[1] Nimrod

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He walked in, the way his bright green eyes darted around the maths classroom, almost observing what class he was going to have to sit in for the next hour made my stomach feel some sort of way.

"You're late," Our maths teacher grunted. Already in an obvious bad mood.

The boy waved him off, like he just didn't care and found a seat in the class right behind me sitting down.

At first, ignoring the queasy feeling in my stomach, I thought nothing of this guy. I mean, I could've even probably forgot about him if he hadn't just began tapping on his desk right behind my back. Clicking his pen over and over, did he have some sort of problem staying still?

There was only so much I could take, so when the class began to talk amongst themselves, I took my moment to say something. "Quit it!" I snapped Turning around, my eyes were boring into his. As he smirked. Still clicking his pen.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his smirk growing bigger. His green eyes staring straight back into mine.

"You clicking your pen you Nimrod!"

"Nimrod?" He repeated with a laugh, before glancing away from me. "I haven't heard that one in a while."

"Yeah whatever, just stop with that!"

He looked back at me, that annoying smirk on his face getting bigger. "You're pretty when you're angry y'know. but if you don't mind... I'm trying to work. Could you stop it with the shouting?"

I parted my lips to say something. But nothing even came out. So I turned around feeling like an idiot.

"Thanks." I heard him mumble behind me, chuckling to himself. "I also like your little nick name for me. 'Nimrod', am I gonna get your name or can I just refer to you as sweetheart or something cliché?"

I turned around, now I was the one smirking. "Aww thats sweet y'know, but I'm trying to work. So could you be quiet?" I turned back around, proud with myself.

"You're feisty,"

"Your obnoxious," I retorted back, not even turning around to face him. But his voice, his eyes, he, he just gave me butterflies all the way around my body.

"Alright Sassafras,"

"Billie joe! Be quiet!" Our maths teacher shouted.

Billie Joe. Gosh did I know that name. I've heard all around bad things about that bastard. And of course fair shares from the sorry suckers who find him attractive. But whoever he was, since as I'd never spoken to him before, he sounded like a dick. But, I didn't realise he was in the room?

I think everyone knew him. But I only knew his name and the bad stories. I'd heard descriptions of his face but I mean- never spoke to him.

Not that I'd want to. He seems like a fucker.

"Sorry sir," The boy behind me apologised half arsed.

Oh great. So you're meaning to tell me that he's Billie Joe!? Fuck. What have I gotten myself into.

I bit my lip. Sort of embarrassed.

"I like talking to you, you're good fun. But maybe not while this nimrods in the room," I heard him whisper from behind, I felt the breeze. The way he quoted nimrod. The way he said I was good fun, and he liked talking to me. What is this guys aim here?

When it reached to dinner I rushed out the class to avoid him trying to have any more of a conversation with me. Finding my three only friends in the cafeteria: Kennedy, Layla and Mae.

And since being embarrassed of how I'd already started trouble with the fucking Billie Joe. Like a bumbling idiot, I spilled my guts to them like gossip over the cafeteria table.

"Billie joe!? You already flirted with Billie fucking joe!?" Mae shouted in shock, a little excitement in there too.

"Y'know I've never thought about you and Billie Joe before but I can kinda see it happening?" Kennedy smiled clasping her hands together

"No no! We wasn't flirting! At least, I wasn't!" I told them.

"Echo. You do realise this is Billie Joe. You're sure as hell in for a ride with that guy you know?" Layla tried to level with me. "Getting tangled up with Billie Armstrong might be one of the worst or best decision of your life." She almost warned.

"She's got a point," Mae agreed. "I have heard he does just go in for the sex then ditch a girl off,"

Of course I didn't even plan on having anything with Billie Joe. Hell, I didn't even wanna be this guys friend. So I was about to tell them all their information and warnings weren't needed until Kennedy spoke back up.

"But! Hey! He might feel different about Echo, we can't be sure!" Kennedy smiled to them putting her hand on my shoulder speaking loudly.

"Guys I'm not interested in-"

"-There he is!" Layla hushed cutting me off, as all our heads whipped around to see the one and only. Billie, walking with two other boys, into the cafeteria hall.

We were sat at the end of our table long row of a table. In school the tables were long rows across the cafeteria. Which yes in all fairness made it look like some sort of young offenders prison but surprisingly you got away with a lot here. As walking proof Billie Joe shows.

The four of us had kept a record of sitting at this exact spot for most of our school years here. Right besides where the other kids line up to grab their shitty school meals from where the diner ladies sold the food.

From here you could hear all sorts of conversations people shared whilst lining up waiting for their shitty food. Which was convenient if that bitch you couldn't stand lately gets in line and you hear the worst details about her life, or maybe that boy who hit you up on the weekend with no explanation, or even that one friend that's been acting weird around you lately.

But getting in line. Was Billie Joe and his friends.

"Hey... is it just me or his friend on the lefts kinda cute." Mae whispered over getting distracted.

Layla elbowed her. Shushing her. "Shush Mae,"

We all went quiet.

"Yeah, I never even caught her name!" He emphasised to his friends as they joined the line close to our table, of course not realising us since we weren't in their vision at all.

"Damn that sucks," One replied. Obviously not caring.

"Mike I'm serious!"

"Sounds it." His other friend joined in. As the two friends laughed at his expense.

"Guys I'm for real, I sat behind her just casually. And then- out of nowhere she just calls me a nimrod!"

All the girls looked at me knowing how the story went, with wide eyes and hopeful smiles.

"Just cause she called you a nimrod doesn't mean she'll become the love of your life Beej!"

"I'm not saying she is! I'm just saying she was pretty fucking hot. But I didn't even get her name."

Once they finally got to the front of the line and cut their conversation short to grab food. We watched them walk away re entering the topic of me and my no name.

All our eyes stayed on them watching them exit the cafeteria, and once they was out, they all turned to me. Mae was the first to speak.

"That was about you!" She squealed.

"Echo he called you hot!" Kennedy smiled.

"You gotta prepare now. He might be major flirting with you from now on Echo," Mae laughed wiggling her eyebrows to me.

"What do I do?"

"Flirt back! Give him your name! Play hard to get!" Kennedy guided me.

I was overwhelmed.

I nodded taking all the advice in they were still spilling me with.

I can do this.

Nimrod // B.J.A Fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now