Dance lessons AU! Zoro(kinda boring chapter tbh)

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"What?! Im not doing this!" Zoro yells as he tries leaving "We are already here! Its not gonna be bad! Have you even tried it?" You say while grabbing him and dragging Zoro back inside.

He tries escaping, so you kick him in the balls. Zoro cries out in pain and falls to the floor "Ow! My dick!" He cries. "Well stop resisting!" You say. You pick Zoro up and bring him into the studio. "Ah! Hello hello! Oh, why is he on your shoulder... is he..." the dance instructor said, confused. "Help." Zoro said

Time skip

"Stop steping on my feet!" You cry. Zoro backs off and rubs the back of his neck"Yea yea... sorry." He sighs. "Alright, should we do a new dance?" The instructor asks "Yes, Please!" Zoro cries. "Alrighty! We will do the salsa!" The instructor claps.
(Skip this part)
"Salsa is a rhythmic latin dance with its origins in Cuban culture. Salsa dancers move their feet to the beat of the music, and are influenced by the movements of the cha-cha, mambo, and African styles as well. When dancing salsa, dancers often add their own flair by moving their hips and upper body in coordination with the basic foot work. Step one is Listen to music to hear the beat. All music has a beat or basic rhythm to it that can be counted. Music has a certain number of beats per measure, which is usually 3,4 or 6 beats. In salsa music there are 4 beats per measure. The basic salsa dance step uses 2 measures of music, or 8 beats. Try clapping the rhythm of the music while counting 1-8.
Beginners should use salsa music that has a slower beat and an accented percussion. This will help you hear the beat in the music." The instructor goes on and on. "Clap the rhythm of the steps. The basic salsa step uses 8 beats to complete, however you don't step on all 8 beats. Your feet move on beats 1,2,3 with a pause on beat 4; you step again on beats 5,6,7 and pause on beat 8. Clap when you will be stepping, and don't clap when you don't step to understand the rhythm of the dance step.
The rhythm will be clap-clap-clap-pause-clap-clap-clap-pause. Repeat this rhythm thr-"
(Ok boring over)
Zoro interupts the instructor
"can you just show us?! In getting sick of this!" Zoro yells at the instructor.

"Fine! Leave then you ungreatful scum!" The instructor kicked us out. We both walked to the car in silence. "Look, y/n im so-" You stop Zoro with a kiss. "Its you fine, i hated it too" you say while grinning at Zoro.

452 words

Ik i dropped my phone making this so it had stuff like

"Thr man quality Yua Ito snack"


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