Chapter 3

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"We are all born crazy." -xxmikaelsonxxklaus


Night fall came quickly than she thought, she ordered pizza and McDonalds few hours ago and saved some Jess. She texted her earlier that her Dad will drive her back to their apartment and was on their way. They probably ate dinner already but knowing Jess, she'll be telling lots of stories from her weekend which will take them until they fall asleep and what's better than girls night with food. 

She took a shower before putting a new pair of her shorts and tank top, she sat down on the couch and flick through the tv just stopping at Twilight. She's not really a supernatural kind of girl but she thought Bella is a bit over dramatic, I mean seriously what girl trips every second of the way. 

Riley rolled her eyes on the scene when Edward held Bella's arm to save her fall. She got bored and changed the movie, she almost sighed when she saw Titanic. Honestly, she never met anyone who hasn't cried because of that movie.

It's so frustrating that Jack died because they can't both lean on the bloody door, like seriously. She stood up and head to the kitchen, looking for snacks when the door bell rang. She head to the door and look through the peep hole to see who it was. She saw Jessica standing with a paper bag in her hand smiling through the hole. She unlocked the door and opened it.

"Ry! I missed you." Jessica said before hugging her. She smiled and hugged her back before pulling away. 

"Well come on, put you bag down and let's help your dad bring some of you stuff." She said pulling Jessica inside. They put her bags down along with few paper bags before heading outside. In front they saw Jessica's dad taking some stuff from the trunk. 

"Hi Mr. Vosuego, How's Italy?" She greeted, smiling warmly at him. Ryan smiled at her, he like Riley. In a way she's kind of like Jessica. Always curious and funny although she's not trying to be.  

"How many times do I have to say it, call me uncle Ryan. Mr. Vosuego makes me feel like a retired general." He said, laughing slightly at Riley's blush. 

"Well let's get inside, I can prepare coffee or tea for you." She said smiling at him. Ryan nodded and carried the rest of the bags and walked inside the apartment, shutting the door behind them. 

She remembered having a small crush on him last year, not that anyone can blame her. Even Avery did, Jessica's dad looks like a young Brad Pitt with a mix of Leonardo Di Caprio. He has a nice built, standing at 5'10 with green eyes, and awesome blonde hair. No wonder Jess' mom is so in love with him. 

"Which one would you prefer, uncle Ryan? Coffee or Tea?" She asked, glancing at him. 

"I'm good, Riley. Why don't you join us here." He said smiling at her. She nodded and headed to the living room, taking a seat beside Jessica on the couch. 

"I got you this Riley." Ryan handed her a small white box, wrapped in a blue ribbon. She was surprised for a moment before she took it.

"Thank you but what is this?" She asked, a bit reluctant to open it. 

"Well you won't find out unless you open it, right?" Ryan said, slightly chuckling at her cute expression. She saw Jessica smiled at her before giggling excitedly. 

She slowly unwrapped the ribbon and open the lid, she couldn't help but gasp. It's a silver bracelet with a light pink rose charm, he took it from her and carefully placed it on her right wrist. It compliments her ivory skin. 

"Wow, thank you uncle Ryan. It's really pretty." She said, feeling grateful and awed by the bracelet. 

"You're welcome, Riley. I'm happy that you and Jessy is going along very well." He said giving her a smile. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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