Ch15-Fun&Not So Fun

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Gianna's PRO-

 I walked through the front door of my house with my luggage in my hand. It felt so good to finally be home and back in New York. The week had flown by quickly,but I'm glad that Harry and I got to spend time together. 

"Hey honey! How was England?" My mother asked as I walked into the kitchen setting everything down. I took a good look around the kitchen feeling warm that I was finally home.

"It was amazing,it rained a lot though" I said grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge and sat down at the table with a smile. 

"So what did you guys do?" my mom asked cleaning the counter tops.

"Well,I met his parents" I said drinking some of my water. My mom turned around smiled. 

"Really? How did it go?" she asked sitting down at the table with me. "It was completely nerve recking now that I think of it. I was so scared that they weren't going to like me,but in the end they were actually really nice people." I explained to my mother.

"Well that's good,I still want to meet him too ya know!" she said with a smile. My mother and I were really close and always shared things like this with each other.

"I know,I know. He wants to meet you too! Have you seen Nick this week?" I asked remembering about him. Maybe I'll invite him over later,I haven't spoken to him in a while.

"Yeah him and Lexi hung out here a couple nights" she said laughing. The two of them were like my brother and sister so they were comfortable around my parents.

"Oh,alright. I'm gonna go and unpack. Mind if Nick comes over?" I asked her getting up and grabbing my things.

"That's fine,I'm going out to dinner with a couple friends so your home alone tonight. Try not to burn the house down." My  mom laughed while getting up from the table as well. I made my way up the stairs and into my room jumping down onto my bed. Oh how I missed my bed, and sleeping in it.I took out my phone sent a quick text to Nick telling him that I just got home and to come over. Setting my phone down on my bed I began to unpack my things.


"I'm Here! Open the door!" read the text from Nick. I had unpacked all of my things within an hour so now I can just relax and hang out with him. I went downstairs and opened the front door attacking Nick with a bear hug. "I MISSED YOU!" I yelled hugging him tightly. "I missed you too Gi!" he said hugging me back. 

"How was your trip?" he asked following me upstairs and into my room with a bag of chips. I plonked down on my bed and sighed. "It was fun,I definately missed you though!" I said with a smile as he sat next to me. "So tell me what happened? What did you guys do?" He asked interested in what had happened in England. I began to tell him everything.


Harry's Pro-

"Lou I'm back!" I yelled walking into his hotel room and suddenly being attacked by and excited Louis.

"Did you talk to Caroline?!" he asked seriously. "The first things I do is come home and you ask me about Caroline,I didn't even get a Hello" I said jokingly but Louis wasn't having it. He was 100% serious.  I sighed. "No I'm done with her Lou,I just sent her an email saying I wanted nothing to do with her and that was it." I explained sitting on the couch.

"Thank god,I couldn't deal with any more of this Harry Caroline drama!" Louis laughed and sat next to me. "Yeah..Where are the others?" I asked noticing that it was quiet. "They went to go get food they should be back any min-" Louis was cut off by Niall screaming. "WE'RE BACK! HARRY YOUR HERE!" He said attacking me.

After greeting all of the boys again we began to eat. There was a steady flow of conversation until Liam's phone rang. All of us went silent so he could answer it.

"Hello?" Liam said. After a couple of seconds Liam's face turned bright pale and filled with worry.


Gianna's Pro-

"LET'S MAKE THE MOST OF THE NIGHT LIKE WE'RE GONNA DIE YOUNG!" I screamed out singing along to "Die Young" by Kesha.

"You literally are the most weirdest person ever,and I have no clue how you have a boyfriend." Nick said laughing at my horrible singing.

"What you don't like my AMAZING singing?!" I asked Nick acting offended.

"WAIT THIS IS MY PART GI!" Nick screamed suddenly screaming out a line in the song. We both tumbled over in laughter. This is how I liked it to be,just me and him being us. We were almost never serious around each other unless we really needed to talk,and that's what I liked about him. 

Once the song was over What Makes You Beautiful started to play and Nick and I began to laugh once again. "I want ice cream!" I said running out of my room hearing Nicks footsteps behind me. I made my way down into the kitchen and got ice cream out of the freezer and put some into two bowls. I began to eat mine until I felt a cold wet feeling going down my back.

"NICK YOU DID NOT JUST PUT ICE CREAM DOWN MY BACK!" I yelled while laughing. I looked back at night and saw his evil grin on his face.

"I'M SO GETTING YOU BACK!" I yelled throwing spoon fulls of ice cream at Nick hitting him every time.


Harry's Pro-

"Liam what's wrong?" the four of us asked all together. Liams face still looked worried when he had hung up the phone and he hasn't said anything to us in the past five minutes.

"The leaked" Liam said turning completely pale.




Sorry but seriously that was like the best way to end this chapter I feel like ya know?


Anyways,I'm seeing 1D in 8 days. Uhm EXCITED MUCH.Yes.

right so the next update should prob be on Friday,no promises though cause I'm not sure.






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