room, waiting for the clock to strike 1 so I could sneak out and meet up with Harry. We have decided last year that meeting up at night when everyone was asleep would be best and could give us a chance to spend time together alone.

I was staring at the clock while an astronomy book was lying open in my lap. It was only half past 12. 30 minutes to go. I consoled myself. Then I could be in Harry's arms.

My mind snapped back to the present when someone flopped down on the seat next to me. When I saw who it was I rolled my eyes and forced myself to concentrate on my book.

"Couldnt sleep?" Draco asked softly, staring into the fire in front of us.

"No." I said curtly, not wanting to delve into a conversation with him. "Me neither." He said. I sighed irritably. "I don't remember asking, Malfoy." I said. He was quiet then, which was shocking. Usually he would have given me a smart retort back and would have caused a fight.

I ignored the nagging feeling to ask him what was wrong and focused back on my book.

"What are you reading?" He asked after a while. I looked at him through narrowed eyes. He wasn't hostile in any way and this was strange. It was almost like old times. "The book of constellations." I answered softly. "It's a good book. I read it that time when I first saw you in the astronomy tower." He said, his voice equally as soft.

"I remember." I said. It was the beginning of a tradition. The tradition of meeting up at the tower and spend time together reading in silence. We both cherished those times and to be honest, before Harry those where the highlights of my day.

We stayed silent for another long time until he finally spoke. "Do you have to be with him, Kaitlynn?" He asked. I tensed. "Draco I am not having this conversation with you. AGAIN." I said, not in the mood to get into another fight with him right before I meet up with Harry.

He abruptly stood up and glared at me. Ah there's the Draco I know.

"I can't expect traitorous filth like you to have a little reason in her head now can I?" he snapped. I rolled my eyes and stood up as well. Here we go again. "Leave me alone, Malfoy." I snapped and shoved past him, making him stumble back.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him. "Where are you going?" He asked with a glare. I yanked my wrist out of his grasp. "That's none of your concern." I said and continued my walk.

I decided that I would go to Harry and I's meeting spot even though it was a little early. I just wanted to be away from him. Away from Malfoy.


I sighed contently as I played with the bubbles drifting on the top of the water as my head leaned against Harry's chest. We were drifting in the water of the tub in Myrtles bathroom. Luckily, she wasn't in here at the moment.

"What did you talk to Ron about after I left?" I asked looking up at him. His arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. "Nothing important." He said kissing the top of my head. I smiled at the small but romantic gesture. "Who knew being in a relationship was going to be this hard?" I asked absentmindedly.

I felt him chuckle against me.

"We knew." He said simply. "But it's worth it isn't it?" He asked, wrapping a hand around my leg and pulling me to straddle his lap. I smirked and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Harry Potter. Are you insinuating that youre only with me for the sex?" I teased, pressing my hips against his.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

"No, but the sex is definitely a bonus." He mumbled against my neck. I laughed loudly as he suddenly started tickling me beneath the water. "You're horrible!" I said trying to get away from him. "That's not what you said last night!" He said as he swam behind me to get me back to him.

"I wasn't with you last night!" I countered, stopping dead in my tracks. I turned to glare at him and saw him smiling sheepishly at me. "Oh I'm sorry. I get confused between you and my other girlfriends." He mocked. I pouted and felt him pull my naked body against his again.

"No!" I snapped. "Go ask one of your other girlfriends to fool around with." I said. He chuckled and placed soft kisses on my face and neck. "But I want to fool around with you." He said and pulled me in for a loving soft kiss. I sighed into his lips as contentment once again rolled over me.

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