I Love Him. . .

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"Hey," he replies, looking behind me, and giving me a confused look, "Didn't I have to make that ass hole leave last week?"

"Um, yeah," I hand him some money and take the pizza. He hands me a tiny slip of paper.

"Here. Just in case you need anything," he winks and leaves.

I look at the paper and flush, seeing it's his phone number. I stuff it into my pocket and we have pizza.

The next couple of days are amazing. Alex is over the whole time, constantly giving me kisses and other things. . . A part of me is happy we're back together but I'm still scared. . . I don't want him to leave me again. I'm back at the apartment now, waiting on Alex to arrive. We're going to the park! I haven't had time to put Dean's number to use, I guess I could do so now. I pull out my phone and the piece of paper, typing in his number and pressing "call". He answers quickly.

"Hello?" his tone is stern and unbearably sexy.

"Hi, Dean? It's Cas,"

"Oh. Hey, Cas. Is everything okay? Do I need to beat that guy's ass?" his tone is dead serious but I laugh a little to lighten the mood.

"No, we're fine. I'm waiting on him to come get me! We're gonna go to the park!"

"Oh, fun. So, why'd you call?"

"I'm bored and I realized I hadn't gotten up with you since Sunday so yeah" He chuckles and even though it's through the phone, I can't but feel a little tingley.

"Ahh, did you guys have fun?"

"Oh, yes! Ruby and Bella were over though. Don't get me wrong, I love them both dearly but they're a bit too hyper," I giggle and so does he.

"So, you would've rather been alone with your boyfriend?"

"His name is Alex and," not really, "of course!"

He chuckles sadly, "Well I better go before he gets there,"

"No!" I whimper, "Stay on the phone! I'm bored! Ruby and Bella are on a date so there's no one else to talk to right now,"

"Okay, okay. I'll keep talking. So, what's up?"

"Haven't I told you?"

"Oh, right."

"What about you?"

"Messing around in my car,"

"Oh, you have a car? What kind?"

"Nineteen sixty-seven Chevy Impala,"

"Oh," fuck, that's sexy, "I bet she's gorgeous"

"Not as gorgeous as you but yes, she is,"

Did he just-? I can only manage a giggle as my cheeks stain red.

"You still there?"

"Oh, um, yeah. Sorry I just got distracted."

"Did you blush at that?"

"Maybe. . ."

"C'mon you can tell me if you did! I won't tell," I can hear him wink.

"Okay, okay. I did. On my defense, you were the one to flirt."

"Touche, I did. You know why?"

Honestly. . . "I don't know. I'm guessing it's to be nice," I giggle.

"Well, yes and because you're sexy as hell," he growls into the mic.

Oh. . . "Um,"

"It's true."

"Can we change the subject?" I giggle.

"Why? I like talking about you!"

"Well it's not my favorite subject."

"And why not? Trust me, baby, everything I'm saying is true: you're sexy and you're dating an ass fuck,"

Oh, he's an ass fuck all right.

"You don't know that! He's actually really sweet. He's just demanding and controlling sometimes."

"Oh? Then where is he?"

I check the time and realize he should've been here about ten minutes ago.

"Well, he's probably just running behind some,"

"Mhm, okay."


"What was your relationship to him before now?"

"Um boyfriends, why?"

"And you guys broke up?"

"That's none of your business, Dean."

"I'm just trying to help."

I sigh, "Okay yes we broke up, obviously."


"He didn't have feelings for me but he told me he couldn't live without me so we're trying again,"



"You sure he wasn't just sweet talking you?"

"Oh my gosh, Dean. No, he was sincere."

"Well, okay," he drags out the 'a' in okay as if to say he doesn't believe me.

"Why do you care anyways?"

"I was just wondering. I really wanna get to know you, Cas."

Oh. "Yeah, I'm sure you do."

"I do?"

"Do you just want sex? Because you are not getting it from me."

"What? No. I want to get to know you."

"Last time I heard that they only wanted sex."

"Was that Alex?"

Yes. . . "What? No. Alex loves me and I love him."

"Well, that's great! Can we still get to know each other though?"

"Do you really want to get to know me?"

"Yes, I find you intriguing."

"And not in a sex way?"

"No, Cas, if I wanted sex from you, trust me, I would've gotten it by now."


"That's not saying I don't want sex from you though. Just not right now. Ya know with you in a relationship and everything but maybe eventually if you wanted it from me to."

"You're weird Dean" I giggle.

"I know," he smirks. We have small talk. Chatting about everything. I never go into detail about myself. I'm sure he'd go running if he knew.

I check the time and realize it's been two hours since Alex was supposed to come get me.

"Of course," I mumble.

"What is it?"

"It's been two hours. I don't think Alex is gonna show," I choke up a little as small tears roll down my face.

"That ass hole. Don't worry about him, okay?"

I can't help myself and I start crying. He hasn't changed. Why did I think he would? I'm so stupid. Maybe he just forgot. . . I look at my phone and Dean has hung up. I understand why. . . I wouldn't wanna put up with me either. I cry and cry and cry. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. Oh, now he's here? After two and a half hours? I answer and it's Dean. He instantly comes in and hugs me tightly, 'shhh'ing in my ear. I'm so thankful for him. He shuts the door and takes me to the bed, getting in with me and covering us both up. I sob into his chest and he lies there allowing me to, stroking my hair. Why is he doing this? He's a sweetheart. I can't thank him enough for this. I drift off into sleep. . .

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