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Gianna's PRO-

Harry and I were on our way to Harry's parents house with Lux quietly sleeping in the back seat. I wasn't that nervous since I had already partially met Anne. We were almost there considering we have been in the car for a good hour. Harry squeezed my hand tightly before we pulled up to a house.

"You ready?" he asked looking at me with a smile. 

"As ready as I'll ever be"  I sighed getting out of the car and taking Lux from Harry.

"They'll love you" he whispered as his mom opened the door with a huge smile on her face.

"Gianna! It's so nice to see you again!" she said taking Lux and handing her to a man standing behind her.

"It's nice to see you too!" I said with a smile. I could feel my face getting red from being so nervous.

"I'm Robin,I've heard so much about you from Harry!" he gushed taking Lux into the house. Harry led me into the house and gave me a small smile.

"No need to be nervous babe" he whispered from behind me.


After getting to know Anne and Robin it wasn't bad anymore. They seemed to really like me,and they were such nice people. Harry would rub my thigh from time to time to assure me that everything was okay when I looked Little nervous or something. But now it was time to head home and go to sleep.

Once we got back to Harry's house we got inside and it was really warm. "Can I wear one of your beanies?" I asked walking up the stairs and changing into sweats and a tank top. "Yeah here" Harry said handing me a dark blue beanie. I put it on and looking in the mirror,seeing Harry walk up behind me and wrap his arms around my waist looking at the both of us. "Your so beautiful" he mumbled into my neck. A smile played at my lips and I began to go downstairs. 

"So about that tattoo" Harry said as he followed me into the kitchen. "What about it?" I asked sitting down at the island watching Harry lean against the counter looking at me.

"Well,last night you told me you we're gonna get it this morning..." He trailed off.

"I-I am gonna get it" I stuttered out. "This may sound really weird and pushy,but uh. Can I do it for you?" He asked rubbing the back of his neck. 

"You have stuff to do tattoos?" I asked with a questioning look.

"Yeah my tattoo artist comes here when I want them since all the fans stalk me,so what do ya say?" He said with hope in his eyes. I nodded with a smile and Harry ran up to me picking me up and kissing me everywhere. 

"I love you,I love you, I love you,I love you, I love you" he said in between kisses with a chuckle. 

"Now hurry up Styles,before I change my mind!" I said jumping out of his embrace.

Harry stared setting everything up while I sat on the couch. 

"Ready babe?" Harry asked taking his shirt off and repositioning his beanie.

"Are you sure you know how to do this Harry?" I asked putting my hand out so he can tattoo a key onto my wrist. My parents are going to kill me..

"Yes now stop stressing!" he said as he started to ink my skin. As soon as the needle has started digging into my skin my whole body tensed up from the pain. Harry noticed this and started whispering cute things to me. I took out my phone and snapped a picture of Harry giving me my tattoo and uploaded it to twitter with the caption : "@Harry_Styles was so excited about this that he did it himself..Wish me luck! .xx"

The pain suddenly stopped and I heard Harry's sweet voice. "It's done"  I looked down at the top of my wrist and there is was, a perfect key. I looked up at Harry and smiled. "Thank you" I said giving him a hug and wrapping my arms around his bare torso.

"Now can you do me a favor?" He asks handing me the tattoo gun. "What.." I say grabbing it. " I want your name,on my hip bone." He said pointing to his hip bone. " Can you do it?" He asked laying down on the couch. I nodded uneasily and started writing my name in cursive bold letters on his hip bone. While I was tattooing him,I thought to myself that maybe I wanted the same thing. I honestly didn't know. This was reckless,totally reckless. We we're tattooing each other in Harry's living room.

Once I was finished I told Harry that I had wanted his name on my hip bone and he smiled his perfect smile and did it for me. This has been a really long night,full of happiness and alot of pain. I had gotten two tattoo's in one night,and once my parents saw them I was dead. How am I going to model bathing suits or things like that. Crap.

"Harry" I asked snuggling closer to him in bed. "Yes love?" He asked pulling me even closer to him so our bodies we're touching. 

"What am I going to do when I have to model?" I asked looking up at him. "What do you mean?" He asked playing with my hair. 

"Well,when I have to model crop tops,and bra's,and bathing suits. Harry how am I going to hide it?" I asked still looking up at him.  "Don't hide it" he whispered shrugging. 

"Harry, no other model has a tattoo of their boyfriends name on their hip bone" I said getting annoyed that he didn't care. It could be my job on the line. I know my father owned the company but if the people watching the shows didn't like it then it would hurt my fathers business. 

"So I was thinking...Tomorrow I'm gonna get another tattoo" Harry said changing the subject. He wasn't listening to me. I moved away from him and got up out of bed. 

"Where are you going?" he asked sitting up.

"Downstairs." I mumbled walking out of the door and slamming it and making my way down the stairs and onto the couch. I guess I would be sleeping here tonight. 


Is she really mad at me for this? I mean I do feel bad,but I was just trying not to get her upset about the whole modeling thing,but I guess I was just making it worse. I"ll give her some time downstairs then I'll go and get her.

About a half our later I got out of bed and made my way downstairs. I saw Gianna laying on the couch with her face in the pillow. I walked over to her and heard her soft snores. She was so adorable when she slept. I stroked her hair and slowly lifted her in my arms,and she quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and dug her face into my shoulder. I carried her upstairs and put her in the bed and snuggled up close to her so she was in my embrace. 

"I'm sorry Gi,I love you so much" I whispered to her but I doubted she heard. After alittle of rubbing small circles on her back I rested my head on top of her 's and went to sleep



AWE GUYS HARRY AND GIANNA ARE SO CUTEEEEEEEE<3 I have sosososo much for this storyyy that i planneddd todayy((:

Anyways,sorry for the wait for this chapter. But I tried to make it longer for you peopleeeeeeeee(((:

I'm seeeeing 1D in 20 days...YAY.

I only got one comment on my last chapter...That makes me kinda sad but I guess I'll have to deal with it.

And none of you guess what the new fanfic is gonna be...WHOOPWHOOOP.

Alright well,COMMENT. 

Andd follow me on twittaaaaa(((;


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