Chapter 15

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We were in potions that following Monday. And professor Snape was telling us about different potions he prepared earlier this morning. One was a love potion, the other a truth telling serum and the last one was commonly referred to as liquid luck. I saw Draco eyeing the potion and wondered what he could possibly need it for.

"Now this is what I offer each of you today. One tiny vial of liquid luck to the student who in the hour that remains manages to brew an acceptable draft of living death." He said holding up the tiny see through vial for all of us to see.

Draco looked extremely interested and licked his lips almost as if he could already taste it. I furrowed my eyebrows. I wonder if he wants it for whatever Snape is having him do. "Recipes of which can be found on page 10 of your books." Professor Snape continued. "Now pair up and get to it!" He commanded. Everyone immediately turned to their friends and before I could turn to Pansy, Harry grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

"Want to partner up?" He asked. "Sure." I said shortly, making him frown.

Truth be told I was in an extremely bad mood ever since the stupid dance. I knew I didn't want to go to the dumb thing. It was all Pansy's fault for making me go in the first place." Are you mad at me?" He asked as we made our way to a table. "What gave you that idea Harry? My sour tone or the fact that I've been avoiding you since the dance?" I asked with a sarcastic tone to my voice.

I knew it wasn't entirely Harry's fault I was in a bad mood. Sure he ditched me at the dance, but Draco made me want him all over again by being sexy and charming. UGH! Why can't the guys just leave me alone?!

"Both kind of. Are you going to tell me why?" He asked. I huffed. "Are you going to tell me why you ditched me at the dance?" I countered. His eyes hardened. "From what I've heard you didn't have any trouble replacing my presence." He stated sourly. "What are you on about?" I asked. "I heard you had a very intimate dance with Malfoy." He spat. I rolled my eyes. "We just danced Harry." I explained. "Sure. Seemed a little personal though, from what I've heard." He said.

"Yes Harry! From what you've heard! You didn't see it for yourself so why do you believe it? Besides. I wouldn't be dancing with Draco in the first place if you hadn't left me there after practically forcing me to go!" I shouted. "Enough. What is the ruckus about?" Professor Snape asked as all of the students turned to us. I blushed furiously. "Nothing professor." I said.

"Miss Graham. Do you wish to sit another week of detention?" Snape asked. "N-no sir." I said. "Then get. To. Work." He demanded. From there I stayed silent, except to communicate with Harry about the potion we needed to brew.

I leaned over to look at his handbook and saw a bunch of scribbles and lines littering the pages that was obviously hand written. "Harry? What handbook is that?" I asked confused. He shrugged. "I don't know. It was the only one left in the cupboard." He explained. I grabbed it from him and opened it on the first page.

Written in neat cursive handwriting was:

Property of the Half Blood Prince

"Who's the half-blood prince?" I asked. "Beats me. I was hoping you knew." He said. I shook my head and scanned the next few pages. All of the writing alters the potion recipes. "What if they're wrong?" I asked as I saw lines drawn through some of the printed words and then on top of them written new information.

"I don't know. But it hasn't been wrong before." Harry said. "So you've used one of these recipes before?" I asked him. He nodded and let me continue to scan through the pages. I took in the information and carefully read everything. The person who had previously owned the book had rewritten almost all of the information and recipes in the book.

"You should tell professor Snape about it." I said. Harry shook his head. "No. I've been failing potions already and that book has been a big help of getting my grades back up." He argued. I eyed him sceptically. "If it helps you pass with better marks then last year then fine." I said and my eyes landed on some words written on the side of the page, but it didn't have anything to do with the potion recipe on the rest of the page.

Sectum Sempra – Enemies

It was written in bold letters with an aggressive line drawn underneath. "What is that? Is that a spell?" I asked him. He looked over at the page and furrowed his brows. "Not one that I know of." Harry said. I sighed and closed the book. "Well let's get on with that potion then shall we?" I asked and we carried on with our assigned work.

After much debate on whether or not to use his handbook of cheating we finally decided to do it and we used the altered recipe. A few extra good points with Snape wouldn't hurt if I got it right.

When we finished we called professor Snape over to inspect the potion we had boiled in the black cauldron. He threw a single leaf into the mixture and the leaf incinerated with gold patterns. "Well... It's perfect." Snape said in distaste. I smiled proudly at him which was earned by a glare.

"The winners of the competition is Potter and Graham. And they receive one vial of liquid luck." Snape announced holding the vial out towards us. "Use it wisely." He warned. Before he could say anything else, Harry snatched it out of his hand. "Do you want it?" Harry asked holding it out to me.

With everything going on in my love life right now, I sure do need it. But something nagged at the back of my head that it wasn't an honest win. Which wasn't Slytherin like at all. But I still listened to it. "No thanks. You can keep it. I'll just take the good marks and the bragging rights." I said smiling at him.

"So I gather you're not mad at me anymore?" He asked. I sighed and shook my head. "It wasn't anything serious. So no. I'm not." I said. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in for a tight hug. "I hate it when we fight." He said. "Harry. We've never fought." I said chuckling, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Which is why I don't like it. Why break the record when it works so perfectly?" He asked and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"We haven't met up in a while. The trouble probably has died down a bit. Want to meet up in our place tonight?" He whispered in my ear. My body froze. He wanted to have sex. No. That couldn't happen. Not before I've told him about Malfoy. Not that I wanted to tell him about it ever. So I guess that just means no more sex forever.

"I'm not feeling pretty great today. Maybe another time?" I asked sweetly, trying my hardest to hide the fact that something was up. I don't know if he bought it or not. But he smiled and kissed me again. The kiss was soft and slow and would have been every girls dream But it wasn't mine. Not anymore.


"Have you heard?" Pansy asked suddenly as she sat down on my bed. "Heard about what?" I asked.

"Apparently last weekend when we went to Hogsmead for the dresses, a girl got cursed." She said. My eyes widened. "What do you mean cursed?" I asked. "I don't exactly know the details. All I know is that Ron and Hermione were walking back from the three broomsticks and they found this Gryffindor girl floating in the air like a possessed doll." She explained.

"Well is she okay?" I asked. Pansy shrugged. "I don't know. She was taken to the infirmary by that oaf Hagrid. It apparently was caused by this necklace she had touched. The necklace was laced with dark magic." She said.

"Well where did she get it?" I asked.

"No one knows. She doesn't know either. She was hexed to take it to Dumbledore." She said picking at her nails in a bored fashion. "What? Why Dumbledore?" I asked. "Girl you ask too many questions. How the heck should I know?" She scoffed. I rolled my eyes. "Well apparently you should. You make it sound like you always know everything." I stated.

"Well that's because I do know everything. Well everything interesting that is." She said. I thought for a moment. "I haven't seen professor Dumbledore around for a while. Any chance you know where he is?" I asked.

"Nope. All I know is that he had to take care of some business and will only be back by the end of the semester." She said.

"Okay, well I do hope that girl is okay." I said.

She scoffed and got off my bed.

"At least it wasnt a Slytherin."

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