Chapter 1

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"Those who can't wait for the right time will always end up like a plane that ran out of fuel, you don't have a choice but to land on some place that wasn't suppose to be your destination." -xxmikaelsonxxklaus


Mystic Falls, Alaric's Apartment......

Klaus' witches Greta and Maddox are setting up the things they need for Klaus to switch bodies with a man named Alaric Saltzman. Klaus couldn't help but smirk, his plans are finally falling to place. The full moon will be coming soon, oh he is ready to break this curse. Finally, after a thousand years of waiting, he has a lot of things he plans to do. 

Some of his things are brought along, he walked towards one of the cases brought inside and opened it. Inside were a few of his valuable possessions and along with it is a single painting of a girl, he carefully lifted it up letting his eyes softly gaze along the image of her face. It truly has been a thousand years and he has yet to find her, he clearly remembered how he found out about her. 


60's (The year where The Salem Witch Trials happened) 

Klaus was walking around the street, this century has a lot of fraud witches. He is slightly amused, he was bored and he was not famished so he walked towards one of the tents, slipping inside. 

His eyes wandered, tho it was dark, his vampire vision let him see whatever there was inside. Trinkets and different ropes were surrounding the tents, some were hanging above. He looked in front and saw an old lady with a globe, he wanted to laughed. 

"You don't believe it, you're thoughts about me are loud." The old lady stated. 

Klaus narrowed his eyes and walked towards her and sat in front. 

"I beg your pardon madam." He said with fake politeness, he was right. This is by far amusing. 

"You're lying, but I shall let you be. You seek fulfillment and wishes to avoid emptiness." The old lady claimed, looking at him. Klaus' facade dropped and he felt his temper rise, how dare she deem him as such. 

He quickly gripped her wrist, ready to snap it when her eyes turned purely white making him stop in surprise. 

Then she gasped,"tres mil seiscientos nueve.

She then let go of his wrist, her eyes returning to it's normal state. 

Klaus roughly grabbed her shoulders.

"What does that meant?" He said roughly. The witch narrowed her eyes. 

"I suggest you speak quickly because I am losing my temper sweetheart, you might find you head unattached to your body by the next minute if you do not speak." Klaus stated, tightening his grip on her shoulders. 

"It means 3609, I do not know what it precisely meant." The witch said glaring at him. Klaus stared at her eyes for a while before removing his grip on her, slightly moving away. 

"I am not a fool, I know what it meant. What I am asking of you is, what do those incessant numbers have to do anything with myself." Klaus crossed him arms. 

"I told you, I do not know. You shall find out for yourself, my visions are unpredictable. You may leave, or I will make you." The witch went back to her original place. 

Klaus considered ripping her throat out because of the way she spoke to him but he knew she might come of use to him in another time so as much as his hands were itching to rip her tongue out of her head, he contained himself and slowly walked towards her.

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