I Can't. . .

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The next few days go by fine.  I mean, I'm survivng, kind of.  Work is fine.  I always have Jen to distract me from any harmful thought that decides to come up.

        "Do you have any family?" she cocks her head at me.  She's just told me about her vacation with her family last year to Florida.

        "Yeah. . . we don't talk, though."

        "Oh, why not?"

        "Well. . ."

        "Is it because you're gay?" she asks before I come up with a lie myself.

        "Yeah," I lie.  My family doesn't know I prefer dick.  They don't know anything about me.  I haven't seen them since I graduated, actually.  It's been two years, already?

        "That's a shame.  I hate how people do that-" she rants on about parents not supporting their homosexual children and how it's wrong.  She talks a lot.  It's really cute.  It makes everything less awkward because there are no quiet moments when people don't know what to say.  Jen always knows what to say.  Even if she doesn't she says stuff anyways.

        Her phone rings and she goes to the back lounge, leaving me to work the cash register.  I check out a few people.  Jeeze, what's happening back there? A few minutes go by and she finally comes back with tears in her eyes.

        "What's wrong?" I ask, looking at her in confusion and sympathy.  She wraps her arms around me and cries into my chest.

        "Hey, there, there. . ." I hold her while she cries.  What happened over the phone?

        She pulls away, wiping her face with the back of her hands and sniffles.  She looks up at me.

        "That was Alex. . . he said we were over. . ." That dick. I dunno whether to feel anger and happiness.

        "Why?  Why would anyone want to leave you?" she blushes lightly and smalls shyly.

        "He said he didn't have feelings for me anymore. . ." her frown is back.

        "Oh well.  You can find someone better, honey."

        "I don't know. . ."

        "Oh whatever," I scoff at her, "You're adorable!  Who wouldn't want you?" she laughs at me and shoves my shoulder a little.  I smile back at her and we continue the day.  I continuously ask her if she wants to go home early but she claims she's alright.  No, honey.  You aren't okay.  I've been in the same position.  I know once she gets home, she's going to cry her eyes out and my stomach twists at the thought.  She's a sweet girl.  She doesn't deserve a douche bag like Alex.  She deserves someone kind and sweet, like her.  Like Dean. . .

        "Are you okay, Cas?" I can just imagine what my face looks like.

        "Y-yeah I'm fine.  I'm going to go restock shelves." I quickly leave the counter and go about the store.

        I come back after ten minutes and Jen's already met someone else.  I stay behind some clothing racks so they don't see me.  I'm a spy.  Wow, he's tall.  His hair is long too but not too long.  He's tall.  Really tall, and muscular.  He's looking down at Jen and smiling, of course, she's like, what?  5'1" maybe.  He slides a slip of paper towards her, grabs his bags, and leaves.  I walk up to her.

        "Who was that?"

        She jumps and glares at me for a second then her expression changes to excitement, "His name is Sam!  He's super cute, you probably noticed that though."

Adventures in babysitting (Destiel fic)Where stories live. Discover now