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Hey guys! in this story, Klaus and Elijah didn't die. As for hope, that'll be a surprise whether she will be born or not, to be honest I'm not a fan of Hayley. So sorry for the Klaus and Hayley fans. I hope you will like this story! ANY SIMILARITIES TO OTHER PEOPLE ARE COMPLETELY COINCIDENTAL AND KEEP IN MIND THAT ENGLISH IS NOT MY NATIVE LANGUAGE SO I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY GRAMMAR MISTAKE. THANK YOU!


"Klaus wait! Klaus!" Riley called and ran after him but he ignored her. She grabbed his wrist and turned him to face her. She can see the unshed tears in his eyes with a mix of fury and pain.

"What's wrong? Why are you so angry?" She asked letting go of his wrist. 

He laughed sardonically. 

"Are you that preposterous, sweetheart? Deception does not suit you." Klaus asked sarcastically.

"Preposterous? You're the one being preposterous I don't understand what the hell is your problem!" Riley snapped at him.

"Do you really want to know, then let me tell you love, you're my problem!" He spat gripping his fist tightly.

"Me? What did I do wrong?" Riley asked bewildered. Klaus scoffed and smiled painfully.

"I thought I was alright! That I would not come to care about you anymore! But you! You have to come here and show yourself to me! You have no idea how I want to laugh at how pathetic I am for wishing that it should be me! That should be me who is walking with you hand in hand, that it should be me who is to be your fiancé, that it should be me who will get to spend the rest of your life with! You have no idea how I wanted to kill him for proposing to you, but I know that I have myself to blame for why we are in here, why he is in your life and not me." Klaus finished, a single tear falling down his face.

"Kla-Klaus." Riley stammered, she was speechless. This was the last thing she expected him to tell her.

"Please, love. Please, just-just choose me, be with me. It can go back to how it was." Klaus said desperately grasping both her hands in his.

"Klaus, stop." She whispered, pulling her hand out of his grasp. Klaus felt as if she was squeezing his heart into her palms.

"I love him." She said, Klaus squeezed his eyes shut, the pain of hearing her say that she love someone else was unbearable.

"He had me at my worst and loved me wholly, you had me at my best but you threw it all away." She whispered, remembering how he hurt her and betrayed her, leaving her with nothing.

"I didn't have a choice." Klaus said frustrated and hurt, looking at her pleadingly.

She looked at him painfully, her tears flowing down on her face. 

"We all have a choice and you chose to break my heart.

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