White Rose: Who Are You? 2

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Ruby POV

"Hello there, I'm Weiss Schnee"

She bowed and the whole class started murmuring

"Did she say Schnee"?

"Yea, I bet she's another one of those stuck up assholes"

"She is pretty though"

"Dude, what"?!

Professor Goodwitch: "Ahem"

The whole class stopped talking and faced her

Professor Goodwitch: "Miss Schnee, take a seat next to Miss Rose. Miss Rose, raise your hand"

I didn't hear her. I was to busy gawking at Weiss like an idiot.

Yang: (Whispers) "Hey! Ruby! She's telling you to raise your hand for the new girl"!

Ruby: "Wha- Huh!? Oh! Umm..."

The whole class stared at me and I kinda felt like a huge dolt. Using the little bit of pride I had left, I slowly raised my hand.

Ruby: "Umm...I'm Ruby R-Rose"

She stared at me funny and I just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out!

Professor Goodwitch: "Ok...? Miss Schnee, go take your seat and we shall begin our lesson. If you have any questions, ask Miss Rose"

Weiss: "Yes ma'am"

She slowly walked up to my aisle and my heart was beating faster with every step she took. Finally, she reached her destination and sat down in the seat next to me.

Weiss: "Pleasure to meet you...Ruby Rose"

Ruby: "R-Right! Ruby! That's my name! Have a-any questions, just ask me"!

Weiss: "Ok..."?


I was so lame

"That's my name"?


I'm such a dolt

~After Class~

Everyone began to walk to leave the room and go their separate ways. I was about leave too, but I saw Weiss going to towards the hallway that led to the courtyard.

I was confused and debated if I should follow her or not

Should I follow her?

But, I still have class...

But I'm curious to see where she's going

Yang: "Boo"

Ruby: "AHHHHH"

Yang: "Hahaha! Scared ya!"

Ruby: "Yang...don't do that"

Yang: "Whatcha doing here? Shouldn't you be headed to your next class"?

Ruby: "Umm...I have to do something first! Uhh...I have study hall next, so I'm fine"

Yang: "Okay...?"

Ruby: "Yea...umm, bye sis"

Yang: "Bye"?

I quickly ran off, and leaving a very confused blonde standing there. 

I ran towards the hallway where I saw Weiss heading and saw the door leading outside. Without thinking, I just opened the door and ran outside. I looked around and didn't see anyone. 

After a bit more searching, I saw some snowy white hair from sticking out from behind a tree! I walked up to the tree and slowly peeked behind it, but no one was there.

Ruby: "Huh"?

?: "Why are you following me"?


I quickly turned around with my eyes shut, and got into a horrible fighting stance

Ruby: "I'm a t-trained martial a-arts person! D-Don't hurt me! I'm u-uh...a...r-red belt in karate"!

?: "It's just me, you dolt. Also, red isn't even a karate belt color" 

I slowly opened my eyes, only to find Weiss standing in front of me

Ruby: "Ummm....hi"?

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