XII | The Confession

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"You're lying! You know nothing about what happened!"

Haeun was furious, almost attacking Yeoreum from her seat if it wasn't for the others stopping her.

Jina, who seems to be the only one greatly affected by the scene, was now sobbing again while Eunbin comforted her. The rest of the people who aren't on Kyungsoo's side was glaring towards Yeoreum, visibly angry from the accusation.

"Stop denying it, Haeun! I know what I heard, and I heard you two talking about how we will never know about it. Well, guess what Haeun, we know now." Yeoreum continued, never backing down. "It's true, isn't it?"

Kyungsoo took notice of the way Nari's supposed friends were looking at each other, guilt written all over their faces. He felt overwhelmed at what was unfolding in front of him.

He wasn't exactly sure what was happening, though he was trying his best to understand it. His head was spinning, but he stood firm in his place.

"We know nothing, okay? Stop accusing us of something you don't have evidence of!" Haewon then spoke up, her voice quivering from nervousness.

"You guys practically confessed to us." Minseok interjected, looking at Jina's crying figure.

"What? We didn't say anything!" Jaewook defended angrily.

"Your sister did!"

Jaewook pushed the large table away, charging towards Minseok and grabbing his collar in anger. Gasps were heard from inside the room.

Jongdae and Chanyeol were quick to pull the two apart, but Jaewook was too strong, pushing Jongdae away from him.

"Don't bring my sister in this, she knew nothing!"

"She spoke to us!" Minseok challenged. "Tell him, Jina! Tell him how you told Kyungsoo everything—"

Jaewook didn't waste another second as he punched Minseok's cheek, earning a louder gasp from everyone else. Now there were four people tearing Jaewook away from Minseok.

A bickering broke out between the people inside the office, their loud voices could be heard outside if someone happens to be passing by.

One was shouting how they knew nothing, while another insisted how they are already caught red-handed.

Kyungsoo watched helplessly at the chaos around the office, his friends and the others going over each other's throats. He was sure some people must have heard the uncontrollable ruckus they were all causing and any minute they might come in.

He tried his best to stop the fist fight that almost broke out between Jaewook and Minseok. The girls, except for Yeoreum and Haeun, were scared of the scene.

Chairs were thrown at every corner, books, files, and notes scattered on the floor, and the large table that was once in the middle was now cast to the side.

"Stop! Everyone just stop!"

Jina shouted over the loud angry voices. Each and every one of them looked at her, panting hard, furious looks on their faces.

Blood was falling from her brother Jaewook's lips, as well as Minseok's.

"Just stop it already, Jaewook! I did it, okay? I spoke to them!" Jina's voice was shrill and she was crying hard.

Eunbin, who was holding onto her, shook her head. "No, don't do this, Jina. We'll get in trouble!" She said through gritted teeth, eyes wide with fear.

"No! I'm not going to stop this time!"

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