Chapter 4: Lonely Ones

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Recap: (Y/n) is injured by a castle guard on the ride there. She arrives in the castle and befriends the mother whose son she stood up for. She cleans herself up and goes to sleep.

The bustling noises around the room woke (Y/n) from her slumber. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room seeing the woman getting ready for the day. A small window in the room indicated that it was still very early in the morning. The female groaned but nevertheless got up from the bed.

Her injuries somehow seemed worse today, as every step she took sent a shock throughout her body.

"Ugh," the female proclaimed walking towards the washroom. She quickly changed into her uniform which consisted of a knee length black dress and a black hair ribbon. Although her body felt worse, (Y/n) didn't have any trouble changing, seeing as the clothes she slept in were not caked to her body.

The young female remembered the elder maid's words from last night, so she walked over to the door where a long piece of paper was hung. She scanned through the list looking for her name. Next to the name (Y/n) (L/n) was her list of assigned duties.

"Cleaning: library and ballroom," the female read quietly.

(Y/n) was relieved seeing as she only had two rooms to clean. She could definitely clean them both before nightfall. Maybe she would even finish early.

With this thought the female opened the door stepping into the hallway outside of the maid's quarters. However a harsh tap on the shoulder caused (Y/n) to halt.

Behind her was the scowling face of the head maid Jenny. "You, get yourself fixed up before you start your duties. We can't have careless girls like you ruining our image."

"But I--" (Y/n) was cut off by Jenny's voice.

"The infirmary is on the west side of the castle." And with that Jenny walked away leaving the young female to consider her words.

(Y/n) was indeed injured from the past few days. She had been able to wipe the dried blood off of her skin, but she wasn't able to hide the purple and yellow bruises scattered across her skin. The long skirt of the dress helped to hide the marks on her legs, but there were still many visible.

Deciding to follow the head maid's orders (Y/n) started down the hallway towards the other side of the castle.


(Y/n) was getting frustrated. She had been walking for 30 minutes and had yet to find the infirmary. She cursed Jenny for not being more specific with her directions. The older lady clearly disliked the young female, so it was no surprise that she failed to give (Y/n) the necessary directions.

She kept walking hoping to find someone who could tell her where to find the infirmary. The halls were oddly quiet in this part of the castle which surprised (Y/n).

"Perhaps everyone is just busy working," she thought aloud before turning a corner.

A few feet in front of her was an elegantly dressed man. (Y/n) picked up her pace catching up to him. She reached up a bit softly tapping him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me," the young female said softly. "Could you tell me where the infirmary is?"

The tall man turned around looking towards (Y/n). She was immediately hit by how beautiful the male was. He had long blond hair that was tied back into a low ponytail. His blue eyes stood out from his smooth skin.

(Y/n) slightly blushed taking in his appearance, however she realized that she had been staring and looked away.

The male on the other hand looked the small female in front of him up and down, which did not go unnoticed by the said girl. (Y/n) was uncomfortable with his gaze knowing that she probably looked hideous covered in bruises and scratches.

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