Chapter 12

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Present Day

A warm body slipped into the bed behind him, an arm wrapped around his middle. The early morning sun filtered through the gauzy curtains, creating an ethereal ambiance throughout the room.

“Morning,” Gemma’s sleepy voice sounded, muffled against his shoulder blade.

Mark wished it were Ashley.

“Good morning,” he sighed. “How do you feel?”

She groaned, snuggling closer to his back. “I feel like shit. Sabrina is an evil bitch.”

Huffing a short laugh he replied, “How do you figure?”

 “Because she force-fed me a gallon of wine and then we took shots. I feel like I’m dying, I haven’t been this drunk since I was a teenager.”

“Classy,” he murmured into his pillow.

Gemma managed the strength to punch his side but it felt like a kitten hitting him. He grabbed her arm, pressing it to his stomach.

“Don’t be mean to me,” she whined.

“I’m sorry, do you need an aspirin?”

She nodded and pressed a kiss against his spine.

“Be right back,” he gently left the bed and went in search for drugs.

The medicine cabinet in the hall bathroom seemed like the most logical choice but it was occupied. He took the stairs to the main floor and tried the powder room off the kitchen without luck. Hearing footsteps above, he took a chance that the other bathroom would be vacant and made the trek back, stopping to get a bottle of water out of the refrigerator first.

The bathroom door was opened but when he made his way inside he found Ewan crouched over the toilet looking twelve shades of green.

“Hey mate,” the British man groaned.

“Can I get anything for you?”

He eyed the water bottle. “Do you mind?” He looked so pathetic, Mark placed the water on the counter and opened the medicine cabinet, finally spotting the bottle he searched so diligently for. “Take two of these,” he laid a couple of white pills next to the plastic bottle and shook out another two for Gemma. “Hang in there, man.” An uncomfortable mumble was all the other man could muster so Mark left, grabbed another water bottle downstairs for Gemma and placed the items on her bedside table. She was out cold so he dressed, took a book out of his duffle bag and went back to the kitchen.

It turned out that Gemma, Ewan, Miles and Bridgette were all hungover. Ashley was still up in her room, so Andy and Mark brewed a pot of coffee and relaxed in the living room, drinking and reading in companionable silence.

The pair went on a hike later in the morning and, as Mark predicted, Andy brought up the topic of Ashley.

They walked for miles and Andy stayed mostly quiet, just listening to Mark and offering insight when requested. Mark told Andy about their split, his visit to England hoping to see her, then the years of silence leading up to this trip. When he confessed about their encounter in the rose garden the previous night, Andy just raised an eyebrow and kept walking along the path.

When they ran out of trails to hike they settled on the beach and would stare at the waves during moments of silence. Andy was a great listener. Mark always admired his friend in that regard; never condemning or judging, always available to talk whenever needed. Spending time with his friend made him regret the years wasted, life getting in the way.

Mark talked himself out and finally asked Andy what he should do with everything weighing on his mind.

“Truthfully? I think you’re screwed.” Andy took a stick and doodled in the sands between his feet.

After another lengthy pause he said, “I think you need to end things with Gemma.”

Hearing those words out loud felt like a slap in the face to Mark. He couldn’t process his conflicted feelings even though he knew his friend was right.

“I don’t want to hurt her,” Mark felt lame for even saying those words.

“Well consider it this way,” he added, “the longer you stay in this state of confusion, teetering on the edge of cheating, and you will become a cheater eventually...” He dropped the stick, leaning his forearms on his knees. “No matter what you do, someone will get hurt in this situation. It’s clear you still love Ashley. You’re in love with her, man! That just doesn’t go away because you sleep with someone else.” Andy’s voice was raising, becoming passionate. “If you stay with Gemma, you’re settling.” He looked Mark straight in the eyes, brooking no argument. “I don’t want to see you settle. It’s not fair to you or Gemma because she will never have all of your heart. Am I right?”

Mark felt liberated by his words. He nodded and then yelled in frustration.

“Take some time to figure things out for yourself but please avoid Ashley while you do. This thing could completely blow up in your face if the shit hit the fan on this trip.”


Author's Note: I love Andy...but who would play him in a movie? How about Sabrina? Send me your suggestions! 

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