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You were the comedian of the crew. Thats the main reason Luffy recruited you, but you still could kick ass. Earlier you and everyone left an island, but before you all left you bought fresh underwear.

You got on top of the kitchen and put the underwear on your head. Everyone looked at you, Zoro and Nami looked done with your shit, Chopper, Luffy, and Usopp was trying to hold back their laughter, and Sanjj had a nosebleed cause the underwear on your head.

You grinned at everyone and started doing a stupid dance while singing "I'm. Too sexy for my underwear" over and over. Chopper, Luffy, and Usopp were laughing their asses off while Zoro was laughing just a little bit. Nami went up to you and punched you "Knock it off!" She screeched. You fell off the kitchen and threw the underwear at Zoro. "What the hell?!" He said ready to kill you. "Damn relax they are new, unless you want me to throw my used ones at you" you said while finger gunning away. A faint blush spread in Zoros cheeks. Now everyone besides Nami was laughing at you AND Zoro.


A Little later it was night. You saw Zoro approaching you. You grinned at him."you wanna see my real underwear i assume" you joked. He just stayed silent. You looked at him feeling like he would talk to you about something serious and blah blah blah. He grabbed your waist and pulled you into a kiss. You just looked at him eyes wide and didnt move. He pulled back and apologized. You judt grinned at him and smashed your lips on his. Sanji called out it was time for dinner, everyone was surprised when you and Zoro where walking to dinner holding hands.

309 words


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