Chapter 18

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Just as expected Draco ignored me after we slept together. He doesn't speak to me and he doesn't even look at me when I pass him in the halls. And I didn't speak to him either. There was something different about us now. And I couldn't place my finger on what precisely.

But when he rushed past me out of the great hall after breakfast it caught my attention. He looked extremely upset and with every bone in my body I wanted to follow him. But as Harry rushed past me as well looking furious, I decided to follow after all. What the hell is going on?

"Harry! Where are you going?" I called after him. "Stay back Katy!" He yelled which made me freeze in my spot. Harry then continued to follow Draco and so did I. There was no way in hell I was going to allow whatever this little spat is about this time.

I followed them up until we reached the boy's bathroom on the 6th floor. I sneaked past them and hid behind a big pillar which was big enough to hide my body and near enough for me to hear what's going on.

Draco leaned against the sink looking at himself in the mirror. He looked a mess and he looked extremely scared and stressed. He ripped his jacket off and threw it to the ground next to him. Harry was staying back, probably to watch what Draco was doing before he presented himself.

"I know what you did Malfoy." Harry said, his wand tightly clutched in his hand as he glared at Draco. What was he talking about?

"You hexed her didn't you?" Harry continued. Hexed? Was he talking about that girl who got cursed last weekend at Hogsmead? Draco looked shocked. And even more scared then before.

Before Harry could say anything else, Draco shot an unspoken curse at him. Harry dodged easily and the curse hit the wall behind him. Harry shot a curse back, but Malfoy being Malfoy he ducked it and it hit the basin, spraying water over the floor like a hydrant.

I wanted to intervene, but what would I say if I didn't even know what this was about? Its clear that both of them have been keeping secrets from me that I needed to know NOW.

A spark exited Draco's wand and shot towards Harry, but Harry jumped behind a wall missing the curse by only a few inches. Curses were being flung left and right and being dodged by both of them and each time they only missed each curse by mere millimetres.

But as Draco stood in front of Harry, their wands pointed at each other, Harry spoke words that frightened me. "Sectum Sempra!" He called slashing his wand like a sword. My eyes widened. That was the spell we saw in his book. And no one knew what it did. It could kill Draco!

Before I knew what I was doing, my feet were moving at an impossible speed and I jumped in front of Draco, letting the spell hit me instead.


I watched in horror as her body fell limp to the ground in front of me, blood beginning to seep through her white shirt as long gashes started appearing over her body. "Katy!" Potter yelled and dropped his wand. He started running towards her, but I pointed my wand at him, making him freeze on the spot.

"Stay away from her!" I yelled and shot a warning curse towards him, which sent him flying back and hitting the bathroom wall. I looked down at Kate and saw she was shaking on the ground blood pouring from her body and nose. The water around us turned red as her blood started seeping into it.

I fell on my knees beside her and pulled her upper body onto my lap. "Kate! You're going to be okay!" I cried fearfully. She was turning cold. And I didn't know the spell Potter had used so I didn't know how to reverse it. I let out an angry growl as I realised I was helpless.

She let out cries of pain as she struggled to breathe. Her blue eyes looking up into mine before they closed, her body going limp in my arms. "No! Kate! Please wake up. You're fine. You're going to be okay." I said frantically racking my mind for something to do.

I couldn't believe she would jump in front of a curse like this for me. Me who has endlessly tormented and hurt her. Which I realise now is why we can't be together. She'd be in too much danger. And I couldn't risk her life for my own selfish reasons. Maybe with her just this once I can be selfless.

I shook her tiny body, but there was no response. The blood wouldn't stop coming out of her and I could physically feel the life drain out of her. "Is she okay?" Potter asked, standing up from his position. "I swear Potter if you come any closer I will kill you! Do you understand that?!" I said as I felt my hands begin to shake in fear.

Just as I was actually about to kill him, professor Snape entered the bathroom and pushed past Potter towards us. He gave Kate one look and I could tell he knew what curse was used by the look on his face. "Please professor! Do something!" I pleaded, hugging Kate tightly to me.

Professor Snape glared at Harry then. As if he knew that it was him and not me. And just like the coward he was, he turned and ran out of the bathroom. Professor Snape immediately bent down and traced his wand over Kaitlynn's body, chanting words to a spell that I didn't know.

Soon, the blood in the water around us started to almost suck back into her body as the gashes closed neatly, leaving no trace of what happened. And then a few seconds later she gasped and started crying out in pain.

"Draco!" She gasped and then when her eyes found mine, she went limp again, her eyes shutting once more. "Get her to the infirmary. I'll deal with Potter." Snape said and stormed out of the bathroom.

"Come on, love." I said wrapping my arm under her knees and under her shoulders. "You'll be fine. I whispered. I stood and picked up her body, holding her as close to my chest as I possibly could. Her arms fell limp at her sides as her head fell back, her long raven hair dragging her head down.

I tried keeping the anger that boiled up inside me at bay. Now wasnt the time to kill Potter. Kate needed me. And Ill be damned if I let her down. So very carefully, I carried her up to madam Pomphrey in the infirmary for the second time this year.

And it pained my heart to know that I was the cause of both times.

It still amazed me how she would put herself in danger for me like that. Just like the year the hyppogryph attacked me and everyone else ran away in fear she didn't care about herself. She cared about me. And she came to help me. And today when she jumped in front of an unknown curse. She could have been killed. But she didn't care about that. She cared about me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. I needed to end this thing with her. Because, if this continues then she just might be killed. By my own hand. And I would never live with myself if something like that happens to her. I needed her alive more then I needed her by my side.

And I'll do anything to make sure it happens.

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