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Gianna's PRO.-

 "You do know that there's gonna be a bunch of fans outside when we land right?" I asked Harry. We were getting ready to land in London,and I don't think he thought about all of the fans there.

"There's gonna be alot of security,dont worry love" he said calmy and going back at his phone.

Before I knew it we were getting off of the plain and sure enough there were a couple hundred fans behind barriers screaming at Harry. It was dark outside and you could hear the faint pattering of the rain from outside.

"Maybe I didn't think this through" Harry mumbled while he tightened his grip around my hand. I looked around and saw that there was security already around us leading us to the car that I assumed would be taking us to Harry's house.

Once we got into the car the screams from fans instantly went away,it was like they weren't even there. 

"Gianna,you seem tired" Harry stated while he pulled me onto his lap and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Hmm,maybe I am. I've only been up for like ever. And it's not so easy sleeping on plains." I joked as I got comfortable on his lap. 

"Stop" He shot at me.

"Stop what?" I asked.

"Your making me..Uh" he said awkwardly as he tried to lift me from his lap.

"Oh.." I mumbled moving to sit back next to him.


The whole ride from the airport to Harry's house was about 2 hours,and I was hammered. All I want to do right now is sleep. I pulled off my leggings and crop top,so I could change into my night clothes which consisted of boy shorts and an oversized sweatshirt.

After I had changed my clothes I removed my makeup and went downstairs in search for Harry. I was still getting used to the feel of the house,it was warm and inviting actually. Nothing like the  feel of New York though. It was nice in London but there was nothing better than good old New York.

"All unpacked love?" asked the familiar thick british accent from across the room.

"Mmmhmm" I mumbled walking into the kitchen to sit on the stool at the counter. I bent down and layed my head on the counter and looked at Harry.

"Well someones tired" he chuckled as he walked over to me and lifted me up. At this point in time I was so tired that I couldn't even fight it. I glanced over at the wall clock and it read 12:45. It wasn't my usual time to go to bed, it was actually early for me. I would usually start to get tired around 2,then go to sleep around 3. 

I wrapped my legs around Harry's waist and then wrapped my arms around his neck nuzzeling my face inbetween his neck and shoulder.  Once Harry brought me into his room he layed me down on the bed and walked over to his suit case. 

"Gi,I'm gonna go take a quick shower okay love?" he asked and informed me at the same time. I turn over so that I was facing him and slightly nodded before pulling a heavy blanket over me. It was the middle of summer in New York,and it should be the middle of summer here too. But Harry failed to tell me that it rained everyday and it was always cold. So much for bringing shorts. Before Harry went to go shower he walked over to the side of the bed and kneeled down so he was sat on both of his knee's and that he was eye level with me.

"You most likely wont be awake when I get out,so I'm just going to tell you this now." he said softly looking into my eyes. I nodded for him to keep talking,and he did.

"Thanks for actually coming half way across the world with me,it means so much. And I know you arent to thrilled about the weather,but I promise there's other things to do" he said with a chuckle. "After we get back to New York,we can go on a Holiday,just me and you. Somewhere tropical, somewhere just as beautiful as you" he whispered the last part even quieter. The fact that he thinks I need a vacation from this vacation is kind of shocking. I mean this was a vacation right? I have never been to London and I have always wanted to go,and the fact that I can go with Harry makes it ten times better. I felt a smile creep at my lips and I leaned down to kiss him. The kiss was warm and absolutely perfect if you ask me.

" Harry,you don't need to take me on tropical holidays to make me happy. Taking me here with you is  more than enough. I've always dreamed of coming here,and the fact that your with me makes it even better" I explained to him. He looked deeply into my eyes, I could tell that he was thinking hard.

"Gianna?" he asked quietly still pouring into my eyes.

"Yeah?" I replied trying to keep the same volume of voice. Harry leaned his face closer to where his lips were right next to my ear.

"I love you..And I'm still taking you,because I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too,and there is no argueing with you is there Styles?" I asked jokingly. 

"Nope,now go to sleep babe,your gonna need the rest for tomorrow" he said as he stood up and bent down to kiss my forhead then he slowly made his way down to my nose and then my lips.

"Goodnight Harry, I love you" 

"I love you more" and with that he went and took a shower.

I got comfortable and closed my eyes hoping that Harry woudn't be long so I could cuddle into him,but before I could even think about it I fell into a deep sleep.




Okay I'm really sorry that I haven't uploading in a while,but I have a REALLY good excuse actually. Well as you all know I went on Vacation recently,and that took up a week,and then I just started school and I'm already having A TON of homework. 

But besides all that junk,I have been searching online. And I'm actually selling T-Shirts with my friend(:

So were designing our own shirts and selling them. We have some for sale now,but we just have to work with the pricing and all that fun stuff. So once it's up and running then I'll post the linkk!(:

OH OH OH,AND BTWWWW GUYSSS. It's One Direction related stuff. And it's gonna be other artists and fun stuff like that too,so it's gonna be cooool doee.

I'm updating againn tomorrow so yeah!(:




Love you guyss!(:


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