Chapter 2

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"Love truly is a twisted mind blowing psychotic bitch." -xxmikaelsonxxklaus


Mystic Falls, Alaric's Apartment....

Klaus was feeling cathartic, oh how ready is he to break this curse. The sooner this will be over, the sooner he'll be able to get to her. His dreams are becoming even more vivid and clear. She's nearer than he thought, he can feel it.

"I'll be back as soon as I can." Maddox stated as he opened the door getting ready to leave.

"Yes, do hurry. I'm anxious to get out of this body." He said, nodding to Maddox before he left to retrieve his original body.

Katherine stared as Maddox leave, she looks terrified and she should be, Klaus inwardly smirked. He has many things planned for Katerina and he couldn't wait to make her suffer. If she think he will kill her, oh how wrong she was. He spent 500 years chasing her, her suffering and torment will last at least longer. Then he will yank her useless dead heart out of her chest. 

"Where is he going?" Katherine asked staring at Klaus, fear shining in her eyes. The last thing she wants is to be left alone with him. 

"To retrieve me, so I can get out of this bad hair do." Klaus said slightly annoyed that this body is weak and un fulfilling. Humans, such dull creatures. Now that it out live it's usefulness to him, it's time to get back in his own body. 

"Are you sure that's a good idea, Klaus?" Katherine said. She knew the moment he get his original body back, she was done for. 

"Well, the full moon is almost upon us. I've killed the witch, I have the moon stone, and the doppelgänger is waiting on the wings, oh I am ready to break this curse." Klaus said. 

"And why would you do that here? There's so many people that would try to stop you." She said.  

"Because I have to, it's the birthplace of the Doppelgänger." Klaus stated. Oh, How he wish to tear out her tongue, she's talking way too much and right now it's so unnecessary. 

"Didn't realize that was a requirement." Katherine said, mildly interested. 

"Well how could you? You betrayed me and fled England before I could give you the details, Katerina." Klaus said, giving her an evil smirked sending shiver in her spine. 

Katherine knew her days were numbered and if by any luck she needs to be ready to run for another thousand years. That is if she has those years left. 


Georgia, Riley's Apartment.....

Morning came with the sun shining through her window and she woke up with her phone beeping, Riley rubbed her eyes slightly annoyed, she looked at her alarm clock and it was only 7 am. Who could be texting her, she sighed and sit up grabbing her phone on her bedside table. 

It was a text from the bank, she opened it and saw it was a notification that money was transferred to her account for this month. Of course, this is from her parents. She heard from Avery they recently moved to Ireland, apparently they have a thing with countries that has land on the end of it. 

Glancing at the end of her bed, she saw her laptop still playing a random movie, right, she fell asleep earlier than she thought, luckily she didn't kick off her laptop. She yawned, stretching a bit before standing up and heading to her bathroom. She grabbed her toothbrush then put the toothpaste, brushing her teeth before washing her face. 

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