Chapter 1 - The birth of Featherkit and Stormkit

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        Silverstream was breathing heavily. She's never felt so much pain before in her whole life. She could barely hear Graystripe murmuring into her ear: "You're the most beautiful and strong cat I have ever met. I love you and I know you can do it," Silverstream wanted to purr to her mate, put didn't have the energy too, so instead, smiled weakly.

        Cinderpaw came skidding down, and stopped at Silverstream's side. The dark gray she-cat dropped a bundle of herbs and sniffed the queen. "Fireheart!" she called a moment later. "Get down here! I need you!" 

        Fireheart ran towards the dark gray she-cat and the silver queen. Silverstream stared at the flame-colored tom skidding towards them. I wonder how Fireheart feels about this... she thought, but before she could wonder about it, a spasm rippled through her, and she screeched. StarClan help me through this! she prayed. She looked up and saw Cinderpaw holding a very small kit with dark gray fur plastered to its body. My first kit... 

        Silverstream felt a burst of love pass through her. It quickly stopped as another spasm started. Again, she cried out in agony. When will this end? she thought. Then it stopped and she heard a shout of triumph. "You've done it, Silverstream!" Cinderpaw cried happily. Silverstream sighed in relief. Graystripe we've done it!  She felt weak, but happy. Then, she heard Cinderpaw telling somebody to lick. "I'm not a medicine cat." The other cat replied. Tigerclaw!? Silverstream thought. She was in such pain, she hadn't noticed the big tom. Tigerclaw glared at Cinderpaw, refusing to lick.

        Cinderpaw's eyes blazed with blue fire. "You've got a tongue, haven't you? Lick, you useless lump of fur. Do you want the kit to die?" Tigerclaw seemed surprised by Cinderpaw's sudden outburst, but obeyed and began to lick the second kit. The dark gray apprentice turned back to Silverstream, then told Graystripe, "Here Graystripe, make her eat as much as she can. We've got to stop the bleeding." She handed him a bundle of herbs. Silverstream was surprised. Am I bleeding? She stared at the grass, and saw a pool of blood, and felt even weaker. I am! The queen looked up and saw Graystripe urging her to swallow the herbs Cinderpaw had given him. "Come on Silverstream! You've got to swallow!" Even though she was in agony, she swallowed the herbs, as much as she could, and felt some pain ebbing away. "You're doing great my love!" Graystripe purred. 

        The silver queen felt much stronger and murmured to Graystripe, "Graystripe, we've done it. Now we have two beautiful kits!" her mate purred. "A she-cat and a tom. And of course we did! Remember what I told you? You're the most beautiful and strongest cat in the Clans!" He licked the top of her head. Energized by the love for Graystripe and their kits, Silverstream managed to pick herself up.  Cinderpaw looked over. "Silverstream lay down! We need to get these kits suckling!" The queen quickly lay down again and Fireheart and Tigerclaw brought the two kits over. The kits wandered over to their mother's belly and began suckling. Graystripe purred. "We have two very hungry kits!"

        After suckling for a bit, the two kits fell asleep. "What should we name them?" Silverstream asked Graystripe, as he curled around the silver she-cat. They looked at the dark gray tom. "How about Stormkit? His pelt looks just like the sky of a thunderstorm!" Graystripe meowed. "Perfect! And Featherkit for the silver she-cat with that plumy tail of hers!" Silverstream replied. She purred. "Featherkit and Stormkit! I love it!"

        Suddenly, Tigerclaw loomed over the happy family. "What were you thinking, Graystripe? Taking a RiverClan cat as a mate? You broke the warrior code!" he growled and crouched down ready for a pounce. Graystripe stood up, protectively in front of Silverstream and the kits. "If it's a battle you want, then you can have one!" he growled. No! Don't fight! Silverstream stood up, causing her kits to wake up and mewl in confusion. She licked each kit. "Don't worry. I'll be back." she meowed. Then, she stood between Tigerclaw and Graystripe. "Please don't fight. I don't want the birth of my kits to cause a battle." Then, she stared at Graystripe. "But he's right. What will we do?"

If Silverstream lived... A Graystripe and Silverstream FanficWhere stories live. Discover now