One More Time

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"Oh, Cas I'm sorry it's on such short notice but can you watch Anna today, tomorrow, and Monday? Matt's boss just called and invited us on a trip to Australia for the weekend!" Mrs. Brooke babbles over the phone.

"Oh, um yes it's no problem."

"Okay, we're leaving in an hour. Is that alright?"

"I'll be there Mrs. Brooke"

"Oh, thank you Castiel! See you then," and she hangs up. She gets way too excited about things but oh well she's going to Australia. I go to my closet and grab some clothes and stuff them into a duffel bag. Forty-five minutes later and I'm knocking on their door. It opens almost instantly.

"Castiel!" she smiles brightly at me and I can't help but smile back.

"Mrs. Brooke," she lets me in and leads me to the kitchen.

"Okay, so the fridge is stuffed and Anna shouldn't run out of food and neither should you but just in case I'm leaving three hundred here for you, okay?"

Three hundred? Jeez these people have money to blow.

"I'm sure we'll be fine but thank you, ma'am." I smile kindly at her and she smiles back and travels upstairs to retrieve her husband. When she comes down she tells me Anna is asleep and they've said their good byes and that they're leaving. After they finally leave, I, of course, curl up on the couch with my blanket and watch TV. It's only about lunch time. . . I can't help but smirk a little. Pizza will be great! I call and order one. About half an hour later there's a knock on the door and I jump up to get it. I can't help but smile. I open the door and there's. . . Ruby?

"What're you-"

"You left without telling me!" She shoves by me with anger. Crap. Angry Ruby is not good Ruby.

"I'm sorry. You and Bella were kinda busy and it was a last minute deal."

"But I wanted to rent a movie and we all hang out tonight!"

Yeah, that sounds great. Oh, wait, no it sounds like us all watching the first ten minutes of a movie and Ruby and Bella making out until I tell them to go to the bedroom.

"Well, I'm sorry. Maybe another time?"

She sighs in frustration and behind me comes another knock on the door. I quickly turn and it's not Dean but it is pizza. I feel myself pout but I pay and take the pizza anyways.



"Are you going to start ordering a shit load of pizza now just to see that one guy from last week?"

"What're you talking about?"

She gives me a shut-the-fuk-up-you-know-what-I-mean look, "I saw the way the other pizza guy looked at you and you liked it!"

"Oh my gosh Ruby you say that about every guy I come in contact with."

"Because it's true! You fall for guys like that." she snaps her finger.

"Okay, Ruby. You've made your point now go."

She smirks and struts out. I eat my pizza.

Later that night there's a knock on the door. Hmm? I didn't order another pizza? I open the door and he's standing there in a low v-neck and tights jeans.

Adventures in babysitting (Destiel fic)Where stories live. Discover now