Modern! Zoro

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You just returned home from work. You were roomies with Zoro(lucky). "Hey, doofus." You say just to be a dick to him. You went over to the fridge and grabbed a soda out. "How was your day?" You sit in the kitchen counter and smile at him. Zoro grumbled in response to being called 'doofus' once again. "It was good, how about you, asswipe?" He smirked. "Alright, now that hurts. Anyway, I'm going to go take a bath, join me if you would like!" You grin. Zoro's face reddened and he furrowed his brows frustratedly. "No, I'm busy." He smiles lazily at you as he lifted his weights.

"Ok then, suit yourself" you smirk and walked off to the bathroom. He rolled his eyes. "As if you mean that, anyway," He mumbled to himself. He picked up the weight and moved it to the dresser in his room before flopping onto his bed.

Time skip

You had finally gotten out of the bath and got dressed. "Oi, Zoro! Are you awake for once in your life?" You yell as you barge into Zoro's room. "Can you knock!" He yells at you. You just grinned and sat on his bed. "I'm bored, your boring, this apartment is boring. I want Mcdonalds..." You complain. "There's nothing I can do about that. Want to play a board game or something?" Zoro sat up from his bed and sighed. "It's not like there's anything else to do. All we can do is play on our phones or talk to each other, but we have nothing to talk about most of the time. Maybe Luffy and the others can come over but they are probably sleeping. It is about midnight, but maybe Franky and love cook are up right now. I bed Franky is building something and Love cook is fa-" You cut Zoro off. "How dare you try and say something like that in my Christian Minecraft server! Wait we can play Minecraft! Lets play Minecraft please!" You begged. "I never played... I guess it would be fun." He thinks out loud. "What?! You never played Minecraft?! I have a lot to show you!" You say excitedly.


"Wow, I see why people like this game so much." Zoro said as he was helping you build a large Minecraft house. "This game raised me when my parents didnt want too." " that's depressing" "Life is depressing. Lets listen to music!" You say out of nowhere as you turn some music on. "I didnt think you were the type to listen to Panic at the Disco." Zoro said as he listened to the music. The song you chose to play was Don't threaten me with a good time by Panic at the disco. It was your favorite song after all. You yawned and stretched. "Jeez... what time is it?" You ask Zoro as you lay back. Zoro looked at your phone. "4:20... we should head to bed soon." He said. "Nope fuck sleep." You sit back up and keep building. A little while later Zoro feels something on his lap. He looks down and sees your head laying there. You fell asleep. He blushed and sighed. "Well... I don't want to wake her, so I will just sleep here with her." He said. He just wanted an excuse to sleep in the same bed as you. He saved the game and turned the console off. He moved you into a comfortable position and laid next to you. He wrapped his arms around you and soon fell asleep.

That morning...

You woke up in the afternoon. Zoro wasn't awake yet. As you begin to wake up you realize Zoro was holding you. You blush but don't try to leave. It felt like you haven't been held in forever. You move closer to him and smile to yourself. "Wait, why would he hold me? Does he have a crush on me or something?" You think as you zone out. You feel him moving around and then he gets up. You pretend to be asleep just so things aren't as weird as they would be. Around fifteen minutes later you get up and get ready for the day. After all that you go and greet Zoro. "Hey, good morning... or afternoon." You say with a smile. Zoro is lifting weights. When he sees you he blushes and looks down. "Hm? Whats wrong?" You ask. "N-nothing." He says as he keeps lifting weights. "Um. Ok." You go and sit by him. "We should invite everyone over cause I'm bored as shit." "They are probably busy. Maybe we can go grab some lunch." He says as he sets his weight down carefully. "Sounds like fun, let's go!" You say as you get up and drag him out of the apartment. You and his walk to the closest place that has food. Soon you come across a Dennys. "Milf Dennys..." you whisper. "Wanna go in?" "Nope" "ok."


You and Zoro soon come across a Starbucks. "Want coffee?" You ask Zoro. "Hmm... Sure why not" you two go it and neither of you orders a coffee. You order a (favorite drink) and Zoro gets water. You both sit at the table and drink your drinks while holding a conversation. "Hey, look who walked in." Zoro says. You whip your head around. Standing in line is Nami and Robin. Right as your about to call out to them Zoro covers your mouth. "Let them order first." He says. "Um ok...?" You think nothing of it and you both finish your drinks. As you head over to your friends Zoro picks you up and leaves. When you get outside he still doesn't set you down. "Whats wrong? Are you mad at them or something?" You ask with a worried look on your face. "I want to talk to you about something, y/n." Zoro sighs. He sets you down on a bench and sits next to you. "What is it? You can tell me anything!" You start to panic a little. "I want to keep it simple. Ok? I- I love you... Y/n." He says "I know you don't feel the same but-" You cut him off with a kiss. His eyes widened and soon he kissed back. After a few seconds, you both pull back for air. "Doofus, I love you too" you both smile. Zoro holds you in a warm embrace. He has been planning the day he would tell you how he felt and it finally happened at last...

1091 words...

Jeez... I'm sorry it took so long I kept getting busy or forgetting about it! But here ya go. Thank you for 1000+ reads, tho! You guys are like the fucking best, I-

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