Chapter 5

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Present Day

The cabin was nestled in the woods on the northernmost point on Orcas Island. Ashley parked the rental car to the side of the house next to a Range Rover SUV and a bright yellow Camaro.

"Five bucks says the Camaro belongs to Miles," Ashley winked towards Ewan as they unbuckled their seatbelts and got out of the car. The nose of the car faced an old wooden fence and just beyond it you could see the beach. Ashley leaned against the fence post and marveled at the waves, breathing in the crisp ocean air.

"You made it!" Sabrina yelled from the back deck of the house and quickly ran back into the home.

Once she got a good look at the house she was in awe by the spectacular craftsmanship. It looked more like two huge homes on one piece of property. The main house was three stories and featured a deck on the second level that ran the length of the house. The slightly smaller building adjacent to the main house was connected by an enclosed breezeway and a lounging garden was visible just beyond that. The private property was sprawling, beautiful gardens, walkways, fire pits and outdoor seating scattered about. As they carried their luggage towards the main house, Ewan pointed out a wooden path that seemed to head right to the beach and asked to explore it once they were settled.

The front door swung open the moment their feet hit the grand porch and Sabrina bounced with excitement, a full wine glass in one hand. "Come in, come in, come in," she squealed.

"Sabrina this house is amazing!" Ashley leaned into the other woman and kissed her cheek. "Has anyone else arrived or are we the first ones?"

"Miles is here with his Playboy Bunny. Wait 'til you see this chick! God." Sabrina took a healthy gulp of wine and rolled her eyes. "He and Andy went out to get more food and beer. Miss Barbie is glued to Miles' hip. Where he goes, she goes."

Ewan managed to slip into the foyer but as soon as Sabrina closed the door she pulled him into a one-armed hug and gave Ashley a dramatic thumb's up and a wink behind his back.

"OK, so there are five bedrooms in the main house and the guest house in the back has two, however, the heat is out over there so we're all bunking here." Sabrina motioned everywhere with her hands, coming pretty close to sloshing her red wine all over the living room floor. "Andy and I will be staying in the main bedroom down the hallway." She pointed through a wide corridor exiting to the back of the living room. "Miles & Honey Bunny commandeered the bedroom on the third floor. I think because of the noise, ya know." She mock-whispered close to Ewan, then giggled.

"Sabrina if you don't tell me this girl's name I'm going to be calling her Honey Bunny the whole trip and she might not find that too amusing!" Ashley feigned annoyance, when really she was laughing to the point of tears due to her tipsy best friend.

"It's Bridgette," she just wait 'til you meet her!"

"How about sorting the room arrangements, Love, and then check out the beach?" Ewan offered, politely.

"Ugh, I think I just ovulated. You have the sexiest voice," Sabrina fanned herself and Ewan threw his head back and laughed loudly.

"Down, girl," Ashley retorted, "Let's check it out," the trio headed upstairs to check out the accommodations and decided the room on the second level with an exceptional view of the ocean was the best choice. Ashley had just set her suitcase down when two bulky arms enclosed her upper body and she was lifted off the ground.

"ASH!" Miles yelled in her ear. He planted her feet back on solid ground and wrapped her in another fierce hug.

"It's been too long, Miles! How are you?" Ashley pulled back from his embrace and stood closer to Ewan, preparing to introduce him to the rest of the room.

"Living the dream, like I do," he winked. "This is my girlfriend Bridgette," he pulled in a tall, raven-haired women to his side and slapped her butt. Classic Miles, she thought.

Ashley extended her hand to the other woman and the two shook hands amiably. "It's so great to meet you, Ashley! I've heard a lot about you! You live in England, right?"

"I do, and this is my boyfriend Ewan," she gestured to Ewan and clasped his hand in hers.

"It's so great to meet everyone," Ewan shook hands with Miles and Bridgette.

"It's so good to see you, Ash," Andy stepped into the room and kissed her sweetly on the cheek, then shook hands with the Englishman.

"Where's Lee? Is he coming?" Ashley looked from Andy and Sabrina for confirmation.

"He moved a few years ago to San Francisco," Andy shrugged. "We really only communicate through Facebook these days."

Nodding, Ashley looked to Ewan and casually hugged his side as everyone else exchanged pleasantries.

"I think we're going to fancy a walk to the beach once we're settled," Ewan announced.

"Sounds good," Miles agreed, "once everyone shows up we'll grill out and catch up."

There was a brief moment of awkwardness in which Ashley had thought to ask "is Mark coming?", but she refrained. The moment passed too quickly and everyone hastily stumbled out.

"Everyone seems really nice," Ewan commented whilst unpacking his suitcase into the empty dresser across from the bed.

"Yep," Ashley replied but felt distracted. "I think I'm just really tired. Would it bother you if I stayed here and napped for a bit?"

Ewan walked around to where Ashley stood and rubbed her arms, kissing the top of her head. "I could stay with you if you'd like," he sat down on the bed and regarded her kindly.

"No, you go explore for a little while and have fun. Wake me up in a few hours," she leaned towards Ewan and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Don't have too much fun without me," she winked.

He grabbed her waist and pulled her down for a soft kiss. "Sleep well, Love. I'll check in on you in about an hour, sound OK?"

Ashley nodded and closed her eyes in contentment as Ewan rubbed his thumbs just under the hem of her shirt.

With that settled, Ewan stood from the bed and left the room. Ashley threw her shoes on the floor and burrowed under the fluffy duvet and quickly found sleep.

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