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The next morning I wake up and Dean is lying next to me, his arm around me protectively. I smile at how peaceful and cute he looks while sleeping, so innocent. I shouldn't be thinking these things. Oh, who cares. If Alex can't show up for a date then I can compliment someone in my mind. I get up trying not to startle him and go to the bathroom. I start the shower and start undressing. As soon as I get in, Dean comes in to piss.

"Sorry," he apologizes in a sexy, sleepy tone. It's a bit awkward since the shower curtain is clear. I try not to look but how can I ignore his morning wood? Oh, he's big. How dare I. I shouldn't be saying these things! He finishes and brushes his and leaves. Oh, hello boner. Great. Fuck he's so sexy though. I bite my lip and wrap my hand around my erection. I start pumping myself and bite my lip to keep from moaning. I try my best not to think of Dean. It feels wrong. I can't help myself. I accidentally let out a soft moan as I release. I quickly finish showering and get out. I grab a towel and wrap it around my waist, walking into my room.

"Woah mm" he mumbles and runs his eyes over me. I flush and go to the closet, fetching a few clothes. Is he gonna leave so I can dress? I guess not. I turn my back to him and start drying off. I can feel his gaze against my back and I turn my head to look. He's staring at me, eyes searching over my body like over got his buried treasure somewhere in me. His eyes are ablaze with want and it makes me melt. Oh, I can't remember the last time someone looked at me like that. Maybe the first time Alex and I met. I don't want to think of that horrid creature right now. I quickly pull on clothes and turn back to him. He locks his eyes with mine. My knees get weak and I have to concentrate hard on standing.

"What do you want to do today?"

"Excuse me? "

"I figure since assbutt didn't come yesterday that I'd make it up to you to say," he smiles shyly.

"Oh, sure. Um I dunno whatever you want to do."

He smirks and grabs my wrist, basically dragging me out of the apartment and to his car.

"Oh, it's gorgeous, " I gently touch the hood of the car.

Dean smirks, "not as gorgeous as you,"

I flush, "no, more."

He laughs a little but I can tell he didn't like that. We get in the car and he drives. I wonder where we're going. Hm.

I smile when Dean pulls into the parking lot of the park. I look at him and he looks back at me, smiling.

"I figured since you couldn't go yesterday you could go today," he admits,getting out and opening my door. I step out and hug him gently.

"Thanks," I mutter to him then pull away.

I grab his hand and take him to the swings.

"Swings are my favorite!" I admit, getting on one and pushing my self. Dean almost instantly gets behind me and pushes me. I squeal and giggle.

"I can do it myself! I'm a big boy!" I make my face look tough like a five year old would. He chuckles but continues to push me anyways.

"So, why do you like swings so much?"

"I used to always swing with my Mom before she passed. They were her favorites, too."

"Oh," I can hear the sympathy in his voice.

"Yeah, we'd have so much fun. We'd come to the park every week, almost every day. It was our safe haven."

"Sounds fun, safe haven from what?"

"Well, my father was a drunk."

"I see."

"Anytime he'd start drinking she'd bring me here. She never let him hurt me. She was great.." my voice cracked a little thinking about her.

Dean stopped pushing me and slowly brought me to a stop, hugging me gently. "Hey, Hey it's okay."

I nodded and sniffled, trying to keep myself from crying.

"How long has it been?"

"Almost two years,"

"My Mom died when I was four," I look up at him and his pained expression.

I gently kiss his chin and he blushes and smiles at me.

"Wanna get on the see saw?" I jump up and go over to them. I hear him chuckle and follow me.

I get on one end, pulling it up so he can get on the other end. He gets on and pulls himself to the ground, pushing me into the air. I laugh as my legs dangle in the air. He pushes himself off the ground, smiling at me. I feel like a child but I don't care, it's fun. I haven't had this much fun in a while. Alex hated it when I'd act carefree and foolish. Speaking of Alex, I stop and pull out my phone, checking my messages.

Babe where are you?
Come on. Is this about last night?
I got busy!
You're being immature!
Fine, don't fucking talk to me. At least I know how you feel now.
And then one from the beloved Ruby.
Hey Queer, where did you go?

I laugh at Ruby's and reply.

M: I'm at the park with Dean. I might not be back for some time.

R: don't get pregnant

I laugh again and reply to Alex.

I'm not being immature or ignoring you, I simply did not check my phone. I'm busy with someone else who actually cares about me. Its over Alex. I thought you changed but I was wrong, obviously.

He doesn't reply and I put my phone back in my pocket. Looking up, I noticed Dean has gone off somewhere else.

"Dean? Deeeean?"

Out of nowhere, someone's arm is around my neck and a hand is covering my mouth with a wet piece of cloth. I try to get out of the person's arm but I feel cloudy in my head. Oh no I'm gonna pass out. Where's Dean? Do they have him? I hope he's okay. . . And I'm out.

Adventures in babysitting (Destiel fic)Where stories live. Discover now