The League of villains

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       I don't understand why the fuck I am here to be honest. Kurogiri is the only one of these thugs I can stand. Tomura has this big plan to kill ALL MIGHT which may I say isn't a plan it's a wish.

"That's not going to work Tomura and you know it"I said drinking some of what ever Kurogiri decided to give me."yes it is. What would you know your just a kid." He said looking at a blueprint of U.A. " whatever I going up to my room" I said getting up and walking up stairs.

It's been like two or three months I have been here. They trust me way to much already. ALL FOR ONE told me about ALL MIGHT'S little secret. Tomura told me every little detail about he's plan for the USJ attack. I told him it's not going to work but he's a pain in the ass so he's Choice I guess.

Kurogiri taught me how to use my new quirk that I didn't want. I liked hanging out with Kurogiri he wasn't as rude at the other thugs where. But most of all I missed izuku. How if I was upset he would try everything just to see me smile agin or how when he got embarrassed he's face world turn bright red..... so cute. shit I am missing him to much.

My job was to get new thugs to join this shit show. I hated this job. Sometimes I would just get jumped or something. Just for them to be kicked out the door because that didn't have the right attitude or something stupid like that. I hated this so much I wanted to go back before all this happened.

My mom never came back not to say hi or anything but I think she is going to the USJ with us so. This is going to be fun.

Izuku's POV
I completed the task that ALL MIGHT gave me. Now I have a quirk and I made it in U.A. my dream school.
One day ALL MIGHT called me into the teacher's lounge to talk about something.I didn't know what but I kinda wish he didn't say anything to me about this.

" hey ALL MIGHT you wanted to talk to me about something" I said walking in and setting on a Stool.

" hey yeah young Midoriya it's about your friend y/n"he said with a sad look. My eyes widened " OH MY GOD!! Is she ok? Where is she? Did you get her back?"I was spitting out questions with out thinking."young man .......young Midoriya!......IZUKU!!!... calm down and let me talk boy"he yelled so I would shut up and set down. " oh yeah of course go on sorry."I sat down and stared at him." Ok now this is not going to be easy to hear ok" as he said that I got a little worried.

"Oh...o..o-ok" I stuttered scared of what he was about to tell me.

" we think she is still alive but we are not sure" tears started to fell my eyes." We went her house because we found A noise complaint in the system that no one looked into unfortunately."I tried to stay calm and not cry or yell because no one looked into it.

"But when we got there no one was there.we looked around and everything was gone. Bu-..."I stood up " WHAT!!! No way that's .... no did you find anything ANYTHING AT ALL!!!" I said tears running down my face " hey hey hey calm down and let me finish.set down stuff gets a little heavy at this point" I sat down quietly and let him finish.

" ok we didn't find anything until we went in the basement..........There was ....blood stains every were and A whip that had blood all over it also. We had the blood tested and it was her blood all over the basement." I started to cry even more than I ever did before"do you think she is ok???" ALL MIGHT just looked at me with a sad face."I don't know Midoriya I am sorry oh and one more thing" he pulls a picture out of he's pocket and slides it over to me." Oh " I said as I looked at a picture of me and Y/n that she kept. It was covered in bloody fingerprints."it was laying on a old dirty bed on the floor" ALL MIGHT said.

"Thank you for trying ALL MIGHT and thank you for tilling me. I think I am going to go home early today"I say standing up and walking to the door. As soon as I opened the door I ran home to think over everything I just heard.And to get some sleep we had a field trip tomorrow.

I woke up to people yelling down stairs. I looked at the time and it was like six in the morning."what the fuck"I said getting up and slamming the door open and running down stairs.

I got down stairs and was pissed to see a whole bunch of people in the bar. Like corner to corner of the place. I jumped over to the bar and stood on it and yelled "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!! Damn people are tired to sleep here!"
I looked down and Tomura staring at me" Y/n the USJ is today remember!?!"I looked down at him kinda confused "that stupid shit is today? Fuck me".....

Why do you love me? (Izuku x reader) pt1 (complete) Where stories live. Discover now