Chapter 28: The Storm

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Recap: Myrrine cooks a special tea for the king. (Y/n) overhears Ellis tells someone to kill the king.

Myrrine looked into the kettle.

"Ah yes, perfect," she hummed. There was a pleasantly sweet fragrance coming from the tea. The dark red color indicated that it was done steeping. And right on time too. The kitchen workers had just begun to file in. She feared that their questions would make it dangerous to linger any longer.

After all, they would not be as easily persuaded as (Y/n) had. As much as Myrrine hated to lie to her (h/c) haired friend, she couldn't afford to tell her the truth. Her eyes drifted to the pile of ingredients she had used. She quickly threw them in the trashcan. The truth was something she couldn't afford to tell anyone, for it would surely get her killed.

She cursed Ellis for making her do such a task. Lying and sneaking around: she hated it. She couldn't bear it. But alas, it had to be done.

She set the kettle onto a tray with two cups and set out to the throne room. There were many people in the halls now. Myrrine blended into the crowd. However, she noticed that as she got closer and closer to the room, there were less and less people.

She saw two guards standing in front of the throne room. They were the only people in sight.

"...I'm just glad there is a door between us. Wouldn't want him throwing me in jail too," a dark-haired guard joked to the redhead.

They looked up towards Myrrine. Her anxiety spiked, and her hands felt extremely sweaty.

"Umm excuse me, I'm here with some tea for the king," Myrrine said. The tray in her hands shook slightly.

The two guards looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"I haven't seen you before," the redhead said crossing his arms, "Who told you to bring the tea?"

"Prince Ellis."

The dark-haired guard nodded. "Alright, go on in."

Myrrine took a step towards the door. An arm shot out, blocking her.

"Wait, let's test it first. Just to be safe."

Myrrine took a step back. She looked between the two guards. The dark-haired tapped his chin in thought, while the redhead was slouched against the wall with one hand in front of the door, and the other in his pocket.

"Alright. Tristan, you try it then."

The redhead, Tristan scoffed. "Cmon, Scott, I tried it last time. It's your turn."

Scott sighed. "Fine." He turned his attention to Myrrine. "pour a little bit for me to test."

Oh no, Myrrine thought. He can't try it. What if he knows what it's for? What if he knows what's in it?

Myrrine managed to hide her unease with a shaky smile. "Of course."

She wiped her hand on her dress, then brought it to the teapot. She tilted it. The smooth liquid fell into the cup.

A bead of sweat ran down her forehead.

"Here you go," she said, lifting the cup. She stepped forward to hand it to Scott, but she felt her foot trip over something on the floor. She lost her balance and lurched forward. The cup slid from her hand. Scalding tea spilled onto Scott's hand.

"Holy shit," he yelled out. Scott bent down in a crouched position, holding onto his hand.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry," Myrrine quickly handed the tray off to Tristan. She bent down to Scott, turning her attention to his burnt hand.

"I'm so sorry. My hand must have slipped. I swear I didn't mean to," she hurried out. She held his hand, inspecting it. It was red, from the hot liquid. Scott just closed his eyes and groaned in pain. Myrrine felt tears well up in her eyes.

The two stayed crouched for a few minutes until the pain got a little better. Scott opened his eyes and looked towards Myrrine.

"It's fine. You didn't do it on purpose," he finally said. He stood up.

Myrrine let out a deep sigh and turned her attention to Tristan. He was still in his previous position slouched against the wall, one hand held the tray while the other rested in his pocket. He looked at the two in sympathy.

"Here," he said to Myrrine. He handed her the tray. "Go ahead and go in. I'm sure it's fine."

Myrrine muttered a 'thank you' and walked in the room. She bowed before the king and queen.

"Bring it here," the king said.

Myrrine nodded and walked towards the two. She poured the king a cup of tea, and held it out to him. He took it from her and took a sip. Then another. Then another. Soon, he was finished with the tea. He set it back on the tray.

Myrrine looked between the king and the queen. The queen's eyes met her own. Myrrine blushed and looked away.

"Leave us," the king said.

"Yes, my king."

Myrrine turned away from the pair out of the room. She felt her shoulders relax as soon as she was through the door. She smiled at the guards and walked towards the kitchen to wash the dishes.

It was over.

Perhaps she was too worried. Nobody would know what she had done. She was safe.


Scott and Tristan stood guard at the door. They watched and waited for anyone to come by.

"Hey, do you mind if I go get some ice from the kitchen?" Scott asked.

Tristan looked at the man's hand. Even though it had already been hours, the skin was still red.

"Yeah man, go ahead."

Scott walked away, leaving Tristan to guard the throne room. He hummed a tune under his breath, filling the silence. It was then that he realized that he hadn't heard anything from the room in a while.

Maybe I should check, he thought. His hand rested on the doorknob, but he hesitated. A loud noise came from the room.

A scream.

Tristan burst through the doors. The queen was in hysterics. She leaned over a body on the floor, crying and screaming. Tristan's eyes widened. It was the king.

"Don't just stand there. Do something!" the queen yelled.

Tristan stumbled over to the king. The man's eyes were closed and his body still. There was a bright red liquid spilling from the man's lips—no doubt blood.

Tristan moved his hands to the king's neck. He felt for a pulse. None.

The queen noticed Tristan's horrified expression. She screamed again but louder.

There was no doubt in Tristan's mind. The king was dead.

1100 words

First Myrrine and Tristan pov. What did you think? We'll see some of (Y/n)'s pov next chapter, and also someone else's. Hehe, I'm not going to say who, so you'll just have to wait until next week. Also, for anyone who has read the first two chapters of Dark Side Deception, I swear I'm about to update. I am going to finish the next chapter right now. So expect chapter 3 very soon.

Next Update: Sat/ Sun

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