Chapter 10

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The whole day I tried avoiding everyone. The scene in the great hall drew a lot of attention. But I was mainly trying to avoid Harry. I didn't know how to handle him right now and him staring at me during classes didnt help much. He tried talking to me after Charms class, but I just simply ran away like a weirdo.

It was now 5 pm and I was in a slow and painful detention with Draco, who was once again, ignoring me like I had killed his owl. I just rolled my eyes at his sour mood and continued cleaning the flasks professor Snape gave to me while Draco was sorting through the file cabinet.

After an hour of silent torture, Draco finally spoke.

"Why are you with him?" He asked. I sighed and closed my eyes. "I don't want to talk about Harry, Draco." I said honestly. I didn't want to talk about him. We haven't sorted out the problem between us. Mostly that was my fault. Because he couldn't have known why I was overreacting so much. How could he? I've never told him. Ive never told anyone except Draco.

"Whatever." Draco said curtly. I sighed and turned to him. "What is your problem?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest. "What are you on about?" He asked raising a blonde eyebrow. "I can't keep up with your mood swings anymore!" I said. He scoffed. "No one said you had to. You left me after all." He countered. "Excuse me?" I asked completely befuddled.

"You heard me. You chose Potter over me." He said, a small flash of hurt crossing his eyes. But it was gone as soon as it appeared. I glared at him. "Draco you can't say that! Before you even gave me an option to choose you decided to end our friendship." I said defending myself. "That's bullshit and you know it! I decided nothing." He said.

I slammed the beaker down on the counter behind me. "You did decide Draco! You decided I wasn't worth holding on to!" I said and his expression turned into shock. I groaned and turned back to the beakers. "I..." He wanted to say something. And I so desperately wanted him to. But I knew it would only end up in a fight and I wasn"t in the mood today.

"Just leave it, Malfoy." I said softly. Suddenly I was spun around and was face to face with Draco. He was inches away from my face and I could taste the mint of his breath. His hand reached up and he traced the bruised skin under my eye. He glared at me as if I caused the bruise by hitting myself. "I should have killed him." He whispered and abruptly stepped away from me.

He turned back to his duties and we suffered the rest of our detention in silence.


"I haven't seen you in a while." Pansy said sitting down on the bed next to me.

I smiled. "Well sorry. But a lot has been going on lately." I said giving her an apologetic smile. I was lying on my stomach on my bed, reading a new book about Jupiter. I don't know why I loved that planet so much. I just did.

"I've heard. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked getting comfortable. I gave her a tight smile. "It's just... I dont know what to do about Harry." I admitted. "Why?" Pansy asked. I continued to tell her the whole story about what happened in the great hall. She stared at me in shock. "I thought that bruise came from the other day with Malfoy!" She said.

"No all of those bruises are healed with a potion madam Pomphrey gave me." I said. "Then why don't you go get the same potion for that one?" She asked. I shrugged. "I hide it with makeup. I don't want to go to the infirmary and let everyone know my boyfriend accidentally hit me." I said.

"Has he apologised yet?" she asked. I shook my head. "To be fair, I haven't really given him the chance to." I said. She nodded and pursed her lips. "I heard Draco's been really mad lately." She said. I nodded. "It's because of Harry, I think." I said recalling Dracos unusual mood shifts lately.

Pansy glanced around as if she was trying to see if someone was listening. "I heard something the other day, but I didn't want to mention it because I don't know if it's true or not." She said softly. I raised an eyebrow. "Tell me." I urged.

"Well I heard that Neville Longbottom kid talking to one of the Weaslys the other day." She started and I nodded for her to continue. "They were talking about- He who must not be named." She whispered. My eyes widened. "What?" I asked shocked. "Apparently, they think he's back." She said nodding. "What does that have to do with Draco?" I asked. She frowned. "His father was one of... HIS... most loyal followers. Everyone knows this." She said.

I frowned. "If HE is back then that would mean the Malfoys know about it. And that Lucius Malfoy is pressuring Draco into something. Which would explain his moods these days." I mumbled. She nodded and sighed.


I groaned as I ran to professor Snape's class the next afternoon for detention. I was so late. He's going to kill me. Just as I neared the classroom where the next 4 hours of hell will be, I heard hushed voices coming from inside. "What if I can't do it?" Draco's voice reached my ears. I slowly peeked my head around the door frame and saw Dracos dishevelled form pacing around the classroom. "Calm down." Professor Snape snapped.

Draco kept pacing and shook his head. "What if I fail?" He asked. Snape gripped Dracos arm roughly and pulled him towards himself. I gripped my wand, ready to intervene if Snape did anything to Draco.

"I will be there. If you don't finish it then I will." Snape said in a low voice and I shivered. Something was wrong. And I needed to find out what it was.


Okay so please comment on this chapter. This will be the last chapter I post until I see people actually want to read the book. Soo pass on to your friends and such! Hope you enjoy it so far I really do!

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