WhiteRose: A Promise

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The little girl in the red hood happily ran around the park, until she tripped over her two own feet and tumbled over on the ground.


In spite of the cuts and bruises on her, she quickly got up and dusted the dirt off herself. But stopped when she heard tiny crying noises coming from behind a tree. She slowly walked over to the tree and behind it, she found a beautiful Snow White haired girl crying.

"Hey, are you ok"?

The white haired girl looked up at her, she had beautiful pale blue eyes and a scar on her left eye.

*sniff "Who a-are you"

The red hooded girl took out a rose designed handkerchief and gave it to the girl to dry her tears.

"I'm someone who wants to be a hero"!

The white haired girl dried her tears and smiled at the grinning girl before her

"That's a great dream"

"I know right! I want to be just like the heroes in the story, they save people and help them"!

The white haired girl's smile slowly turned into a sad frown and she put her head in her arms

"Unfortunately the world isn't like those fairytales"

"I know, but I can still help out others in need! Like you"!

The white haired girl slowly looked up the smiling girl. She was confused 

"You w-want to help me"?

"Yea! You were crying, so it would only make sense that something is wrong"

The red hooded girl kneeled down in front of the confused girl and calmly asked

"Why were you crying"?


"You can tell me, I want to help"

"...M-my dad ruined my birthday. H-he told my mom that he only married h-her for the family's name. I-I think deep down inside, I knew. B-Bu-"

"You didn't want to be right"

The white haired girl nodded. 

"He didn't ever really care for the family, he was always busy with the work. I-I thought t-that he was doing it for t-the family, but it turns o-out that he was just doing it for the company"

The white haired girl started tearing up a bit. The hooded girl noticed and pulled her into a hug. She slowly patted her head and whispered.

"Shhh, it's ok"

The white haired girl and the hooded girl hugged for a while until the white haired girl broke the hug.

"T-Thank you, I feel much better now"

"I'm glad I could help"

"How did you know how to make me feel better"?

"My momma used to make me feel better by doing that"


The hooded girl gave the white haired girl a giant grin and said

"I'm glad I met you, wanna be my friend"

"Y-Your friend"?


"I've never had a friend before.."

"Then I'll be your first"!

The white haired girl stared at the smiling girl before her 


"Yay! The next we meet, meet at this spot ok! Promise"?


"I have to go, my dad's calling me. Bye"!

"W-Wait, what about your handkerchief"?

"You can give it to me next time"!

The red hooded girl yelled as she smiled and ran off 

~End Of Flashback~

?: "Are you going to the park again, Ruby"?

The red hooded girl put her boots on and was ready to head out

Ruby: "Yea! I want to see if she's there today"!

?: "You should just give up, you haven't seen her in 7 years"!

Ruby: "I know, but we promised that we'll see each other at that spot one day"

?: "Maybe she forgot"

Ruby: "She wouldn't, plus she's still got my handkerchief to remind her"

?: "Well fine, see ya later sis"

Ruby: "Bye Yang"!

The red hooded girl shut the door and ran to the park, hoping that maybe today was the day. 

The day that she finally gets to see her again, the beautiful snow white haired girl 

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