Chapter 3

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Present Day

Slowly, he pulled the sheets over their heads and rolled on top of Gemma, nuzzling her chest just below her collarbone and started peppering kisses lower. "C'mon, baby. You know you want to..."

Gemma pushed at Mark and propped herself up on her elbows. "Mark why are you wanting to parade me around as your girlfriend when we both know what we have going on isn't serious? Besides, you know how hard it is for me to give up my weekend shifts at the bar!"

"First off, I'm very serious about you and there will be no 'parading'," he sat up next to her and rubbed his hand over her lower belly. "Second, we would probably be more serious if you took more weekends off. We hardly see each other and I think you could use a few days away."

Gemma threw her legs over the side of the bed and began searching for her pajama bottoms discarded on the floor. "I'm sorry I can't have a more accommodating schedule, Mark. You knew what I did for a living before we started hooking up."

When she spotted the cotton shorts she shimmied them on and jumped from the bed. "You were the one who stressed that we were just keeping things casual. Going on a weekend trip together to a cabin on Orcas Island with your high school buddies is not 'keeping it casual'," she used air quotes to reiterate her statement and searched frantically for a hair tie at the bottom of her purse. Once located, she grabbed her overnight bag and locked herself into his bathroom.

"Gemma, I don't get why this has to be such a big deal. I just thought it would be nice to get away, we could relax, you could meet some of my old friends," he got up from the bed, put on some jeans and leaned against the closed bathroom door, "we could have vacation sex..."

Gemma swung the door open and pushed past Mark to exit his room. "I have to get to work." She grabbed her purse hanging from his doorknob. "I'll call you later," she said as she left the room.

Mark followed her to the front door and then to the short distance to the elevator. "Think about it, I really want you to come with me. No pressure."

Gemma threw her head back and laughed, pressing the down arrow on the elevator frantically. "You are crazy. All you've been trying to do is pressure me into going with you!"

She stepped into the elevator and smiled at him. "Put a shirt on!" She blew him a kiss and winked at him.

"You drive me crazy, woman!" Mark yelled as the doors closed between them.


Gemma caved and agreed to go on the trip to Orcas Island as Mark suspected she would. When he checked in with Andy, asking who all would be on the island in their lake house and to confirm their spots in the house, he found out Ashley would be there with her British boyfriend.

"You gonna be OK with that?" Andy's worried voice translated over the phone and Mark quickly set his mind at ease telling him it was no big deal, making his friend laugh.

"No big deal? You're a horrible liar, my friend, but I'll take your word for it."

"Listen," Mark interjected. "If she has moved on, then good for her. I can play it cool for five days."

Andy's skepticism annoyed the hell out of Mark but they moved on to happier topics and hung up with anticipation of seeing each other later that month.

Shaking his head, Mark went on with his day but thoughts of seeing Ashley again plagued his mind. Wondering what she looked like, interested to meet her boyfriend and memories from the past played on an endless loop in his head nearly driving him crazy.

When the time came to make the road trip to Orcas Island with Gemma, he was nauseous with anxiety hoping agreeing to this little reunion was a smart idea.


Author's Note: Oh Liam...I mean Mark. While I was writing 'Right Next Door', when I introduced Mark's character, I always envisioned Liam Hemsworth. That's not really a hardship, am I right? Bless that boy. I hope you like Mark as much as I do! Thanks for reading. Leave a vote & a comment. I'd love some feedback. ~ B

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